Finding Dory (2016)
7 February 2017
The movie itself was in my opinion disappointing. Maybe it's just me being grown up (which I doubt) but the movie was just lacking so much. Didn't laugh or even smile once throughout the movie. It was just meh i didn't feel like there was any humor in the movie and there wasn't any exciting parts either. After more than 10 years from finding Nemo to this it's just disappointing. I'm not saying it's bad, i'm just saying it's not as good as expected. There wasn't any part where i felt danger or where i felt that dory getting lost was actually important at all Music didn't make me feel anything through the whole movie. Animation could've been better as well. Could probably still be a good movie for kids but for people who already watched finding Nemo and who watches lots of movies its just not worth the money
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