11 October 2023
Dear David Gordon Greene,

Please stop taking horror franchises and trying to spin new trilogies out of them. Seriously.

This movie is so wildly inconsistent with the movie it's supposed to be a sequel to. The tone doesn't match the original, the possession is no more special than the hundred other copy-and-paste "demon possession" movies we have out there. It's quite bloated, the acting is bland at best, the storyline falls completely flat, it relies solely on jump scares that don't land, overall it's just a boring movie. I don't remember the last time I sat and stared at the time on my phone in a movie theater as much as I did watching this.

Ellen Burstyn is the only saving grace this movie has, and her talent was largely wasted in this one. She isn't given nearly enough screen time and, although she does a very good job delivering her material, she's working with a piece of garbage script that is completely inconsistent with her character in the original (and, since this is a sequel, it's fair to compare the two). This movie was a letdown from start to finish, in every department.

The only good thing to happen in this nearly two-hour mess happens in the very end and, since I obviously can't spoil it, you're going to have to watch it for yourself, but the only thing in this movie that grabbed me happened at the very end, right before the credits rolled. It's the only positive I can talk about with other people when it comes to this movie, sadly.

I wanted to love this movie so badly. But, given the fact that it's provided to us from the man responsible for the fan service-dependent Halloween trilogy that recently wrapped up, I guess I got exactly what I paid for. As a diehard fan of Friedkin's masterpiece, I was bitterly disappointed and I'm now a little ashamed to even say I watched it.
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