Review of Andre

Andre (1994)
A forgotten gem that is extremely underrated
27 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Andre is based on a true story about a seal who's mother died and is raised by a little girl called Toni(played by Tina Marinjo) and her father played by Keith Carradine and his wife played by Chelsea Field. Toni of course is a very shy girl who hasn't got any real friends and is bulled in school with some girl called Mary.Of course she meets Andre as her father brings him home because his land is in trouble and its to dangerous for him to be left in sea. So Andre becomes part of the family. But Toni's sister is jealous of Andre and hates him because he ruined her day as she was doing something in the festival and has boy trouble with a boy played by a very young Joshua Jackson from Dawson Creek.

So will Andre get back to his own sea and go into the wild or will he be left at the Aquarium?

Bottom line I own this on VHS since I was a little girl and I really enjoyed this movie.I seen it about 2 nights ago as I normally watch it every year once and I love animal movies anyway so if you love animals than check it out. The story is very endearing and heartwarming and the cast was great especially the girl Tina Majorino who was in Grey's Anatomy in 2013 for a few episodes. Also the backgrounds are nice too as the film is set in Maine New England.

Overall its a 7. And if you haven't seen it yet than get it in Amazon at a reasonable price.
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