DragonHeart (1996)
Entertaining fantasy movie with thrills , emotion and state-of-art special effects bringing the fabulous dragon to life
8 October 2018
¨Dragonheart¨ by Rob Cohen boasts a fine cast as Dennis Quaid , Dina Meyer , Jason Isaacs and Julie Christie . Spellbound Dragon picture with overwhelming fights and sensational scenarios . This film blends witchcraft and wizardry , adventures , battles and is extremely fun and amusing . It is set in the 10th century , A.D. An upright knight , Bowen (Dennis Quaid), is the mentor of a rockie prince . Many years later , the young prince becomes a nasty King . Then , the one-time preceptor Bowen spontaneously meets a dragon named Drake (voice by Sean Connery) and joins forces a feisty girl called Kara (Dina Meyer) to vanquish the dictator King . Both of them unite a free-breathing dragon to defeat the villain King . As Bowen and Draco carry out a set-up to get money and collect a reward from the town or village that he protects , as he supposedly slays Draco and then by hunting the dragon who had been terrorizing them. From there, Bowen and Draco have to save the entire kingdom from the rule of the now evil King . They inspire the people to fight for their freedom and taking on a tyrannical ruler. All of them get together to battle and protect themselves from a ruthless King .

This is a big budget film with sympathetic performances , great characters and gorgeous scenarios .There's some slow spots but the enjoyable relationship between Bowen and Draco make for a fun pairing . The huge dragon does seem , well , real , thanks to the splendid work carried out by Industrial , Light and Magic's expertices as Phil Tippet , along with Kit Weist .This fantasy movie packs noisy action , witchery , fantastic events , sorcery , impressive battles and a little bit of humor . Likable performance by Dennis Quaid and a young David Thwelis as the villainous , evil-hearted King .The story has many familiar dragon motifs found throughout Western culture , in particular Saint George and the Dragon, in which maiden sacrifices were made to appease a harassing dragon. Saint George's tale also includes a sacrificial lottery resulting in the surprise condemnation of a princess , Saint George is also frequently depicted with a magic blessed lance or a sword . Smart screenplay by Charles Pogue dealing with fantasy medieval , dragons , necromancy , fantastic kingdoms and many other things . Entertaining and fun movie with acceptable special effects bringing the dragon to life . Work on dragons made by CG sometimes seem authentic , but is also noted its computer realization . It is entertaining and funny and with decent computer generator special effects bringing the dragon to life . The movie was produced in enough by Raffaella De Laurentiis (Dino's daughter) . Musical score by Randy Edelman is excellent and memorable . As well as a colorful and glimmering cinematography by David Eggby . The motion picture was well directed by Rob Cohen . It's a familiar film but is specially appointed to kids .

The picture belongs to Fantasy/Dragon sub-genre ; other important films dealing with Dragons are the following ones : the sequel ¨Dragonheart , a new beginning¨ 2000 by Doug Lelfer , a regular follow-up with little budget and average FX , including unlikely premise from the first part to be continued in a similar plot , there is also a last dragon and a young knight that dreams of becoming a brave knight in shining armor with Chris Marterson , voice by Robby Benson , Figueroa and Harry Von Gorkum ; ¨Dragonheart 3 The sorcerer's curse¨ 2015 by Colin Teague with Ben Kingsley , Julian Morris , Jake Curran ; ¨Dragonheart 4 Battle for the heartfire¨ 2017 by Patrick Syversen with Patrick Stewart , Andre Eriksen , Tom Rhys ;¨Dragom Storm¨ (2004) by Stephen Furst with Maxwell Caufield , Angel Boris , Tony Amendola and John Rhys Davies ; and other latter day movies and belonging to this Dragons sub-genre are ¨Reign of fire¨ (2002) by Rob Bowman with Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey , Izabella Scorupco , and Gerard Butler ; ¨Eragon¨ (2006) by Stephen Fangmeier with Edward Speleers , Robert Carlyle , Sienna Gullory and John Malkovich .
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