A hollow movie about a heavy subject
21 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this trailer multiple times the last few times I went to the movie theater before the pandemic started, and I found the trailer pretty exciting. I thought, "Really interesting cast for this type of movie. This looks like it has potential, but it could go both ways..."

Well, ummmmmmm, it definitely went one way, pretty intensely. Not in a good way. The characters are so hollow it almost feels weird to even call them characters. They all feel like parodies of stereotypical archetypes. The protagonist is fully unlikable, and it's the first time I've seen Carey Mulligan in a role where she's as such. Like. Yeah, obviously she's "fighting for a good cause", except she does it in a really horrible, counterproductive manner. It's difficult to tell what the director intended for the audience to feel while watching this film. At first, it feels like it's supposed to be a fun revenge-style B-movie, but you quickly realize that it's almost never funny even when it tries to be and it has almost zero violence, so, it actually has none of the characteristics that would make a B-movie fun. I also figured it would be campy, but it's mostly camp-free as well. It feels like they attempt camp on occasion but it falls flat, especially because it's so seldom and does not match the tone of the rest of the material. I feel like the movie would work way better if these dudes were getting their heads chopped off. On a similar note, there are a lot of attempts of creating either tension or emotional resonance by way of very serious subject matter, but due to the fact that the characters and script are otherwise so one-dimensional, they mostly all fall flat as well. There's not really anyone on the cast who does particularly well with this material, but I'm gonna chalk it up more to the writing and directing here. I'm sure they did the best they could. Alison Brie probably did the best out of anyone, but she's only in two scenes.

The last half hour was perhaps the only compelling part of the film, and the only part that features anything beyond surface level concepts. However, it had some pretty big plot holes IMO. You'd think the point of this film would be to make you cheer for the woman getting revenge on men, but the way it wraps up doesn't really give you satisfaction in that department, or any other for that matter. The wrap-up is intriguing and there were a couple of elements I was not expecting, but it also felt like it didn't actually make enough sense as an ending.

So, not many redeeming values here. What I do appreciate about the movie is its ambition. Other than that, almost nothing. I would not recommend.
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