Review of Human

Human (I) (2015)
The best documentary of the moment
7 December 2016
Yann Arthus-Bertrand made the choice to give up completely to let the words of these men and women, freely frolic, opening their testimonies to the universal. To those who will oppose the length, the slowness of this film, I would advise them to slip into the meditative contemplation of these images, so little season in 2015, to my chagrin ...

There are these battered women who have risen up after the torture, this prisoner who is waiting on death row and questioning the meaning of life, these former soldiers devastated by the violence lived, those survivors of the bombings or Of the death camps in Cambodia, those homosexuals who lived only in rejection, this former soldier who says his desire to kill again, those fixed glances which sometimes say madness or obsession. Everywhere, pain, suffering, death, the labor of an absolutely dramatic life, poverty that can not be imagined, the soil that a father joins, defeated, unable to feed his children.

There are also these smiles, those shining skins, those deep eyes-black, blue, gold-those wonderful and vivid colors (the black skin of that African beauty under her pink veil) Happiness of the family, love, the beauty of the world that knows how to show oneself to those who really know how to look: Yann Arthus-Bertrand has managed the feat of showing us how similar we are all in the same boat- Earth...

Two moments have reversed me: when a father in tears says that only the Love of the Other can save the world (Buddhism does not say anything else) and, towards the end, this black woman , Who confesses to living in poverty and offers to those who watch her to exchange their lives with hers, just to see ..

A magnificent documentary, served by landscapes on the border of the real as they are magical (waves, deserts, Mongolian plains ... and this image of ending like tree of blood in the snow, or blood vessels caught in the Ice, breathtaking), which delivers existential, metaphysical and universal truths that will open up all those who will take the time to let themselves be embarked, to let their human sensibility take the helm.

Thank you, Mr. Arthus-Bertrand, thank you for giving us this gift, even if it is not received without tears ...
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