Thoroughbreds (2017)
A mostly satisfying crime movie
13 April 2020
I'm confused about how many reviews here seem to label this a comedy. I won't deny there could be some dark humour to be found here, if you're so inclined, but it didn't feel like a comedy to me. It has a plot and some themes that some may compare to Heathers, but that movie feels does genuinely feel like a comedy to me. This one honestly felt a good deal more serious, and grounded too.

It felt to me like an exploration of mental illness and dark, psychological desires, with one main character who feels too little and another who maybe feels too much, and how they use each other to try and balance themselves out. They bond together and share a dark fantasy which the movie is centred around: a good deal of suspense is milked from the mystery of whether or not they'll go as far as they say they want to.

The two lead performances are both very good, as is Anton Yelchin- I believe this was his final film. He was definitely an actor taken from this world too soon, and even though he isn't the lead here, he shines in the scenes he's given, and it's a good swan song for his strong but all too brief career. He's convincing here as a pathetic, somewhat creepy character who's delusional, but you nevertheless still feel a bit sorry for him.

It takes a little longer than expected to get going plot-wise, but a solid chunk of this movie is really good. The ending left something to be desired for me- while it's not bad, and not strictly unsatisfying, it was a little sudden. Sometimes a sudden ending needs to be thought about for a while before it clicks, but it's been almost a week since I watched this now, and that hasn't happened. It's not awful and it doesn't ruin the movie; more that it might hold it back from being something great, rather than simply quite good.

It's an easy movie to recommend for those in the mood for a dark, tense, psychological drama/thriller. Or I guess if you have a really dark sense of humour, you might find it to be a satisfying comedy like others have?
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