Not just one story ... unfortunately
26 August 2021
I reckon it is or will be easy to dismiss what happens here for some. Unfortunately that does not make the things that are depict in here untrue. From a male perspective you may see different valid points throughout this ... you may feel that certain things do not apply to you. And maybe they don't - that doesn't mean that they don't exist. I know it feels like I'm repeating myself ... something the movie does avoid.

Which is quite the feat, considering what it is about and how she goes on a hunt (prowl?) at nights ... I was not sure what she was doing and the movie did leave it upon a bit ... but it does clear up during the runtime. Now she is broken and we slowly get why that is. It is revealed in the right way, even while we do sort of know or feel that we know most of it.

What is a nice touch, we never see anything in that regard. There is no sleaze, there is no (visible) exploitation going on. That does not mean it is easy to watch ... or listen to what is happening. I personally am not a fan of the term feminist, but this movie may change your mind regarding that or other things.

There are borderline things happening and our main character is not perfect. That does not mean she does not deserve something good ... and it does look like she can have. If she can bring herself to let go ... on the other hand, there is more than meets the eye. Way more ... and the ending ... I'm not going to spoil it for you, but let's say I did not expect that at all.

Very well told and truths that do hurt ... but are essential to be seen ... and learned from (hopefully)
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