Not ENTIRELY Without Its Merit
7 February 2023
A Serbian Film is a nasty, gritty, filthly little movie. It pushes the boundaries and isn't afraid to "go there," even if the "there" it's going for is gross-out gore, jaw-dropping taboos and intense scenes of sexuality that, at the very least, feel like they should be illegal.

Ignoring the shock antics of the film (for just a moment), the movie itself is largely average. The first 45 minutes or so are an absolute slog of slow-moving storytelling, which really builds to something of a character study as the movie progresses. However, the last half-hour or so, gore and sex aside, are a rather interesting story, told in a really unique way.

Now, most people who watch this movie won't be able to see past some of the more intense scenes of gore. And, while they obviously look fake on-screen, it's a dealbreaker for many... and rightfully so. This is relentlessly gritty and holds nothing back. It's not a pleasant film to see, but it does portray a rather intense image of the exploitation of the porn industry.

Overall, I probably wouldn't recommend you watch this movie. Especially if you have a history of abuse of any kind, because this movie is dripping with it. Personally, it was average but not terrible. I probably won't watch it again, but I don't exactly regret having seen it.
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