Sweet Carolina (2021 TV Movie)
Good intentions in Carolina
10 March 2022
Expectations were higher here in 'Sweet Carolina' than for most of the 2021 Hallmark films. The setting is beautiful and really did like the idea of the story. It was great to have something more family relationship oriented in a more grown up way (Hallmark are no strangers though to that kind of film and actually have done it quite well and at times very well) rather than the typical formulaic Hallmark romantic comedy type of film. Have always found Lacey Chabert and Tyler Hynes watchable.

'Sweet Carolina' certainly is watchable, actually found it decent and appreciated its good intentions and its approach to family relationships. Did think however that it could have done it better, 'Sweet Carolina' could easily have been great but instead it was more decent but uneven. Considering its potential, it was a little disappointing. A lot is great, with the scenery and acting standing out, but there are things that could have been done better, for all its good intentions the story is patchy.

Am going to start mentioning the good. It is a very good looking film, with the star of the film being the absolutely beautiful scenery. Something that all the 2021 Hallmark films so far have had in common pretty much. The music scoring is not too constant, over-bearing or intrusive, things that can be the case with Hallmark. Chabert gives a very charming and moving performance as a flawed but relatable character, even showing off an anguished side that doesn't come over as overwrought. Hynes is suitably sympathetic and they are believable together.

While not being too impressed with the way his character was written, Gregory Harrison does give his all. Teryl Rothery is also a strong presence. The chemistry between all is genuine and has intensity and pathos. Did like the honesty and maturity of the script, while not taking itself too seriously. The story isn't perfect, but the conflicts are realistic and easy to relate to and there is strong poignancy without being too sentimental.

Do agree though that the surprise guardianship was too much of a stretch and too out of the blue, even for the circumstances, and that the film doesn't start off too promisingly, it felt dull and felt over-heated dramatically. Harrison's character could have done with much more subtlety, for instance his controlling is overdone in the writing and it did unbalance the early portions of the film. Am not blaming Harrison, but the writing.

Furthermore, while Hynes plays his role well his character comes over as unnecessary as the film does so little with him. He and Chabert are believable together, but their relationship is very under-developed, gets lost amidst everything else and also is not used anywhere near enough. The children are on the cloying side.

In conclusion, decent and well-intentioned though needed more consistency. 6/10.
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