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Big, dumb and stoopid, but fun
ExpendableMan13 January 2005
Let's face it, if you're going to rent one of the later movies in a slasher movie series, you'd be an idiot to expect high art. The fact that this is the tenth movie in the Friday the 13th franchise, the most knuckle-draggingly, ball-scratchingly cretinous 'horror' series of all time AND it's set in space doesn't exactly suggest that this'll be an all-time classic, but it's a good fun way to kill an hour and thirty minutes nonetheless.

Okay, the plot is so thin even a slight breeze would make it disintegrate and the horror element is practically non-existent but then Jason movies abandoned that long ago in favour of just providing dumb escapism with inventive and bloody death scenes, which this film certainly provides. People are sliced in half, impaled on large spikes, blown up, one poor woman even getting her head dunked in liquid nitrogen and shattered on a desk, but the characters are so one-dimensional and it's so cheesy you're more likely to laugh than scream. And I defy you to watch the scene when Jason gets transformed into 'Uber Jason' for the first time and not have a colossal grin traverse your face. There's even a later scene which pokes fun at the earlier movie's clichés with a hilarious "beating one camper to death with the other" sequence.

This is not The Exorcist, it's not The Omen, it's even a very long way away from the original Friday The 13th, but as director James Isaac has said, "it's just fun." Get your mates round, pop open a beer, disengage brain and you've got a very entertaining ninety minutes.
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Hated it when I was a kid, now...
ontheis9 October 2020
...I think it's actually not that bad. Trashy fun, yes. Some memorable scenes, interesting ideas, but never really good enough. A lot of spoofs of it's own franchise.
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"I think he's gone." "Why don't you stick your head out there and find out??"
lemon_magic3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I don't quite understand the 'hate' for this tenth installment of the Friday/Jason series. It's "Friday the 13th", for crying out loud! ANY change in the direction of the series is welcome at this point. It seems as if the fans have forgotten how 'winded' the Jason series had become - after the absolute dregs of the series in "Jason Goes To Hell", "Jason Takes Manhattan" and "The New Breed", the series' creators were not just beating a dead horse, they were dragging it around the track behind a tractor. "Jason X" at least tries to give the horse a jolt with the defibrillator.

In spite of the 2nd rate effects, and general silliness, the 10th film in the series has visual energy and freshness that has been missing for at least a decade. The characters are all stereotypes, but they are GOOD stereotypes in new, snazzy 'futuristic' costumes, and they get to use snazzy new assault rifles and hologram projectors and stuff to fight back. It doesn't work of course, and Jason still kicks everybody's butt, but the change in atmosphere and sets does rescue the film from the tedious dread of previous installments. There is some actual levity and some winking tribute to some of the classic conventions of earlier films (such as when Jason beats one camper to death with another one, but it's OK because they are holograms). And Jason gets a 'new look' in the middle of the film. It doesn't really add that much to the character, but again, at least it is different enough to help you 'see' the character again after decades of over-familiarity.

I rented this DVD fully expecting it to suck, but to my surprise, the opening scenes and the way the premise was set up caught my bemused interest, and the SFX of the future were JUST good enough to entertain my eyes. And eventually I ended up enjoying the proceedings quite a bit. Not nearly as much as a 'real' movie, of course, but much more than I ever expected from "Friday the 13th" ever again. I'd say it is the only really watchable entry in the series in several years, and if there are no more after this (and I hope not), "Jason X" is not a bad way for FXIII to end.
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It just doesn't get any worse than this!
Frustrator13 April 2003
This movie is incredible... incredibly BAD, that is. I can't believe that any screenwriter and/or director is willing to put their name on this--it simply has to be an attempt on professional suicide in the business.

The script is so full of cliches that belong in slasher-films of the '80s, not the new millennium. Good old Jason Voorhees gets cryogenically frozen and is thawed up several hundred years into the future, and guess what... NOTHING has changed at all. There are still tons of beautiful model-like teenagers showing their belly-buttons and having casual sex, and they all still get slaughtered by the monster in the hockeymask. This time around, however, he gets and upgrade in the last 15-20 minutes of the film, and is turned into some kind of hybrid man/monster/machine killing apparatus.

The dialogue is below even the worst standards, the plot far from new, the acting is just above kindergarten ability... frankly, I don't know why any studio would jump onto a script like this.

For God's sake, I know it's just another teen slasher movie based on an ancient franchise, but for crying out loud: Who ever said that innovative writing is forbidden in films like this one? I was very tempted to watch the entire movie on fast forward, but didn't.

In the end, though, there is one positive thing about my Jason X experience: Luckily, I wasn't the one who paid for the rental.
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What would the kids that drowned Jason Vorhees say now?
Smells_Like_Cheese29 November 2004
Th... th... th... I'm sorry, I have to say this. I'M DONE!!! Oh, my God!!! I am so done with the series!!! This was like a freakin' "Fear Factor" challenge. Man, 10 movies!!! My God, I did it! I don't know wither to laugh or cry or get drunk or... never mind.

The 10th installment to the Friday the 13th series wasn't so bad. They put all the right kinks into it. It had bad acting, an unrealistic(even if it is a horror movie)plot, nudity, stupid teenager, sex, drugs, and horrible computer effects. That's one thing I have to say: Just because we have computer effects, doesn't mean we have to use them. But, so far, hoping there will be no more sequels, this was a good ending. I think. I'm kinda still processing from this incredible journey. And all I can get is "Fire bad, tree pretty".

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The idiotic serial travels to space and the future.
fedor811 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Not Jason & his Argonauts seeking for the golden fleece: that would be too intellectual for the year 2000. The 10th or 11th "Friday" movie, and it was time for the crap to move into space. Plus, it was time for the franchise to sink to new lows, much lower even than was promised at the outset, back in the 80s.

This film is TYPICAL of the 90s and 00s: the brand new level of idiocy that has engulfed Hollywood movies. So much here is cretinous that it would be pointless to list all these things. But since I happily indulge in pointless things I'll mention a few: 1) Jason V. (not X) actually stabs a women with a machete THROUGH A HALF-A-METER-THICK MILITARY METAL DOOR, 2) why does Jason V. get an automatic run-over by the medicinal worms (bugs) (whereas they seems to ignore the other piles of bodies)? 3) we are never given Jason's full bio, including his 20th-century studies of 25th-century space ships and how to move about them without getting noticed and without getting all-too confused, etc. Jason V. is one smart cookie, both omniscient and omnipotent.

Then, of course, there are the obligatory really, really bad, dumb gags, people cracking wise even when being pierced, decapitated - or close to getting there. And talk about political correctness: there are almost more women aboard than men - of whom the greedy captain is white (well, of course, we can't have a greedy black captain because - as we all know - only white men can exhibit greed; Michael Moore's best-selling garbage "Stupid White Men" tells us all about it). Towards the end we practically only have women and black guys as survivors (even the android is a a woman). Alright, alright, we GET IT. Equality of the sexes and between races and all that… And what better place to hammer that boring old point than in a SILLY HORROR film?

A movie that represents 100% the sadly retarded times we live in. Call it the AGE OF Paris HILTON, if you will
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New idea... but rest is crap.
shanfloyd10 May 2005
To put it simply enough, 'JasonX' is a spicy mixture of all the cheapest entertaining aspects of cinema. It's got space, mindless sci-fi, androids, borg sex, sensuality, action, gore and finally, Jason Voorhees. The basic plot is really dumb, but works in a way to give a new touch to this 10th installment of "Friday the 13th" series. Because at least it is well-known that no director would take a risk of making a Jason movie again at Camp Crystal Lake, after "Jason Goes to Hell" literally murdered the famous slasher franchise. So we needed something new. Okay, "JasonX" IS something new. But it should have been way better.

I think it's useless to point out keyholes in this disgusting story. But one thing must be said about the 'uber-Jason' -- it is totally crap. the old Jason with the hockey mask was way much cooler. Please, if any one of you plan another "Friday the 13th" movie, don't bring this uber-Jason. And cast Kane Hodder. He's the best Jason ever.
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The Worst Scary Movie of All-Time
dglova51927 February 2006
Jason X is the worst scary movie of all-time. I honestly laughed more than I was afraid. This film is embarrassing, to say the least. I would comment on how awful the ending was, but I left 30 minutes into the film. Though consistently the same, "the Jason films" have always been some-what satisfying, but this film is a disgrace to scary movies of all kinds. I've seen pornography with more satisfying acting, and story lines than Jason X. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who was even tempted to cover their eyes at one point in this film. I soon discovered what the ending was, but I'm not going to tell you because it was so embarrassing, I just can't go on with this review. Awful.
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Horrendous and awful.
NpMoviez24 March 2019
From a slasher to a comedy to a sci-fi, is there anything that this franchise hasn't done? Yeah, a horror musical. Do that for twentieth film in the franchise, if you can make it up to that point.

Bad : After the events of Final Friday, the existence of this garbage isn't justified. We get everything 2001-ish except for that stupid sci-fi mumbo jumbo with the lab technicians (or whatever) dressed up like strippers and looking like cheap sex workers, that makes no sense at all. You can heal a 400 year old fossil but not someone who died just now? May be the movie explains it, and I might have snoozed at the very moment. But who cares? This movie is already nonsensical. There are some stupid references of the movie being in 2455 or whatever, and has some high tech weapons made of plastic to take out Jason. And, all the other negatives are exactly those of Part 8, in fact this is part 8, but in space - no good characters, no storyline, no logic, takes itself too seriously and absolutely sucks. This feels like a crossover between Power Rangers and the Doom Game, with Jason. It feels incredibly dragged and is also a pseudo pornography. If someone says he/she hates sci-fi, he/she might have watched this movie. None of the characters are interesting. It sucks out all the life you have and makes you die of dehydration. I am really tired of watching this garbage, and I don't want to whine about this anymore.

Conclusion : It was perhaps the worst idea, assuming that there were ideas that were introduced for this movie, for this movie. It's a lame attempt to give a whacky filler while Freddy vs Jason was in developmental hell.


Score : absolute 0/10

Grade : F
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I admit a guilty pleasure of mine I never thought this is a terrible film
ivo-cobra824 September 2017
SPOILER: Uber Jason in outer space I don't mind the film and it is a guilty pleasure of mine. I saw this movie in the video store 11 years ago when I was in high school I saw the VHS cover of the film and I saw it on DVD. So finally I got this film on Blu-ray disc just finish it watching it today and I must say it is not a bad film I like it a lot. Like I said it is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know a lot of people hate this film I don't. I think is MILES way better then Jason Goes to Hell and Miles way better movie then Hellraiser: Bloodline that was in outer space this movie is just better.

7.years ago when I become a fan of Supernatural I heard that Jared Padalecki will be in the reboot Friday the 13th movie I rushed to see this movie. I watch Friday the 13th the original, Friday the 13th Part 2, the (2009) reboot and this film Jason X and yes I like it.

I thought this movie will copy Alien and Aliens but it didn't copy any of those films it was solid and it was original it had his own story. I didn't thought this movie was bad I thought it was an interesting story that had a good action and a good slasher kills.

Lexa Doig was an alright as the final girl tough it was a science fiction film it was still good and I will still watching it. Lexa Doig was in The Tracker with Casper Van Dien and I liked that action film I haven't seen in a while.

Jason Voorhees returns with a new look, a new machete, and his same murderous attitude as he is awakened on a spaceship in the 25th century.

Lexa Doig worked in facility Crystal Lake in which they capture Jason Voorhees but he kills everyone and escapes but Rowan Lafontaine (Lexa Doig) freeze him and her self in 2008. The year is now 2455 and a new crew members on a ship unfroze those two only too realize they unfroze Jason Voorhees unstoppable killing machine. Now a new group of soldiers tries to defeat Jason who later becomes Uber Jason.

Lisa Ryder was great, sexy and really hot as Kay-Em 14 I liked her, she really kicked Jason's ass and she shot him to death ha ha.

So it is scary? No. Is it a good movie? No. Is it fun? VERY.

I also forgot this movie is reference to Demolition Man (1993) my all time favorite futuristic action Stallone film. In which they were mention to Lexa Doig's character that she was in Cryo it references to Cryo-prison it is similar to Demolition Man.

Jason X is a 2001 American science fiction slasher film produced and directed by James Isaac. It is the tenth installment in the Friday the 13th film series and stars Kane Hodder in his fourth and final film appearance as the undead mass murderer Jason Voorhees and his futuristic counterpart, Uber Jason.

This movie get's a C+ 6/10 wasn't that bad of a film but wasn't a great Jason slasher film either, but still it is my all time favorite guilty pleasure of mine.

I have enjoyed this movie and I had fun watching it. Honestly I have enjoyed this movie much more then I did Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan but that is just my opinion It is my favorite guilty pleasure of mine.
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There is No Where Else to Go!
caspian197820 October 2004
Where else is Jason going to go? He's been to New York City....where else is there? Even though Jason returns to face Freddy, this should be the last we see of Jason. Unless Jason decided to attack martians on Mars, Jason has been there and done that. A nice science fiction / horror movie that fails on all levels, the gore hardly keeps the audience interested in seeing what happens. A typical horror cast that does nothing for the film. The human race has not evolved much since Jason began killing horny teenagers on Crystal Lake. In the future, teenagers are still horny and are vulnerable to psycho's named Jason. One of the worst of the 10, many felt Tom Savini should have directed this one. Instead, we hopefully close the book on Jason after an impressive 21 year run. Jason is due to retire. Thank God!
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An underrated gem
meathookcinema18 October 2018
This film is basically Jason in Space.

This movie massively divided fans. Some loved the innovation but some hated it to such an extent that they viewed it as the worst in the series. Yes, they even hated it more than Part 5: A New Beginning.

But I loved this movie. I even went to see it a bunch of times during it's original release.

Theres so much to love. The claustrophobia of the spacecraft, the tongue in cheek humour, the nerdy aspects of the film's vision (check out the eye operation on Jason and the way that injuries like severed limbs are remedied).

Theres also an amazing cameo by David Cronenberg thats worth the price of admission alone.

With this installment being based in space theres many nods to satify the most ardant sci-fi fanboys. Least not Lisa Ryder who was a star of Andromeda. Her android character is a great addition to the cast.

Uber Jason is a sight to behold! And check out the liquid nitrogen kill. It's one of the best in the whole series.

Highly recommended.
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A spoof on its own franchise?...
paul_haakonsen16 December 2015
This movie sent a large following away from the franchise in utter disbelief. And I will say that "Jason X" is a very different "Friday the 13th" experience. It actually seems like it is meant as a spoof and a farce on its own franchise. You take Jason Voorhees and put him in a cryo-freeze, then thaw him up in the distant future and put him into space...

It is, of course, a matter of taste and personal preference whether or not you like the tenth movie and its deviant turn away from its usual formula. I enjoyed it, seeing it as a fun approach to the franchise.

There were some interesting things throughout the movie, especially with what happens to Jason, which spurred the 'evil gets an upgrade' catchphrase of the movie.

The effects were fun and good, as you have been witnessing all throughout the series of the movies. There were a good amount of killings in "Jason X" of course, as in all these movies. And there were some good laughs here as well.

And "Jason X" has Kane Hodder as Jason Voorhees, which is more than enough of a reason to watch the movie. And a special appearance by none other than David Cronenberg.

If you like the "Friday the 13th" movies and want a break away from the usual setting of the Voorhees movies then sit down and Watch "Jason X". It is fun for what it is.
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A Disappointing Addition to the Franchise
Uriah4316 February 2021
This film begins with a small group of scientists taking the body of "Jason Voorhees" (Kane Hodder) to a secret research laboratory in order to study his incredible ability to regenerate after having been shot, hung, electrocuted and drown so many times in the past. Although they initially intended on using this information to facilitate their research on cryogenics they are soon interrupted by a man named "Dr. Wimmer" (David Cronenberg) who arrives with an Army escort to take physical possession of Jason's body in order to conduct his own scientific experiments for military purposes. What nobody counts on, however, is Jason returning back to life during this process and subsequently killing almost everyone within the facility. It's at this time that the last remaining survivor by the name of "Rowan" (Lexa Doig) manages to trick him into entering a cryogenic chamber and freezes him in the process. Unfortunately, she is injured while doing so and inadvertently becomes frozen herself. The scene then shifts to 450 years later with some explorers finding these two bodies and taking them aboard their spacecraft for further study-and that's when the nightmare begins again. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a different type of "Friday the 13th" which had all kinds of possibilities. Unfortunately, although it started off reasonably well, I didn't care for the manner in which the horror was lessened in order to accommodate the science-fiction aspects of the film along with the action sequences taking priority over the suspense. I especially didn't care for the scenes involving the android named "Kay-Em 14" (Lisa Ryder) which seemed much too juvenile and ridiculous. Again, this film had potential but the director (James Issac) was obviously not up to the task and I have rated this picture accordingly.
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Robot Sex
tedg6 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

There has never been so much attention to genres as now. Young moviegoers are ever so much more self-aware than their predecessors and a good part of that self-awareness goes toward genre-busting. Theorists call this subversion, but I think is a result of greater attention to the manner of art than the matter. So we have slasher films about slasher films.

Now we have a scifi monster film about a slasher film. The scifi effects are ultracheesy. The slasher character prances and poses, knowing he is on camera. And that is all as it is intended to be, because we are supposed to be watching a film that knows it is a film, or rather two films.

What interests me here is one decision that was made: the creation of the female android Kay. At one point many decades ago, there was a battle for our imagination between mechanistic-type robots (Robby) and humanoids (deriving from `Metropolis'). The mechanoids are completely absent from the scene now, the only remnant being weapons (usually animal-like) operated my humans or human-like aliens.

It's a matter of sex. `Bladerunner' was a turning point, with the whole story turning on how deep passion can be with a created woman (and in the twist, the man as well). Well, here we have the latest, the real star of this cobbled mess of self-reference. Kay Em has sex, we are sure to be told. And as the bad guy gets more super, so does she in a carefully designed meld of spandex and leather. Her `powers' are a combination of acrobatics and big guns. Makes no sense at all except to exploit the archetype.

There are other demographic and archetypical touchstones -- the gruff but endearing marine, here black; the tenacious, wirey `scientist' girl; the equivalent of sexy dental technicians, and of course the oblivious but powerful scientists. And that brings us to the one truly clever thing in this project.

David Cronenberg is little watched by the public but is influential among film visionaries. He pioneered this notion of mining for archetypical pressure points and them blowing them up with visual cues. Those visual cues are often machined organic parts, often merged with bodies. His influence here is clear, especially in the uberJason. And he plays a role! As the guy who starts it all by letting him loose. The filmmakers know what they were about, and trusted at goodly part of their audience to play along.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 4: Has some interesting elements.
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No No No
The Creeper17 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
+Possible Spoilers+

No. No. No. Jason X is not "awesome" or even watch-able. It is horrible. It appears that Friday the 13th XIII (Jason Takes Manhattan), did a terrible thing by "motivating" Jason to wonder off from the Camp. Lets get real, Slasher films almost always succeed and usually have a large audience.....but Jason X isn't even Slasher. It is the worst worthless Science Fictional movie ever.

Not only that, the scares were too cheap for television. The makers try to make Jason the same scary guy he was back a Camp.

1 out of 10

If you want to see a good movie, rent Sleep Away Camp, Friday the 13th 1 - 7, Skinned Alive, Dead Next Door, Puppet Master, or, a new favorite, THE RING. For recommendations on other titles, please check the other movies I have commented on by clicking on my name above this comment section.
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I can't explain how much this movie sucks🔪
jonflottorp30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jason X is the tenth installment to the Friday the 13th franchise and easly the worst. I'm going to try to say something good about the movie, but it's kind of hard to find something good about it, except some of the kills.

This is the only Friday the 13h movie i can't get any entertainment out of, all the acting sucks, i hate the space setting, the characters are really bad, i kind of like the realationship with Kay Em 14 and Tsunaron just because Tsunaron made his girlfriend.

The look of Jason sucks, Kane Hodder didn't make this movie any better, his worst portrayel of Jason and the CGI sucks i whould rather just not have any of that.

There's one good kill, where that women's face was frosed and than smashed in to a table, but that kill copied Halloween 2 and i prefer that kill over this one.

Overall the worst movie of the franchise and you should just skip it.
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lanie-617 November 2002
Wow was I ever disappointed! I rented this movie expecting to be scared too death...instead I fell asleep! The future jason was just too stupid! I would much rather see him cutting up teens in the woods at camp Crystal Lake any day than to see anymore of this CRAP!
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a painful death
smilli319 May 2007
I am going to keep this brief - as labouring over a review for this would be a fruitless waste of time for me and you.

Acting performances were typically laughable. As for the horror, we have all seen more frightening displays on the Disney channel. The suspense factor was butchered from several angles, not least by the seemingly randomised synthetic score and game-show type camera-work. The violence was bloody but not excessive, and may have been a little more thrilling if I was not completely unenthusiastic about the entire setup. Still nothing was gruesome enough to penetrate my scepticism.

Worst of all, the pitiable concept was not played up as a "Funny, cos its rubbish" gag. Even for a Friday 13th movie, Its just plain rubbish.
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Horror in space
TheLittleSongbird11 January 2018
'Friday the 13th' may have been panned by critics when first released but since then it is one of the most famous and influential horror films, the franchise containing one of horror's most iconic villains. The film is popular enough to become a franchise and spawn several sequels of varying quality and generally inferior to the one that started it all off.

Due to the location and incorporating space and sci-fi, on top of all the expected 'Friday the 13th' elements then some, 'Jason X' is certainly different and a little credit is due for that. For a 'Friday the 13th' film it and 'Jason Takes Manhattan' are pretty unique as far as the series goes. 'Jason X' is an example of different not really being a good thing.

Interesting idea and understand totally what the film was trying to do, but it was messily executed. The strengths and faults are pretty much the same as with the previous entry 'Jason Goes to Hell', excepting 'Jason X' is marginally better because it tried to be different.

A couple of creative and disturbing deaths and some inventive and stylish camera work lift 'Jason X' to a better level.

One good performance too, which comes from Kane Hodder. Again creeping and chilling the socks off the viewer as Jason.

However, those are the only praises really that can be given. The music is a little appealing on the ears, but it still doesn't have the eeriness and mystery that the pre-'Jason Goes to Hell' films had so brilliantly and doesn't fit as adeptly.

That is the least bad though of the drawbacks, which are pretty much the same as those of the worst 'Friday the 13th' films but even worse than before. Again, like 'Jason Goes to Hell', while a good deal of 'Friday the 13th' films are silly, the silliness here is overkill that it becomes insultingly ridiculous. 'Jason X' is one of the most unique conceptually of the series, but it sure is one of the strangest to the point of overdone weirdness.

'Jason X' tonally feels muddled and like it was trying to do too much with too many elements screaming of kitchen-sink. If it tried to do less it would perhaps have been a better film. Hodder aside, the acting is really horrendously amateur hour, even for the 'Friday the 13th' films where acting rarely was a strength.

Likewise with the dialogue, which is even worse than 'Jason Goes to Hell', with 'Friday the 13th' at its most taking-simplicity-to-extremes, stilted, cheesiest and lacking in taste. Scariness and suspense is nil, instead going for witless comedy and gratuitous gore and nudity. The deaths go for quantity rather than quality, and generally are not particularly imaginative or creepy. The story is paper thin and confused, with too hectically paced storytelling and there is the sense that the series has gotten really stale even with a change in location.

Overall, lame. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Jason in Space!
preppy-330 April 2002
Basic plot: It's 2455 and Jason is loose on a spaceship killing a bunch of brainless, annoying 20 somethings.

Critics have been merciless on attacking this. Why? It's the 9th sequel to "Friday the 13th". What were they expecting? "Gone With the Wind"? For what it is, this is very good.

The plot is old, no characterizations, and the killings aren't really all that interesting (except for one at the beginning which was GREAT). Also it has an annoying tendancy to have characters say some really stupid jokes WHILE they're dying!!! The acting is totally horrendous--the worst I've ever seen in a "Friday..." film. I realize that's saying alot but it's true! All the cliches are squarely in place including the dialogue ("Get your people out of there!" "We're all safe here." "He's finally dead."). Basically this is so bad it's funny! Also, surprisingly, it wasn't too bad. It had it's dull moments but the characters, acting and lines were so funny...

So is is scary? No. Is it a good movie? No. Is it fun? VERY. So far the best bad/good movie of 2002.

Extra bonus--Some of the WORST jokes I've ever heard in a movie.
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This is the reason I hate Horror movies
neo_jenner3 February 2003
The horror genre has no class. I hate horror movies and will continue to hate them as long as movies like Jason X continue to come out.

Easily the worst movie of the year. And I don't want to hear "What were you expecting, this is JASON we're talking about," or any crap like that. There is no excuse for something this dumb when millions of dollars are being spent. With this movie's budget, New Line could have probably made a decent, and original, sci-fi movie. But NO! Some exec was like "We can just make another Jason movie and market the hell out of it and make it look cool! The teeny boppers will love it!"

There are so many things about this movie that don't make sense. Fist of all, in the beginning, Jason is somehow captured. This must have been a pretty difficult task, seeing as he's the deadliest killer the world has ever known. So you think they'd have about a hundred guards watching him right? No! Of course not! That would make sense. Instead, they have ONE guy watching him. So of course Jason escapes and mayhem ensues. Etc, etc. Fast forward to four hundred and fifty years in the future (!) to a highly advanced society that doesn't know what a hockey mask is, but they still know what DVDs are, and everything goes downhill from there.

Look, I don't expect every movie to be a magnificent work of art. But I do expect a little effort and a story that is consistent and logical to some extent. Jason X has absolutely nothing going in its favor. I would sooner poke my eyes for 90 minutes than to sit through this crap again.
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Fun, entertaining and highly enjoyable
kannibalcorpsegrinder23 August 2012
Retrieving a relic of Jason Voorhees frozen in time, a group of students studying in the future find themselves stalked through their space-station home by the reawakened killer and must use the technology of the time to stop him.

This was an absolutely fantastic entry which was one of the more enjoyable and exciting entries in the series. The best part of this is the extremely high-impact action scenes, which generate the best times here, starting with the opening attack on the guards in the facility in rather fun fashion before the big chase that gets him frozen with her, while the retrieval and stowing him on-board gives this one some really good times along with the initial rampage through the ship resulting in a lot of cheesy goodness to come from having these scenes set in the futuristic landscape. The initial resurrection on the heating bed alongside the oblivious worker while the screwing couple signaling the true rebirth which spawns a brilliant, original death scene with the infamous face first into ice, then shattered on a counter-top along with the two soldiers playing a virtual reality game and don't know Jason isn't part of the game, then they allow Jason to kill them quite easily. The action is non-stop, and there are many impressive scenes with this one, as the inclusion of the soldiers allows for some incredibly fun times with a spectacular stalking scene in a cargo-bay that generates some fine deaths and great suspense as Jason uses a ton of creativity to his kills which allows the great shoot-outs with the soldiers as well to generate even more good times with this one. There are more, from the battle in the engineer's room to the numerous stalking in the lab where it gets some fun action and classic stalking scenes involved in here as well as getting the action requirements out very nicely. The gunfight in the corridor getting the cyborg into the proceedings on Jason is a standout, and Jason's continual sit-ups after being hit by the shotgun really makes the scene impressive. Also, the humor is here with a bit of subtle comedy here and there and a total tongue-in-cheek attitude, not just from the jokes but the goofy tone here with the look of Jason and Uber-Jason and his dealings throughout here. As well, the shift to outer space was a refreshing change of pace and a source of much needed originality here with all these changes giving this a rather unique change in appearance that suits the film's more Sci-Fi leanings perfectly. Coupled with a Jason that is absolutely menacing and scary and looks like he's having too much fun in the role and a few nice odes to the others in the series, there's not a lot wrong here. The biggest issue here comes from the apparent lack of logic here, most of which comes from the behavior of the characters. It's really hard to believe that Jason is fooled by a holographic representation of Crystal Lake that's not even a full-on trick with the edges exposed, yet he still takes time to destroy holographs of two women who look like they belonged in the first movie and allow the good guys to escape, which is the biggest example here. The plot line involving the idiotic professor who only wants to profit from Jason and his continuous assurance that Jason will get taken care of is quite lame, as well as the finale of Jason gets ridden like a surfboard as he's falling back to Earth. However, here the action tends to hide a lot of these issues and it's really not all that noticeable when they occur. All in all, it really only comes down to personal tolerance of the cheese to find any flaws here, since it's a lot of fun regardless.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity, and a short sex scene.
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Won't get much better for a 10th....
egghead2828 April 2012
OK, Yeah it's the Tenth in the series. Don't expect an epic. Because this is not.

To be honest, it's not got the biggest budget and at the tenth in a series, you won't really find incredible Oscar-winning actors, hence some of the acting remains a bit dodgy at parts throughout the film. Neither will you get awesome special effects and CGI, which this doesn't.

However, if you love an insane story-line and lots of gore and murder and menace then this one delivers, and it delivers well. Kane Hodder as Jason definitely delivers the hulking figure and menace that Voorhees has and he does it so well. It's an action-packed hour and a half and not to be taken too seriously. So if you sit back and don't put too much thought into it, it's really quite enjoyable. I certainly did.

Sit back and relax....
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What did I expect? I expected it to be good. What else would I want?
Kelly G.6 March 2003
When I saw Jason X and I told people afterwards that I thought it sucked on ice, people usually say back, "Geez, what did you expect?" Well, like I said above I expected it to be good.

There is a school of thought in horror fan circles that the Friday the 13th series is all crap; Horror of the lowest common demoniator. That's probably true, but there are fun moments to be had here in there over the course of the series's run. Parts 1-3 make a good little trilogy. With Parts 6, 8, and 9 all having their moments.

Frankly, I was looking forward to seeing Jason X since it was the first of the series since the Scream movies made all things with slashers ironic. This could have been a good chance to make a straightforward, bloody, trashy film; A kind of celebration for a franchise that has lasted ten chapters.

Instead, the movie just kind of limps along with not much to do. I will be probably the only person the world who won't fault the movie for it's admittidly stupid space concept (Anyone remember Hellraiser: Bloodline? Well, I liked that one). And I even thought the way they managed to get Jason into the future was ok. But once he got up and started walking around, the movie just didn't go for me. I think it had something to do with the AWFUL set designs which reminded me of the MST3K classic "Space Mutiny," where the railing and walkway filled sets made it impossible to tell where any character was in relationship to any of the others. Here, endless time is spend while victims stumbled around in search of things to point their guns or breasts at. And that throwaway joke at the end about the holographic campers made me chuckle at the time, but now seems kind of like a cheap shot.

What did I like? Kane Hodder is menacing as Jason; The part where the girl gets her face shattered is a corker; The "screwed" moment is OK; The "enhanced" Jason was a nice try; And I liked the gun-toting android woman (She's the only actress here who seems to get the point).

But the rest of Jason X is just thrown together slop that doesn't do enough to suck up to people like me, who have stood up for this series in it's lamest moments.
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