Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) Poster

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The Human Condition
Theo Robertson13 January 2006
If for whatever reason you should find yourself in the company of aliens from the planet Nietsche , a planet whose inhabitants have gone beyond what can be described as human nature so much so that they have no knowledge of what being human is , then show them this film that explains everything

The story starts with the Anzio landings that sees the death of Pink's father . As Plato said " Only the dead have seen the end of war " and that is bitterly true , man will always be man and man will always kill man until the end of time

Pink goes to school and education is a double edged sword . It has the potential to educate young humans but as often happens these young humans find themselves being used as victims of whatever mood the teacher is in . Someone must pay for authorities inaquequacies

Pink leaves school and falls in love , but love is the sharpest and most double edged sword in all of creation . It inspires but it also destroys us . Despite hundreds of millions of human beings being killed in wars , genocide and purges there is nothing so personally painful or as cruel as the betrayal by a lover . The darkest pits of Hell can not be as hellish or as sadistic as infidelity

As Pink descends further into his personal madness we see him take his revenge . Humans are sexual beings and perhaps this is what makes us both demons and avenging angels . Irony is to the fore as he stops becoming a victim and turns into unfeeling fascist dictator . Someone must pay for all the wrongs Pink has endured and it's the innocent that must suffer

You could go to the planet Nietsche with all the written works of every human philosopher who ever lived and that still wouldn't be enough to explain what it's like to be human . As it stands Alan Parker and Roger Waters have made a cogent film explaining why humans are the way they are and how they react to the surrounding universe . It's a film whose soundtrack is every bit as powerful as the human condition
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A fascinating story about fascism - WARNING! Psychoanalytic content
stills-610 October 1999
The opening tracking shot of a hotel hallway that resembles a prison should clue you in as to what awaits. There are so many things to like and be fascinated by in this movie. And for all of its avant-garde leanings, this is actually a very classically designed story. An iconoclastic music star, Pink Floyd, tries/tries not to think about his past and how he got to where he is, which is borderline psychotic. And because he's so disturbed, he can't even think in a linear way, so the journey we take into his mind is necessarily whacked-out.

We also get to see how fascism is born from misdirected hate and idolatry. As a rock star, Floyd has seen the adulation of his audiences, so he's familiar with the phenomenon. But at the same time, he detests them for buying into his act. It's like the old Groucho Marx joke about refusing membership to any group who would let you in. He knows he's a fake (his teachers and people like his wife have told him so), so everyone else who thinks he's real must be fakes also. It's a big cyclic game. So he can't let any of them in, behind his wall, because they are, by definition, phony.

It's interesting, also, to think about how he has turned full circle into fascism. It's just part of his dream and how he deals with his anger, but it's also an interesting reaction to the absent father. Had there been no homosexuals or Jews etc., there would have been no need for a Hitler, and therefore there would have been no need for his father to die. But instead of hating Nazis, he hates the people that "provoked" the Nazis. (I could go on for days with stuff like this, but I'll stop here.)

Just watch the movie and be impressed with the way it works on so many levels.
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The disturbing film of the Pink Floyd Album
Tweekums10 August 2019
The Wall tells the story of Pink; a burnt out rock star who has retreated into himself. Told in a non-linear fashion we see how he is effected by the loss of the father he never knew in the war; cruel teachers; a wife who leaves him; the adulation of his fans and too many drugs and finally how he grows to see himself as a fascist demagogue.

This is a far from conventional film; there is a minimal amount of dialogue. Instead the story is told through the images we see and the music of Pink Floyd. The images are a mix of conventional live action shots of Pink's life; images of war and animation designed by Gerald Scarfe. This is sometimes tragic and sometimes brutally disturbing. The scenes we see perfectly match the music; adding something to what isn't there on the album in a way that makes it hard to just listen without recalling the imagery. The animated sequences demand separate mention; they are creative and shocking in a way one doesn't expect in western animation; they contain a sense of bleakness, brutality and even flowers that border on pornographic! Overall I'd say that this is a must see for fans of Pink Floyd and for those looking for something different who don't mind being disturbed.
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Why is The Wall so often misunderstood ?
Zambelli15 February 1999
I have seen the movie several times now and every time I watch it I see something new, something I haven't seen or heard before. Some unsung line, some lost message... Every time I watch the movie I seem to dig deeper into this complex work of art.

However, I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that this movie is so underestimated, and, above all, misunderstood. How many times have you heard someone say something like: "You can't watch 'The Wall' unless you're really drunk or really high" ? I have heard this line probably from every single person that has seen the movie and it hurts me so much that nobody really tries to understand the movie.

The key to understanding the movie is in the lyrics. The movie is not just a long series of video clips that accompany the album. The images are just a final piece of the puzzle, the final touch on a magnificent piece of art.

The first time I saw this movie I felt very embarassed. Yes, embarassed, because I felt like a fool for hearing the album so many times and not realizing what it was about. The movie made me appreciate the lyrics of a rock song for the first time in my life.

The week after seeing "The Wall" for the first time I bought Pink Floyd's "The Final Cut". Do you know what was the first thing I did when I opened the CD case? I read the lyrics, from the first to the last word. And I actually tried to understand what the album was about.

"The Wall" is so much more than you think it is. The only solution to not understaning the movie is watching it again and paying more attention. Once you get it, you will never forget it.
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Crazy.... Over the Rainbow I am Crazy.... Bars in the Window
cocaine_rodeo10 November 2002
Wow. this is truly a work of art. No, that isn't doing this movie justice. This is a masterpiece. No other rock opera, or most movies in general, can top the insanity that is this movie. This movie peers into the mind of an over protected, reclusive, and sometimes violent rock star, who has taken enough of life and the people in it.

This is the story of Pink, poor old Pink, who's father left him one morning in black 44', and who's mother was so protective she smothered him with her love and all of her fears; who's wife tried so hard to open his heart, but found that nobody was home; and who eventually built a wall so high that he could not break free, and eventually his seclusion from the outside world brought out a side of Pink that he, nor the rest of the world, would wish to ever see. Soon his sadistic, Hitler-esc side takes control of the world, with help from his zombie like fans who follow any command that is thrown at them.

But by the time the dictator is mentally faded away by Pink, and he is able to see that shielding himself from the world with his now endless wall is only driving him crazier, it could be too late. So goes the quote above, taken from "The Trial", which is the end of the Wall, and Pink's last chance for freedom from his Wall.

This is just an outstanding movie. Everything works in this movie, the twisted live action, the animation that probably is what being insane is like, and, most of all, the music that is, in my opinion, the greatest album ever created (to Hell with Dark Side of the Moon, it was good, but it doesn't even compare to "The Wall"). Pink Floyd is my favorite band (along with The Who and The Rolling Stones, an odd combination, I know), and when their best album was made into a movie, I knew that Hollywood had at least a little common sense, even though Hollywood shunned it, and most of the reviews I've read here are negative, but I don't care, I'm watching it and enjoying for me, and no other opinion matters.

My favorite songs off of this movie/album are "Mother", "One of My Turns", "There's Nobody Home", "Comfortably Numb" (probably my favorite song, actually), and, of course, "The Trial". One last thing, if you are ever in a position where you have to choose between this and "Tommy", pick this, because "Tommy" wasn't very good. In-fact, if it didn't have the great music of The Who in it, I would say it blew. Just a quick reminder. 10/10
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daveoline8 January 2005
Roger Waters has weaved a compelling visual of the journey of a disturbed and misled mind. Though the viewer is sometimes left to sort out obscure animations and confusing images, it is not without direction. Subsequent viewings of this film reveal substance that only a genius could imbue in his writing. Character development through such subtle action in places casts a light upon Roger Waters as a person who understands the frailty of the human mind. The main character, Pink, portrays angles of the human condition we all face at some point by embodying a victimized character: sick over the loss of his father to the war; negatively spotlighted at school for talents that are apparently unfavorable at the time; unable or just unwilling to relate to his wife; and ultimately shut off from effectively relating to others because of an inability to express himself in ways that others understand.

Not only is the story captivating, but the music is such that it will always be noted as not only ahead of its time, but timeless.

The Wall is a masterpiece of storytelling, but not in the traditional sense. One must not watch this film expecting everything on a silver platter. Symbolism and metaphors abound, leaving a great deal of interpretation and adaptation to the viewer. Sit with an open mind and let Waters' character help you read into yourself.
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I had forgotten that this was the greatest movie ever made
deathrattleus15 October 2005
I recently rented and re-watched Pink Floyd The Wall for the 200th time, and I had forgotten, over the years, why this is my favorite movie. Surprisingly, the reason it is so good has little to do with a rock star having a mental breakdown. Pink being a rock star is almost incidental to the real message of the film. It seems as if director Parker took the initial idea of Pink Floyd's album and ran away with it. The film serves less as a study of one celebrity individual, instead serving as a cinematic indictment of all of our worst aspects as human beings: cruelty, brutality, insanity, herd mentality, fascism--all the most negative traits of twentieth century man are splashed upon the movie screen, as if the Director was asking the audience "Why?" This is a film in rebellion against the status quo. Funny then, that it should be driven by the music of a major rock and roll band. But, all in all, that is besides the point. The film of the Wall begins and ends with scenes of oppression by authoritarian figures (police men, skinheads, teachers, etc.)It is almost as if the entire sub textual content of the film is drawing a parallel between the internal alienation of a single individual and the social and global alienation that fostered the cruelties of World War 2, the holocaust, ad infinitum. Pinks degeneration is the degeneration of Everyman, confronted by a world that is (still) spinning increasingly out of control, away from the light, further behind the wall of its own nihilistic will toward self-obliteration. The violence of the imagery, the final "Trial", and the psychic attack of the final montage of disturbing images (masked children put into a meat grinder, cartoon teachers becoming hammers, neo-Nazis on a rampage) as the scene fades into a blank grey wall, are grand, satirical, operatic "Theater of Cruelty" in a cinematic framework. But it is the final lyric (sung by a repulsive, animated "Judge") that puts the entire scope of this picture into focus: "I sentence you to be EXPOSED before your peers..." The Judge , of course, is not merely talking to the fictional "Pink", but to the viewers of the film, and well, the entire world, for all that, and again, the Director has, seemingly, high jacked the "rock opera" format, and used it as a vehicle to ask that ultimate question: why is mankind so mutually interested in its own self-destruction? Why do nations and civilized cultures slide easily into fascistic thinking? How many war orphans are we still, to this day, creating?

I am not, now, a fan of Pink Floyd's music, although all of the music in this film is beyond excellent. Oddly enough, I am the farthest thing from the dope-smoking "hippy" that is supposed to be a Pink Floyd fan. I am an Industrial musician and a writer. My favorite music, at this point, is anything by NON, Throbbing Gristle, etc. This film has, over the years though, shaped my own artistic outlook in ways I am probably not even aware of. One does not need to smoke dope, or even be a Pink Floyd fan, to be affected quite deeply by this film. Roger Ebert once said that Star Wars was, to him at least "a perfect film". Well, Pink Floyd The Wall, to myself, is a perfect film, whether you are a pothead or no. I have given this film ten stars, but it is a little beyond that. If it was simply a rock movie, it could be rated in a conventional manner. But Allan Parker has done something here that is beyond even the concept of the bestselling album that this movie is based upon. He has crafted a surreal essay on the madness and self-destruction that lurks within the human spirit. And he has created one of the most sobering, angry, and dizzying satirical pieces ever committed to celluloid. In short, this film is a work of sheer, jaundiced brilliance.
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Superb, clever and highly entertaining.
zeemaza1 February 2005
If you like Pink Floyd, you'll love the movie regardless of what you think the cinematic value of the film is. To me, Roger Water's ability to express himself is outrageously smart. He is a genius. His English is masterful and the way he expresses how he feels is just mind-blowing. I am sure that every one of us has felt exactly the same as Pink/Roger felt at some point of our life but have never been able to successfully explain it. It is therefore my opinion that the lyrics are what make this film great. As a movie, it also translates those feelings well. All the actors were superb. Alan Parker managed to pull the whole thing together cleverly and all in all it is an excellent choice for a late night stoner's kick back - brilliant.
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A mad piece of Cinema!
Nazi_Fighter_David20 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Alan Parker has always had a gift for the integration of music and film, and his efforts over the years have reflected that. Movies like "Fame" & "The Commitments" have made him a director more remembered for his music video skills than his storytelling, even though he directed gripping controversial more seriously films, like "Midnight Express," and "Mississippi Burning."

"The Wall" tells the account of a rock star's breakdown, Pink Floyd slowing down into madness... Pink's madness is illustrated with living flashbacks of his life... He has visions of his childhood from a baby held in the cradle to his present moment... We have little Pink suffering from alienation for the death of his father in the war, and taken under the care of his mother... We have also rock and roll star Pink, who is destroyed by his evident insanity and is driven over the edge by his wife's infidelity and we have a blown insane Pink, a Nazi dictator under the Hammer Regime leading a series of occurrences like raping, breaking and pillaging...

Alan Parker translates the music into memorable images that are insensible to love or pity... All of Pink's life is projected on the screen... We see and hear songs altered from an abstract concept into a disgusting vision of students being thrown into a meat grinder...

Pink constructs the wall by building up tension... In mixing up sexuality and violence, he creates a new window into Pink's character... The animated sequences that reflected Pink's foolishness are important and influential...

Alan Parker's direction moves the story cleverly from the present into the past and into a possible future, drawing a warning, but still contemplating traumas of a child with hurtful effects on the fully grown man... The result is a mad piece of cinema, a kind of a bad dream becoming even worse than usual...

The film exploits great special effects, some frightful and impossible to understand... The music praises the film so well from declaring noisy rock and roll music to quiet ballads of insanity...

Bob Geldof is amazing as Pink, the British rock star broken in pieces under the psychological pressure of an American Tour...

Pink Floyd-The Wall is a bizarre animation reinforcing its vision of an insane, inhumane, unjust and cruel world, not easy to follow...

The film stands out as one of the classic in the teenage scene, specially teenagers who take or receive narcotic and due to its psychedelic nature leaves you greatly depressed...
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the ultimate baked potato experience
PIST-OFF6 March 1999
Whether you're sober, buzzed, high, or fully baked this movie is enjoyable. Anyway you look at it. Some people will naturally say you can only watch it high for it to make sense. Ignore those pothead hippies. Don't get me wrong I love pot as much as the next guy but what they say is untrue. Maybe it's more enjoyable baked or drunk but what isn't? If you're under the age of 30 and over the age of 12 and haven't seen it feel free to join your generation anytime now. What you missing is a great movie about isolation, depression, and anger. And for those of you too baked for any amount of attention span put the movie on anyways cause the soundtrack rules. However if you ever run across a chance to see it at a theater, as a midnite matinee or just a run of old movies, pay any amount for admission it'll be worth it. For those of you who enjoy getting stoned and watching movies see Story Of Ricky. It's nearly as good as this. For those of you looking for insanity on video see Taxi Driver.
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Disturbing - but is it relevant for today's audience?
KevinBeckett18 October 2002
A film made in the 80's – for children of the 60's.

Pink Floyd's The Wall is arguably the best `rock opera' ever. – But the angst and societal issues that the album addresses only seem aged now.

The film, by blending the original music plus skilful re-mixes and new tracks tells a simple story, but the imagery used is dark and disturbing and relates to the social issues of the time. The film was made when the fears expressed in the novel 1984 were still a threat, (as an aside, while the film was being made in England there was a political campaign comparing the then conservative government of M. Thatcher to the Orwellian fascist world of 1984.)

But, as much as I and other members of my generation can relate to this film, does it have a message for today's youth. I think that it definitely does. The issues today may be different from those of the late 70's, but, the sentiment and the dangers are the same. We have huge segments of alienated people, we have bigotry and hate, and we have governments which operate in secret. We have movements that preach rigid conformity and hate, we have religions that have lost the message of caring and we have schools that only want to turn out mindless corporate robots.

In fact, I think that this film, and therefore the message behind the music, is MORE important today. The issues we as a society face now are far more dangerous to personal freedoms than when it was first released.
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Paranoia and Madness
claudio_carvalho21 October 2018
When his wife leaves him during a tour, the rock star Pink Floyd (Bob Geldof) becomes paranoid and mad, building a wall between the world in his mind and the real world. The process has begun when he was a child and loses his father in the war, missing him. His overprotective mother and the repressive education at school help to build the insanity process. Now he becomes a violent dictator and goes on trial in his mind, and tries to destroy the wall he built.

"The Wall" is a depressive and touching film by Roger Waters from The Pink Floyd and directed by Alan Parker. The screenplay is fantastic and each time the viewer sees this film, he or she will certainly discover new details that have not paid attention. The cast is excellent, highlighting the presence of the cult-actress Jenny Wright in the role of a groupie. The outstanding music score by Pink Floyd completes this masterpiece. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Pink Floyd - The Wall"
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Can you withstand The Wall
rparham6 March 2006
How to describe Pink Floyd The Wall? Feature length music video? Bad acid trip? Good acid trip? The Wall is one of those interesting experiments where I can imagine many people walking away, shaking their head, and saying "What the hell was that?!?" It is not a traditional narrative film by any definition, and yet it is not without some power from it's combination of images and music. It is difficult to define whether this is a film someone should check out or not, but it should mostly be based on your willingness to accept a movie that does not operate within the typical confines of standard cinema.

The backstory to this project was formed when rock group Pink Floyd was wrapping up a major US tour in the 1970s and lead singer Roger Waters felt disconnection and contempt for his audience, going so far as to spit on a fan during the tour's final show. As a result of this experience, he conceived the concept album The Wall, a tale of isolation and the building of barriers between Waters and those around him. The album was later adapted into a major multimedia concert experience and finally, a film. Waters had originally wanted to film the concert, but director Alan Parker convinced him that that was a bad idea and instead pushed for an original film telling the story of the album in visuals. What emerged is an interesting collection of moments that do tell a tale of sorts, if a somewhat disjointed one.

The basic outline of the film, as far as I can tell, is this: Pink (Bob Geldof), a rock singer, has isolated himself in a hotel suite and is slowly going insane. He remembers moments of his childhood, his father's perishing in World War II, his mother trying to fill the gaps, his education, etc. He later reminisces about his marriage and how he tries to push his wife away. He eventually snaps, trashing his hotel room and shaving off all his body hair in the process. When he is finally pulled out of his hotel room by his entourage, he envisions himself as a fascist dictator, bringing death and mayhem to all those around him.

The above description is one interpretation of The Wall, I am sure there are others. The film is very much a tale about cutting oneself off from the world, retreating into the individual until there is nothing left for the mind to feed on but your own paranoia and unhappiness. Much of this material resonates, giving us a glimpse at ourselves at times. Parker's imagery, accompanied by animation by Gerald Scarfe, is surrealistic and difficult to penetrate at times, but The Wall eventually builds on you until you find yourself understanding more than you might think.

Of course, the centerpiece of the film is the music by Pink Floyd. The Wall is often referred to as their greatest album, and it works well as a complement to the visuals. The music replaces dialogue in telling the tale, although, as with many rock albums, some of the lyrics are open for interpretation and if you are unfamiliar with the material, The Wall might prove more difficult to follow.

Can I give The Wall a recommendation? To a certain extent, yes. It does have the ability to move you and some of the film's message is powerful and insightful. At the same time, is it easy to follow and without confusion? Not at all, and many people are just not comfortable with that kind of film. I would say that Pink Floyd The Wall is an acquired taste that may or may not be suitable for your palette.
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Fails to compliment Pink Floyd's 1979 concept album
Bud_Sturguess17 January 2003
Director Allan Parker once told an interviewer that the time spent on "The Wall" was "one of the most miserable experiences in my creative life." And for good reason. Because Roger Waters (former leader of Pink Floyd) forgot that he was a songwriter and not a screenwriter, this eroding feature film version of the band's blockbuster concept album follows the album to a T, proving itself undeniably predictable. "The Wall" (fantastic as an album) tells the story of Pink (Bob Geldof), a rock star who is traumatized by memories of an overprotective mother, wicked schoolteachers, a cheating wife, and a father he never knew. The poor, amateur script leaves no character exploration or that much of a plot for that matter. Geldof does little more than some singing and tantrum throwing, and when he's not doing that, he's staring into space in his hotel room. Parker's expertise was wasted on this "movie"...the term is is used loosely, seeing as how "The Wall" is basically a two hour promo. Political cartoonist Gerald Scarfe's animation sequences are somewhat worthwhile, and the great music of Pink Floyd is always great to enjoy, but the film is just plain bad. Though it does remind the audience how awful it must be to be a famous, rich rock star.
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An assault on the senses, and a really great film!
andy-22717 May 1999
"Pink Floyd The Wall" is a great film, based on the already great album by Pink Floyd! I was stunned by the use of imagery, combined with the great soundtrack of the album, which gave us a strange, drugged up vision of what a burnt out rock star would see. It's really crazy! Yet it shows how these famous rock stars are bombarded with fame and applause, and how insane it can drive an already disturbed person. "The Wall" itself, is the isolation and separation from society and saneness, which is a place that can easily be avoided if only people gave us a fair chance to. The depressing part about the film is that none of this is the rock star's fault. He was driven to it by loneliness in his growing up years(since he lost his father to the war), along with psychological torment by his teachers, parents, and above all, his sexually controlling wife. The movie is twisted because this is how the lead character sees the world. Worse yet, after he has already been driven to the edge of his own sanity, in his mind, the people who drove him to that edge, come back to testify against him. It's weird the first time you watch it, and looks a lot like a crazy music video that was pulled out of MTV. The only difference is that this one is telling a story, and has been transferred to the big wide screen. Alan Parker has directed the film, but Roger Waters seems to be in charge here, because it's his album, his story, and his conception. All that's really been done here is transforming the album to celluloid. I in some ways, like this better than the album, because now we have images to reinforce the songs and the story. I wish I could have seen this on the big screen, because the variety of images and the loud music seem compressed and compacted on a small TV set. You might not understand this the first time, especially if you haven't heard the album yet. But it really is a great film, and it actually has a story and a point that most music videos today unfortunately lack! I think that this film will teach people the reasons why these talented individuals suffer and lose their minds. The people that have guided and taken care of them while they grew up, often take away their ability to happily and normally function on their own. And the album and film's lesson is for not only the people who drove him to his wall to back off, but for him to pull himself out.
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Quite a powerful message
Totenkopf995 March 2023
A movie designed to wake up the audience from the hypnotic trance and hopefully make them more aware of the human being next to them.

Many topics are covered including war, education, entertainment, love, child development and so on.

On love, we always seem to miss each others cues and fail to see when the people close to us are in trouble.. therefore we fail to act until it's too late.

Child development is also neglected, we focus so much on enlarging the ability to interpret symbols in children; completely missing the crucial aspect of teaching children to how to feel and be present. (thus creating absent minded and absent hearted adults)
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A movie poem
u-4999124 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a songThis is a beautiful movie poem. Just experience it with your heart. You just need to hear and see You just need to hear and see her charm.
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An absolute masterpiece!!!
periksrud23 February 2022
Genious music, fantastic screenplay!!! The story takes you high and low through a period in Roger Waters life, and at the same time, we go deep into the psychological an political aspects of his life. One of the best movies ever made, to one of the best musicalbums ever made.😘👌
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Perfect Beautiful Masterpiece
stefankrs17 September 2021
Everything about this movie is perfect. It shows Pink's life as a kid through his adult stages and the isolation and suffering he is going through and begins to build a wall around himself from society, and depicts it in a beautiful and artistic way. The movie portrays what is going on in his life in a unique way along with the music relating to the experiences occuring in his life. The movie has a meaningful message and it is executed perfectly. This is a very unique and one of a kind movie and hands down the greatest musical ever made. Masterpiece 10/10.
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Listen to the album first!!!
Flint-201 January 2000
I would not recommend this for those who haven't sat down and listened to the album about 10-20 times for multiple reasons. First of all, to get a basis from where the movie is coming from, it's essential that you familiarize yourself with the story - otherwise some may find the film very confusing at times. Also, Waters' original vision is found in the album without being filtered through the likes of Parsons and Scarfe, although they in my opinion did and excellent job. Finally, to get the full effect of music in a narrative form, such as THE WALL, one must create their own images of the music, for if you view someone else's interpretation first, it takes away the interactive aspect for the fans. In short, get the CD before the film.
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marco-9032327 December 2022
Going into this movie I was expecting a hosh-posh of scenes trying to carefully explain the plot of the godly rock-opera of an album. They instead let the already legendary album do its job as the main thing pushing along the plot and use the visuals as a guide. ITS FREAKING GENIUS AND WORKS IN EVERY WAY!!! ITS A AUDITORY JOURNEY OF SADNESS AND SLOW, PAINFULL ISOLATION FROM SOCIETY!!! I seriously hope anyone who can't see the point of this film go back and actually watch the movie. Because it's genius how well this is made. The film also benefits from the fact that with visuals the high points of the album are just that much higher. Yes it does slump a little in the middle but it makes up for it with a truly insane ending.

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A mad descent into an alienated mind
fjhuerta-22 August 2000
Pink Floyd's "The Wall" is a movie I heard so much about before finally watching it. Reason being, I never liked Floyd's music in the first place. Something about devil worship that someone at school told me.

As time passed, I discovered "Dark Side of the Moon", thanks in part to the engineering credits (I love everything Alan Parsons has done). The incredible workmanship of the album drew me closer to the group. And even then, "The Wall" was the last album I bought. Then, when the deluxe DVD edition came out, I jumped at it.

What can I say? I watched the movie 3 times, and I couldn't still fully understand it. I loved the animations and became intrigued by the inner motivations of the main character, although there were some parts of the movie I just couldn't make anything of it. Then I decided to watch the extra materials that came with the DVD, including the running commentary by Roger Waters. And it all made sense. This is one powerful movie, an interesting rebellion against rock stardom and its perks. It's completely unexpected, since we are listening to all of this from a rock star himself, which makes it all too real. The groupies, the drugs, the alienation, the feeling of being sick and fed up with it all.

This is not an uplifting movie by any means. In fact, Roger Waters summed it up pretty well describing it as "a sour 2 hours". And the fact that Mr. Waters has never been able to fully recover from the loss of his father makes it even worse (almost every Pink Floyd album - and a complete album, The Final Cut - has a song about his death in WWII). Even with this cons, the film is a must see for the animation sequences. And Bob Geldof proves he can act.
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lwang-5409012 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers


obviously a stage concert is better or a stage productions where we can see the characters sing the lyrics are brilliant it has two plotlines old pink and young pink Roger waters is great but the movie at some point for me a sober men is too depressing the last song, outside the wall made me decide this is still an 8

TWO plot lines young and old

1. When the tigers broke free part one/in the flesh - war 2. Christmas songs vera Lynn - dad died 3. The thin ice - readjusting to society flash forward 4. The wall - daddy went away flashback 5. The tigers broke free part two - pictures of dad - war part two 6. Goodbye Blue Sky - war again 7. The happiest days of our life and another brick in the wall - Now and education (don't be psychopaths but don't bow down to their education system either. What if I can't do it. What if I can't self learn. Well wait for the world to evolve then) 8. Mother (girlfriends Now, and attachment laziness issues) 9. What shall we do now (the character can't keep up with the evolution of society depicted in a bad way) 10. Young lust (now society drugs sex) 11. One of my turns (the character gets beat down by society/drugs/education/food/tv and now he turns to razor blade. His fault. His symptoms of sick society and makes society sicker) 12. Don't leave me now (he has delusion, he wants the perfect, but can't be good, he doesn't make the good choice, the good cycle, the good choices in life and the good cycles. He wants the perfect, so he forgets happy needs and go after dark needs and dysfunctional cycles. He never gets the perfect, so it gets worse, he wants to die and beat up his girlfriend. When you are 30, let not these troubles trouble you. The world is the world. There is no perfection in it. You dream of the perfect. You dream of perfection and perfect happiness. You want the world to revolve around you. Instead of you revolving around the world. Trapped in an imperfect perfection fantasy. Dark needs no happiness. Cycles worse and worse. And blaming it on you and on everyone. There is no perfect, only good.) 13. The wall part 3 (he is a brick and he has given up/myriad of thoughts pass thorough) 14. He rearranges his room to make it perfect and he thinks he can escape 15. Nobody home (he tries hard to recover, but still addicted to tv) (what I got) 16. Vera (we will meet again - cycles of cycles) 17. Bring the boys back home (flashback he finds his father died) 18. Comfortably numb (Now comfortably numb) 19. The comfortably numb part there best song was too dark with the scenery 20. In the flesh (he a rock star but imagines to be hitler. He tricks his supporters by dividing them. He tricks his supporters and imagines to be hitler, and actually he wants to kill everyone.) 21. Run like hell (racist sexist actually blood like crazy dark age) 22. Seems like here Roger water lost his editing ability. Too depressive if anybody tries to make this musical again. Shorten it. Pick pink Floyds best songs. Have a good ending and continuously good functions and designs. And good characters who sings the best songs.

23. STOP (please top the movie right now) 24. The trial (les miserable copied them)Pink puts himself on trial - conducted by the bricks of his wall personified - and ultimately orders his wall be torn down when he judges himself both responsible for the making of the wall as well as capable of reconnecting with the outside world. Though there will almost always be personal and social barriers erected out of fear, oppression, pain, and isolation, it's the job of every socially conscious individual and community to never rest in tearing down the walls that separate us.

25. All alone or in twos 26. The ones who really love 27. Up and down 28. Walk outside the wall 29. Some hand in hand 30. Some gathered together in bands 31. The bleeding hearts and the artist make their stand s 32. And when they have given you their all, some stagger and fall, it is not easy 33. Banging their hearts against the bugger's wall 34. The last song convinced me Pink Floyd is legendary

Some say the Floyd movie was not good as it was rock songs with clips.

Well it could have been a story, it could have been a long story, but that long story with background/personality/development.

Or at least background/development needs some functions.

And it needs music.

Music is the essential part Maybe it can be sung by the characters while the characters move with objects around But simply the character with a song it is still good.


Drugs, Alcohol, Cigars Drugs- give you the perfect vision while you make worser and worser choice Alcohol - one cup could be romantic, extreme amounts are like cigars stress relieve but in unhealthy way Cigars - stress relieve in unhealthy ways

For me - only occasional wine Cigars, heavy alcohol and drugs are for delusions And more delusions.
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One of the Greatest Rock and Roll Masterpieces of all Time!
IrisNo1130 July 1999
I remember when I was a little girl, I used to look at the cover of the VCR tape box to this movie and give it the strangest look, like "What the hell is this?" So, there is a brief childhood memory there. heheheheheheee...

Anyhow, I think that "The Wall" is one of the greatest music films of all time, because 1. The plot to this movie is well written, 2. Pink, the anti-sociable rock star played by Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats (remember "I Don't Like Mondays" and Live Aid?), is truly natural in this film, and Bob Geldof gave a beautifully brilliant performance, 3. The animation is pure art and unique. Ratherly different than you can see in any animated movie.

Music lovers should really check this movie out!
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You DO need education
CherryBlossomBoy24 September 2011
Maybe Roger Waters doesn't but he has millions of dollars (pounds) to cover for his inadequacies. Maybe it's ironic that this "high-school dropout turned rock-star", while deriding education, still wants to educate his naive following to his own agenda. Maybe it's just hypocrisy.

But it's not his fault! Nobody forces people to buy Pink Floyd's albums and subscribe to the school of thought that promotes blaming others for your problems. "The Wall" is the epitome of that school. "The Wall" the album, a collection of boring burlesque and pop numbers, is all about blaming others. Blame your parents, blame the school, blame your peers, blame the drugs, blame the government. Waters tries to steer you clear of all the responsibility.

"The Wall" the movie is also about blaming others, but it is about bad acting, bad cinematography and bad direction as well. It's mostly about cheap symbolism (regarding totalitarianism), plainly obvious to anybody that has read a book or two (that is, educated himself). But not to other high-school dropouts and wannabe intellectuals who make the majority of Pink Floyd audience today. They still smugly congratulate themselves for "cracking" into Roger Waters's "code", that "code" being no more enigmatic than an average crossword puzzle. But you do need an education to see that.

Roger Waters has "high school" written all over his "thinking". On the average, brilliant musicians don't equal brilliant thinkers. But the music being so seductive leads many to "feel" otherwise. This is the case here.

Since "blame" is the name of the game here - I'm going to blame Roger Waters for making a lot of people stupid. Perhaps it's unfair, though. He couldn't make people stupid if there wasn't a material for that already.

I have a news for you Wall-worshipers. "Freeing your mind" isn't abandoning government's propaganda and taking up Roger Waters' propaganda as an utmost truth. Freeing your mind is being able to decide for yourself that what you read/watch/listen to, is a piece of crap. No matter the messages, no matter the good intentions on part of the author. You are not obliged to heed. Doesn't even matter whether that piece is "The Wall" or this article. The decision is yours.
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