The Get Down (2016–2017)
A good history review; The origin of Hip Hop - If there should be one.
22 August 2016
Watched with my 20 yr old Son before he left for College. After getting past the poor acting and the feeling that I was watching the "Last Dragon II" I was able to explain the arc of music. My generation is fortunate to see the emergence of Reggie, decline of Rock & Roll, decrease of R&B bands/Groups & death of Disco. All this over a twenty year period. Which is now mark with the rise of Hip Hop & Rap which continues today. This opened a discussion over the parallel arc of drugs from LSD, Heroin, PCP & Crack. Furthermore we were able to talk about politics cause and effects, crime, gangs, inner city life etc. Bottom line I was able to show him how good he has it. He didn't have to worry about what color to wear or neighborhood to avoid. He was well feed and never had to check a Payphone for a forgotten quarter. His life is full of electronics, color TV and wireless phones. But the downward trend of the creative bands and R&B groups will leave a hole in his generation. Which is why most movies are rehashed, poorly acted repeats or saga's. And although this series is fresh and new the characters, Director and Writers are wack, look too young and give no life to what Could have been a great story.
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