A Fun And Unique Ride
5 January 2022
The film has a fairly leisurely pace to it, it's a bit of a slow burn for sure, but a very welcome one. There are so many interesting and enjoyable things in this film. It's part road movie and part heist film really. It's a fun film with Jeff Bridges playing a fairly eccentric and irreverent young character and Clint playing the more experienced and relaxed tough guy role. George Kennedy is also very good, and the film definitely finds it's share of funny moments. Michael Cimino was an interesting writer/director who in fact credits Clint Eastwood with giving him his directorial start with this film. Eastwood was apparently given the right by the studio to fire Cimino early on in the filming of this, but obviously never chose to do so. He co-wrote a couple of the earlier Dirty Harry scripts and then wrote and directed this film entirely. Cimino preferred to take his time in delivering his films, especially his early ones where he was given more control over them. In doing so, he really created a few films with some very interesting, well developed and not so standard characters. This is a very strong directorial debut. It really is too bad that Heaven's Gate was later considered a failure for him to some degree, as it seems after that film and he has talked about this, that he was no longer given the same kind of control over his filmmaking that he had previously enjoyed. I would've liked to see a lot more of his cinematic visions in full. Cimino was definitely an interesting, somewhat unique and patient artist. Hollywood studios on the other hand, sadly have rarely been patient with many artistic filmmakers.

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