Grease 2 (1982) Poster


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Grease 2 : The Rydell Hype
happipuppi134 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I was 14, I saw this movie over summer vacation.

Naturally, having seen Grease and like anyone else who saw it, I didn't think it possible to make a sequel.

Either, 'at all' or to make one that wasn't as good as the first.

Now at that age, I did like the movie and understood it wouldn't star Travolta or Olivia Newton John (who were too busy making so-so or even worse films at the time.)

I got to re-watch this recently, first time in a long while.

First, to all of you who truly love this movie, if you love it that's fine but I honestly can't like it as much as you do.

I feel the characters, some of the songs just don't have the heart that made "Grease" enjoyable for me.

Unlike the first, it seems no one in this movie really cares about anyone but themselves... but, I can't totally dismiss it either. There are some good things in the movie, it's true. Too bad it's all in the first half only.

In the opening, Sandy's cousin Michael Carrington has come to live in the U. S. and attend Rydell High in California like she did.

In this case, he's a 'male' Sandy & Pink Lady 'Stephanie Zinone' is the female 'Danny Zuko'. She of course thinks he's a nerd & uninteresting. He meets up with Frenchy (Didi Conn) as he gets off the school bus.

After this scene, Didi Conn pretty much vanishes.

It's not long before he's fallen for Stephanie, who's getting sick of the immaturity and bossiness of current T-Bird leader Johnny Nogerelli, who's only her boyfriend only because she's a Pink Lady. Michael decides (despite Frenchy's warning) to try and become a T-Bird type himself and win Stephanie's love & respect.

In mere weeks (in movie time) he's practically Evel Knievel on a motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket and disguising his voice in a weird deeper American voice. He single handedly takes on & defeats the T-Birds rival gang outside the bowling alley.

Anyway, up to the point of the " Prowlin' " number, it was a good movie. Then it all falls apart.

Right after that is a somewhat dull scene in a diner with Michael & Stephanie. An even duller song by Caufield, "Charades" with way too much echo effect) the goofy fallout shelter scene and a bit later, the unbelievably embarrassing and badly staged 'Graduation Luau' .

I have to say this, for being a young actress at the time, Pfeiffer's is the best actor of all in the whole film. .... but has no choice but to somehow get through the scene of her and Zmed in the boat in a round swimming pool.

Johnny's actually trying to row his way out, when the rival gang shows up to wreck the place.... and her screaming "Stop yelling at me!"

Another question...why ask Sid Cesar, Dody Goodman, Eve Arden to appear, when they really didn't give them much to do in the film? I feel their talents were wasted here. It's more like they're extras than real characters. As mentioened, even Frenchy disappears after awhile.

Tab Hunter & Connie Stevens don't seem to add much to the mix either. He plays a straight arrow type teacher, she's a fairly promiscuous one.

Again, in the first half, the musical numbers are really good. Which gives the impression it's going to be a great movie.

The opening number, "Back To School Again" (sung in a voice over by The Four Tops) is a great one. The dancing is perfect and the song's exciting.

Other good numbers are Pfeiffer's "Cool Rider" (sort of 1980s Pat Benetar, being sung in 1961, with MTV like moves). Still, one of her best remembered moments in the film.

"Score Tonight" (sung in the bowling alley) is more of a funny song than one to be taken seriously. Still, it works in how it's put together. "Reproduction", despite it's incredibly tacky lyrics, is also funny and it's routine works too.

" Prowlin' " - Sung by Adrian Zmed (depending on your opinion of his singing of course) and "You're Girl For All Seasons" are great too.

The rest of the songs, "Who's That Guy?, "Love Will Turn Back The Hands Of Time", "Do It For Our Country", "Rock-A-Hula Luau" and "We'll Be Together" .... are anywhere from dull to just really uninspired songwriting.

There's even the bad edit from ONLY Stephanie & Michael starting the "We'll Be Together" number, to everyone in less than a second, all coupled up (including them) and slow dancing / walking to the camera. Topped off with some silly 'spinning and/or 'ballet' like routine.

So, all of this, is why I'm rating it 5 stars.

A good jump start in the first half but a 2nd half that gets lost and runs out of gas on the way to the finish line. (END)
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Louis DiMucci
DrGonzo-27 June 1999
O.K. I do admit that the movie is beyond bad, but I have to say that Peter Frechette (a.k.a. Louis DiMucci) was adorable! He has a pretty good singing voice as well. Plus I think the "Let's do it for our Country" song is hilarious. He was the best actor in that movie. Even more believable than Michelle Pfeiffer. I give it a 6 because of him.
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So Bad It's ALMOST Good!!!
deetdee1215 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Much to the distress of my husband, I watched this entire train wreck last night and still found myself eerily entranced by it. In many ways, it's a shame that it IS so bad, the choreography is actually quite good (though frequently lost to very bad edits), with some very good dancing by the extras (much like the original, no less).

But of course, that can't save horrible acting, tuneless songs (of which there are FAR too many) and an absurd "plot". And I don't even mean how Michael becomes a cyclist who out rides guys with years of practice under their belt in less than six months, either. Cause even THAT'S not nearly so unthinkable as: A) the teasing Stephanie is subject to over Michael's crush. Granted, he's a "nerdy bookworm", but he's clearly an incredibly handsome nerdy bookworm, while the "cool guys" are all dorky looking and acting---making one wonder if perhaps ALL the Pink Ladies need glasses.

B) totally hot twin cheerleaders are portrayed as icky prisses that no guy wants----but disheveled Stephanie (and yes, I do consider Michelle to be a very beautiful woman, just not in this movie), in a greasy sweatshirt has every boy panting wildly---as do the other, plain at best, Pink Ladies.

C) That anyone could buy any of the pushing 30 actors in this thing as "teens".

But past that, it's strangely compelling--and fun to watch in a heinous, "Saved by the Bell" kind of way..
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Back to School
AppleAsylum13 August 2002
You know, Grease 2 has taken a lot of flack & extensive bad reviews for not living up to the original. I really don't think that is to fair considering the cast was totally different. Granted there was no super-star-pop-icon like Olivia Newton-John. There wasn't the hot-70's & 80's actor John Travolta. However, there were some great stars in this film. The writing may have been a little less than perfect...the direction might not have been up to par. But for me, being EXTREMLY young when both Grease 1 & 2 came out, I never compared the two. I think they are two different films with the same "type" of concept. The music was good. The dance scenes are good. & yes, even the story is okay. Grease mania is about being a devoted fan... that is something I am. I liked both of these films on two different levels. Grease without a doubt is the better of the two. But this one is not as bad as the negativity everyone feeds into it. If see one, see the other. Just note that they are both FUN movies! Nothing more. The sequel centers around Sandy's cousin Michael. He is in love with Stephanie, & trys EVERYTHING possible to win her over. The Pink Ladies are still cooler than ever. The T-Birds are not as tuff, but are sexy! 1-10 Grease(10) Grease2(8) Z.
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Dirty and Disturbing
katstar19825 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I was 11, Grease 2 was like crack. It was a classless, shameful, euphoric, and powerfully addictive experience. My sister and I would watch it, rewind it, and watch it over again and again and again until we passed out or became too confused and hostile to stand one another. So, if you are an 11-year old girl, and you reviewed this film as "brilliant" or "fun" or "better than the original Grease," you have your fledgling adolescent hormones to blame and you can rest assured that this unyielding fixation with utter rubbish will pass.

If, however, you are not a little girl, you have absolutely no excuse to suggest that Grease 2 was anything but an inane, artless, slipshod embarrassment for all who participated in its production, distribution, and/or consumption.

For the sake of criticism, I will dignify the film now by explaining why it blows…

1. In a well-executed musical, the songs should advance the narrative or develop the characters. In Grease 2, with a few debatable exceptions, to the music is obscenely pointless. Most of the songs appear to relate gimped innuendo about sex in an excessive and general way ("Score Tonight," "Reproduction," "Do It For Our Country," and "Prowlin'") without making one concrete statement about any of the film's characters or themes. Plus, all of the music is uncomfortably stupid and no one in the cast demonstrates even the crudest semblance of an ability to sing or dance.

2. The T-birds should be badass, and if not at least somewhat likable, but instead each of them is an annoying wussy-dufus-loser. In the end, when Johnny Nogerelli offers Michael the sacred T-bird jacket and initiates him into the gang, Michael should kick it to the ground, spit on it, and duck away to fervently scrub any part of his body that was touched by it. But of course, he accepts it as if it is gold because despite the fact that they are a bunch of bumbling meatheads, there is no greater honor than to be one with the T-birds.

3. Since Michael is beautiful, smart, kind, resourceful, and above average in everyway (his musical impotence notwithstanding), it is feasible that Stephanie would ultimately embrace him when he reveals himself to be the man behind the mask. Stephanie, on the other hand, is a slovenly, slack-jawed, bubble gum smacking, dirty sweatshirt wearing, gracelessly rude and trashy dingbat. So aside from being pretty (I guess), she harbors no likable characteristics, thus, audiences are given no justification whatsoever for the depth of Michael's attraction to her.

I could go on and on, but I didn't want to mention the gross inferiority to its predecessor since there are apparently so many cranks out there who seem to feel that such a comparison is unfair. I will say this though, to those of you who think you want to revisit this mess for old time's sake: Grease 2 is an experience akin to re-living your first kiss. Only you are 32 now and kissing a snot-nosed 13-year old kid with acne and slobby braces. The magic is gone and you are left feeling dirty and disturbed. Trust me.
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What a Terrible Sequel to a Great Movie!!!!!!
Scot630 July 2000
I think most people are accustomed to sequels that are not as good as the originals. There are exceptions of course, such as the Godfather, Lethal Weapon, etc. which had some great follow-ups. Rarely are there sequels as bad as this one is however. It is a perfectly awful movie.

I hate it when film makers try to capitalize on a movie as successful as "Grease" by trying to foist junk like this off on the public as a follow-up. The sequel doesn't have the same director, writers or major cast members of the original movie and it shows!

There *are* some decent cast carry-overs from the original movie but they are wasted (as is just about everything else about this movie). I'm sure they must have later regretted lending their considerable names to this disaster.

I have rarely heard so many forgettable (read: terrible) songs in one movie. Don't waste your time on this one. Stick with the original. It's incomparably better.
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Bad Bad Movie
ElephantStew22 November 2001
The first Grease was one of the greatest movies ever. This version is horrible. It is the exact same story with the sexes reversed, combined with god awful songs. This movie was a bad remake to try to pull audiences back into musicals. I reccomend not seeing this movie.
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Meister-430 May 2003
This is an evil sequel. Very misled, the cast is increadibly unbelievable, the songs are bad, the choreography weak. The film has such low production values, I would bet the food on set tasted no so great.

However it does not deserve its position, it should be a little bit lower nearer the single digits.

Please do not spoil Grease by watching this film, if you have yet to do so!
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If it were any more a dog, it would need a flea collar
moonspinner5530 May 2001
Boy-girl love affair/sequel with songs, only this time she's the punkette and he's the straight arrow. Movie-buffs out there actually like this movie? It has fans? I must say, the mind reels... "Grease 2" is a truly lame enterprise that doesn't even have the courage, moxy or sheer gall to take the memory of its predecessor down in flames (like "Jaws 2" or "Exorcist II"). No, it whimpers along in slow-motion and often just plays dead. It looks and feels cheap, with a large cast lost amidst messy direction and unfocused handling. This was the first time a substantial audience got a glimpse of Michelle Pfeiffer and, although she doesn't embarrass herself, it's a role worth forgetting. A misfire on the lowest of levels. NO STARS from ****
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Great film!
Lozbee200013 August 2002
This film to me is not that bad, most the people who have seen it compare it to the original. What I reckon is that if this was just a film and not a sequel to Grease it would probably be appreciated more.

In my opinion I like Grease 2 better, I actually found Grease to be quite boring, but hey that's just me. In Grease 2 I like the songs better and the guys are much more better looking than the first one.

Overall this movie for me is quite entertaining and I like it, and I certainly do not compare it to the first one as it is a whole new different movie and storyline.

So if you haven't seen Grease 2 before because people say it's crap and that it's a waste of time, at least give it a chance and watch it, it might surprise you.
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One of the worst of the 80s
squeezebox21 June 2005
GREASE 2 is right down there with XANADU and ROLLER BOOGIE as one of the worst music related movies to slither across theater screens in the early 80s.

Sandy's cousin (Maxwell Caufield, who's English, even though she was Australian... well I suppose they still could have been cousins) comes to Rydell High and immediately finds himself a target for the bullying of the T-Birds (led by Adrian Zmed, who gives the movie's best performance... yikes). He eventually wins over the leader of the Pink Ladies (Michelle Pfeiffer, right before SCARFACE) by posing as a mysterious biker who takes on the entire rival motorcycle gang.

A couple of catchy songs ("Back to School" and "Reproduction" are both fun) cannot compete with a moronic screenplay (by the same guy who wrote and directed AIRPLANE II), dreadful performances and some abysmal songs (particularly "Let's Score Tonight," "Who's That Guy" and "Cool Rider").

Pretty much an embarrassment for everyone involved, especially such wasted talent as Connie Stevens, Eve Arden and Sid Caesar. Tab Hunter fares the best out of the guest stars as a nervous substitute teacher.

The movie has developed a loyal cult following. Then again, so has Charles Manson.
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One of my favorite movies
chriswells-584515 April 2021
I love love love this movie so much. In all Honesty, I may love it more than the original Grease. Not sure why it has a low rating?!? It's just so much fun. Brings back good memories!!
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So bad that it's good!
laf112820 January 2006
In my opinion, this movie shouldn't be rated on it's merits as a film. It's simply god-awful - but that being said, you cannot tear yourself away!

The songs themselves are ridiculous, the performances of them even more so but the kitsch value cannot be underestimated. Laugh as Michelle Pfeiffer spins across campus like a deranged duck at the end of "Cool Rider". Chortle as Maxwell Caufield (in an absolutely horrendous sweater) desperately tries to carry a tune. Giggle at all of the players as they attempt to make a serious go of it!

That this is a bad movie & doesn't live up to the original goes without saying. But there is definite entertainment value to be gotten from this disaster and you shouldn't discount that. Tonight...we bowl!
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Everything in this movie is a downgrade
Ragnarok-55 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Michelle Pfeiffer is a downgrade from Olivia Newton-John. Maxwell Caulfield and Adrian Zmed were a downgrade from John Travolta. The music is a downgrade from Grease. The story is a downgrade from Grease. The motorcycles are a downgrade from those sweet cars they were driving around in. Frenchy is barely in it. The lyrics "Let's bowl. Let's bowl. Let's rock and roll." was a horrible. How can anybody equate bowling as cool?
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so help me I loved this film!
DaFraggle5 July 2002
Yes, it has REALLY bad acting, a laughable storyline and 2D characters, all trying hard to escape a thick layer of cheese. But there is something about this film (other than Caulfield in leathers, mieow) that somewhere down the line makes it appealing. The songs, for the most part are hideous and i cringed with embarasment when i watched it recently.... but i can remember singing along with delight to "reproduction" when i was 14 years old!! first a foremost a film is to entertain, whether that means it gives you a good laugh when strictly speaking it isnt a comedy, then there you go!! this film could have been so much more, but unfortunately it died on its arse. still, just for being a teenage favourite i still have to give it an 8 out of 10 (so shoot me!!).
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Oh, yeah, my high school totally broke out into songs and dances as well
Smells_Like_Cheese26 August 2007
Well, at least my theater group did, lol. So of course I remember watching Grease since I was a little girl, while it was never my favorite musical or story, it does still hold a little special place in my heart since it's still a lot of fun to watch. I heard horrible things about Grease 2 and that's why I decided to never watch it, but my boyfriend said that it really wasn't all that bad and my friend agreed, so I decided to give it a shot, but I called them up and just laughed. First off the plot is totally stolen from the first one and it wasn't really clever, not to mention they just used the same characters, but with different names and actors. Tell me, how did the Pink Ladies and T-Birds continue years on after the former gangs left? Not to mention the creator face motor cycle enemy, gee, what a striking resemblance to the guys in the first film as well as these T-Birds were just stupid and ridiculous.

Another year at Rydell and the music and dancing hasn't stopped. But when a new student who is Sandy's cousin comes into the scene, he is love struck by a pink lady, Stephanie. But she must stick to the code where only Pink Ladies must stick with the T-Birds, so the new student, decides to train as a T-Bird to win her heart. So he dresses up as a rebel motor cycle bandit who can ride well and defeat the evil bikers from easily kicking the T-Bird's butts. But will he tell Stephanie who he really is or will she find out on her own? Well, find out for yourself.

Grease 2 is like a silly TV show of some sort that didn't work. The gang didn't click as well as the first Grease did, not to mention Frenchy coming back was a bit silly and unbelievable, because I thought that she graduated from Rydell, but apparently she didn't. The songs were not really that catchy; I'm glad that Michelle was able to bounce back so fast, but that's probably because she was the only one with talent in this silly little sequel, I wouldn't really recommend this film, other than if you are curious, but I warned you, this is just a pathetic attempt at more money from the famous musical.

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Worst Movie Ever.
blondeyes1819 October 2004
I work in a video store so I watch a lot of movies and this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And not in a good way. It is in my bottom five along with Wrong Turn. I liked Grease. This has very little to do with Grease.

This is not campy or fun or fun to make fun of. It is not "so bad its good". It is just bad. Dull. Boring. Pointless. Should never have been made.

Didi Conn reprising her roll as Frenchy is kind of interesting for a minute but not worth watching. Watch anything else, its guaranteed to be better (unless its Wrong Turn..)
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Worst movie ever made!
Ellie-1823 January 1999
How ironic, my favourite movie is Grease, and my least favourite is Grease 2! Sure, the gorgeous John Travolta wasn't in it, but that's not why it was so terrible. The T-Birds were highly superficial (in the original you never saw the gang get all worked up about reputations, and being obsessed with constantly wearing their leather jackets etc.). The acting was awful, and the songs are some of the most badly produced piles of toss I've ever subjected my ears to.
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This dog shows up on TV from time to time.
Rob_Taylor22 December 2002
Oh my God! This is the worst film since Aurora. You'd think that, when you do a sequel to such a classic as Grease, you'd at lest spend a little money on things like the script. You'd also think that they'd realise they'd have to do something special to have even a ghost of a chance of competing with the first movie. Not here. Just throw in a bunch of young actors, some cheap costumes and write a few lousy songs and you have the perfect recipe.......for a flop.

I won't go on about all the really crass things in the film, except to say that the ending, with motorbikes jumping a pool, was truly pathetic.

How sad to see Michelle Pfeiffer in this. Thankfully it didn't sink her career - she can count herself very lucky there. Adrian Zmed also hammed it up terribly and looked to be about four feet tall through most of the film.

Twenty years ago, and still this dog shows up on TV from time to time.
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This deserves its reputation
JelenaG89028 September 2017
Okay, so was the original Grease the greatest movie of all time? Of course not. But at least it was fun, had catchy songs, and a good cast.

Grease 2 has none of the above. The problems with this movie, as well as why it bombed so badly are as follows, in my opinion.

1. This movie had no star power. the original "Grease" had John Travolta, who had just come off doing "Saturday Night Fever" and had been on "Welcome Back Kotter." It also had Olivia Newton-John, at the time one of the biggest recording artists in the world. Jeff Conaway was on "Taxi" and had been on Broadway. Stockard Channing was also known for film and TV. Who did "Grease 2" have? Maxwell Caufield, who was unknown, and Michelle Pfeiffer, also unknown at the time.

2. The story line and characters. The "Grease" sequel had a bad girl and good boy meeting and going against the high school social hierarchy, opposite of the first film. That would have been fine, if both of the characters had been willing to change for each other, as Danny and Sandy both were. But they weren't, and none of this movie made much sense. Why did they start prepping for an end of the year talent show on the first day of school? On top of a poor story line, not one of the characters were even likable. If you have unknown actors in a film, you need a story line, or something, to attract them.

3.The songs. The original "Grease" film had songs that are still played on the radio today. This film has classics (haha) like "Reproduction" and "Cool Rider." Yeah, I never hear those songs on the radio these days.

4. The direction. They hired a former choreographer to direct this film instead of someone with actual experience directing a film.

There are some movies that are so good they're bad. "Grease 2" is not one of those films. It's just plain bad.
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Beautiful greaser moll and the nerd masked Cool Rider hit it off at the end
estherwalker-347102 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Four years after the phenomenally successful musical "Grease" was released, this follow-up appeared, with a rather similar format, but with mostly new, unknown, leads, and an indifferent audience reception.

The venerable Eve Arden, at age 74, leaves her staple sarcastic remarks behind, and again plays the high school principal. Like Olivia Newton John, Michelle Pfeiffer, as greaser Pink Lady Stephanie, was a knockout blonde, but was not known as a singer. Nonetheless, she sings 3 of the major songs. Maxwell Caulfield, as Brit immigrant, Michaeal, simply lacked John Travolta's physical charisma, film notoriety, and musical talent. He comes across as a class 'brain', not the type of cool motorcycle rider that Stephanie wants. T bird greaser Johnny(Adrian ZMed) has been Stephanie's partner, but they have been fighting recently. He will continue to be the main competitor to Mike for Steph's romantic attachment. Paulette is the other blonde Pink Lady, who spends much of the film trying to displace Steph as Johnny's moll.

The plot features the inverse of that of "Grease", in that Mike is the Brit clean-cut new square kid, while Steph is a bubble gum bubble-blowing, smoking, Pink Lady greaser moll. However, one look at Steph, and the aristocratic Mike ignores her low-class habits and greaser's moll status, and is determined to pursue her. However, she makes it clear that she only goes out with 'cool' riders. Mike hasn't any money for a cycle, so takes advantage of various requests by academic lightweights to write their term paper for them for cash. Amazingly, this eventually adds up to enable him to buy a cycle. Now, he practices becoming an expert cycle rider.

Finally, Mike feels ready to announce himself as a 'Cool Rider' candidate(Well, actually, his stunt double).. Wearing large gaggles to hide his identity, he makes a dramatic entrance in front of the menacing Cycle Lords cycle gang, when they are harassing students in front of the bowling alley. Cool Rider immediately, rides off, and, fortunately, the Cycle Lords follow him. Steph is intrigued. Later, Cool Rider stops by the gas station where she works. Before he has a chance to reveal his identity, the jealous T-Birds arrive, and he motors off.

Mike and Steph have lunch and agree to meet at the talent show. However, Mike arrives as Cool Rider. And when the T-Birds soon arrive, he motors off, they chasing him, until he disappears in the dark over an apparent cliff. Steph is broken-hearted at his apparent demise, and sings her heart out about this as her performance at the talent show. She is named queen of the show, and Johnny, representing the T-Birds, is named king. At the subsequent luau graduation celebration, the menacing Cycle Lords show up, creating pandemonium and wrecking things. In the midst, Cool Rider shows up, and, like the pied piper, this gang again chases him, restoring order. He loses them, and motors back, landing in a pool, where he reveals his identity. Shockingly, Johnny awards him with a T-Bird jacket. Now, there is no official impediment to pairing with Steph, and they take turns singing a love song, for a happy ending.

Sure, it's shot full of implausibility holes and other cheesy aspects, and is inferior to "Grease 1". But! I still find it sufficiently entertaining to recommend it, rating it somewhere between 'garbage' and 'a masterpiece'. Michielle largely saves it from ignomy.
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Grease is not the word here.
Cloud-67 May 1999
OH god this is a really horrible movie. Compared to it's predecessor which by the way I gave a 10. This movie is a 1. The songs were pathetic, most likely written by a 7th grade girl with some help MAYBE from a couple of 8th grade boys. in the dictionary, under the word "Hokey", this movie is listed in the definition. Why don't they spoof this on MST3K, it certainly deserves it!!!
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Let it stand on its own
CareALotsClouds7 November 2003
I grew up with both of the Grease films but I must say, Grease 2 is my favourite and there are many reasons. It does have the same kind of formula as the orginal Grease but is dealt with in a completely different way. Danny faniced Sandy back, but Stephanie (played by the young Michelle Pfhieffer) doesn't even give Michael (Caulfield) a second glance. Also, instead of cars, a motorbike is the new 'thing' to have.

Michael Carrington, a straight A student from England, transfers to Rydell High and is immediately put into the 'nerd' category and the T-Birds brand him 'Shakesphere'. He is smart, extremely uncool and very shy.

Stephenie, the leader of the Pink ladies has come back from the summer holidays having broke up with Johnny, the T-Birds leader, having grown out of him. Johnny is clearly still interested in Stephanie but she doesn't want to know. Her loyalty to the Birds has faltered as she wants someone even cooler.

First day back Stephanie sees the Birds picking on Michael and defends him, from that moment on Michael vows to become a T-Bird and win her heart.

So there is the story, but what Grease is famous for is the memorable songs, and this film has them! There are 12 songs on the soundtrack and there isn't one that I really skip. The music has changed since the first Grease as it was made in the decade of the 80's. Its early 80's rock that you are getting yourself into for the most part. You have the romanitc songs (Turn Back The Hands Of Time, We'll Be Together, Charades), the heavy rock songs (Cool Rider, Who's That Guy), the happy-go-dancing songs (Score Tonight, Back To School), the sweet songs (Love For All Seasons) and the down right silly songs (Reproduction, Prowlin'). These are all songs that stick in your mind and just can't stop singing them to yourself. All the songs are quality and stand on their own. Absolutely brilliant soundtrack.

What would Grease be without the classic characters? We have the T-Birds who are actually not cool in any way or form, its only the leader (Johnny) who is 'cool', the others just follow his lead. Johnny is a classic character who makes you laugh over and over again, its hilarious whenever he loses his cool. Frenchy unfortunately doesn't have a big part in the film but nethertheless she is there. The coach is back but you only see him twice if that. Mrs Mcgee and Blanche are also back making quite a funny duo as they did last time. Two new teachers; a very sexy female who always has low cut tops on and pays $500 for her hair (according to the cheer leading twins). She falls for the unlikely nerdy substitute teacher, Mr Stewart, who teaches the immortal 'Reproduction' lesson. The new Pink ladies have very distinctive characters, one of them is obsessed with her nose and doesnt come into it much (Rhonda), Paulette is somewhat the second leader in my view who has a crush on Johnny, she does have her own intentions but she does care for her friends; nothing like Riz. Sharon is a bubbly flirty character who is the prey of one of the T-Birds (Louis) to get into bed. Then there is Dolores, Paulettes little sister who isn't a Pink lady but a pink lady mascot, she looks about 12, mouthy and carries a skate board everywhere.

The performances were actually very good in my humble opinion, especially Max Caulfield who seemed very uncomfortable... and that is the way Michael is supposed to be! He wins me over with those puppy innocent eyes, then when he is the mysterious guy he acts completely cool. Max was a triumph. His voice isn't the best thing in the world but he didn't sing that much anyway. Michelle Pfhieffer was wonderful as an actress and singer. When you hear her sing you won't need to wonder why Andrew Lloyd Webber wanted her as Evita in his film musical and NOT Madonna. She shines in 'Cool Rider'. The whole cast was believable. I normally sit back in films and watch peoples performances and dig at them but I didnt do that at all in this movie.

This film has a lot of negative feedback as every one compares it to the Original Grease. My opinion isnt common, preferring this one to the original, therefore my advice to you is to forget the first movie when watching this one. It needs a chance!
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Good at the time, but didn't age so well...
ConStar878812 July 2008
Depending on when you saw this film relative to when you saw the original "Grease," your viewpoints probably differ as to the quality of this movie.

I saw both within a month of each other at age 13. I hated the original and loved this one.

As I've gotten older, I've come to recognize that the original is a better piece of work, overall. The music from the original is better when taken as a whole. The supporting cast of the original has better players. The storyline doesn't seem as convoluted at times.

But there's something about this movie that holds on to you. It appeals much more to the age group pictured in the movie (i.e., junior-high and high-schoolers). The song "Cool Rider" and the scenes that accompany it in the movie rival anything in the original.

The dialog is better in places and the interplay between the male and female leads are better, I believe, than in the original. The original movie's pairing of Travolta and Newton-John gave us a dimwit trying to woo a goodie-two-shoes girl whose performance was oftentimes wooden and uncomfortable. This one gives us Caulfield and Pfeiffer, and the interplay between an intelligent, wise-beyond-his-years male lead and the "wild child" female lead.

Adrian Zmed's supporting performance as Johnny still cracks me up and is one of the few performances from this movie that still entertain me as an adult.

That's because outside of the performances of accomplished character actors Christopher McDonald, Eve Arden and Dody Goodman, the rest of this cast is just plain bad. Some of it is bad acting, some of it is miscasting and a lot of it is bad writing.

What we're left with today, 20-something years later, is a movie that made a really good attempt to build on the original, but in the end, was the soufflé that fell. It's still better than most want to admit, but it could have stood a couple of rewrites and a little more attention to detail in the prospective cast interview room.
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the worst of the worst...
gozerdozer28 December 2003
If I could describe this movie in one word....well, I wouldnt be able to because there are too many words to pick from...Horrible, bad, dumb, unoriginal....I would keep going...but it's not worth it for this movie!
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