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A mixed bag.
ehomenick30 November 2004
I attended the world premiere of GODZILLA: FINAL WARS in Hollywood tonight, and I must say the experience was incredibly exciting. The film itself, however, was indeed a "mixed bag" of greatness and mediocrity, and I left Grauman's Chinese Theater a bit conflicted.

I found the film's much anticipated title sequence to be too rushed and erratic, much like the film itself. The titles were not easy to read as they literally flashed on and off of the screen on top of distracting clips from classic Godzilla films.

The film's script was as confusing and scattered. The film started with a good, deliberate pace but quickly degenerated into an orgy of images and scenes spliced together in such quick succession, as one person I talked to put it, it was like you were channel surfing between several sci-fi and kaiju films playing at the same time.

The special effects were at times spectacular and beautiful...at other times they looked as if they had been executed in a rather hasty fashion. Some notable effects sequences: the Earth Defense Force's battle with Ebirah, Rodan's attack on New York, Godzilla's battle with Kumonga in New Guinea. Deserving special recognition is Zilla's daytime attack and night time fight with Godzilla in Sydney, Australia. Zilla's CGI was very well executed. There were a handful of effects shots that were not totally bad, but could have used some fine tuning. Manda attacking Atragon could have used some more work, for example.

Keith Emerson's electronic and pulsating music must be the most unique ever heard in a Godzilla film, but well done and intriguing.

As mentioned earlier, the pace of the film is so fast and erratic, it is hard to keep up with. Without giving away specifics, this must be one of the most out-of-control, if not THE most out-of-control script in the series.

It will take me a few days to figure out my true feelings about this film, but I imagine, with its high points and its flaws, this will be one of the most controversial films in the series among fans.
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A Fun film that makes no excuses for being what it is!
UberNoodle6 October 2005
First, before my review, I have address two points of contention about this film. For starters, the hero (Ozaki), besides having short black hair, black clothes and martial arts skills, no more resembles Keanu Reeves, than a brick resembles a prime-mover. His clothes may have similar pigmentation to the Matrix's Neo but in this film Ozaki is actually wearing white plastic body armour, and his military coat is dark green. Both he and Neo might share martial-arts knowledge. At least Ozaki is from the country that invented a large portion of it! Besides, I thought he looked MUCH more like Noah Wyle. If his coat had been white, perhaps people would say the film was ripping off ER.

The second issue is about the 'Matrix style'. Since even the creators of those films admit that their style harvests greatly from manga, anime, and HK action movies, it would be fair to say that Final War's director, Ryuhei Kitamura is more influenced by his own culture than three blockbuster popcorn flicks. Stopping bullets with telepathy, psychic battles, gravity defying fights, and slow motion have been enjoyed in Japan and mainland Asia for a VERY long time. Unfortunately, many aspects of their fiction have been somewhat hijacked by Hollywood.

The director shows many influences in this film, and it would foolish to deny that the Matrix did not play a part in shaping his approach. However, many film goers are simply unaware of the depth of The Matrix's own influences, and shouldn't attribute too much to them. Anyway, on to the review.

Well, if you are seriously wanting to get anything out of this film, you should probably become a fan of Godzilla and Kaiju genre. Anyone else would probably mistake this film's style, steeped in Kaiju tradition, for faults. It is true that the special effects are mostly 'analogue', and that the monsters are NOT CGI (usually). Yes, they are men in suits wrestling in model cities, but is it a flaw? Heck no! This film is great entertainment, and even a little touching!

The story is simple: a new force threatens the earth and sends monsters to destroy cities and crush humanity. What else? Luckily, the defenders of earth, a collection of mutants themselves, strive to combat the threat and restore peace. Godzilla herself may just be the only weapon left to mankind that could save the human race.

And so stylistically this film is very SF. The human forces wear futuristic body armour and sport hightech weapons. There are flying battleships and alien spacecraft. This may be an angle that some fans don't agree with but atleasy the monsters are all here. I forget how many, but quite a few from the Godzilla bestiary return to wreak havoc, and there are some fantastic clashes between them.

However, Final Wars is as much a human story as it is one of mass destruction at the hands of giants. Yes, that was a little difficult to say. But there is quite a lot of focus placed on the human protagonists this time. They are fighting a new and mysterious new foe. Many of the action sequences, and in fact often the longest ones, involve humans in hand-to-hand.

Even if this raises the hackles of a few Kaiju fans, I can understand: bring on the rubber-suited titans and all that. Yet I think that this dual focus adds an engaging dramatic quotient to the film. The action sequences may also draw a few comparisons to a certain fizzled out sci-fi trilogy, and all I can I say to that, is written above. And the words "get", "over" and "it".

The acting skill of the players varies between that of a seasoned performer to that of a pro-wrestler grapling with his lines. Oh wait, I think he is a pro-wrestler. I feel though, that if viewers are looking at acting skill in a film like this, they missing out on the bigger picture. Rest assured however, that this is definitely not like Devilman, where store-front manikins could have acted better.

Reportably, Final Wars is an anniversary film, and it is, though doubtfully, the last in the Godzilla series. For that reason, regardless if it remains that way, I was very happy to see the film stay true to the heritage it is a part of. It provides a fitting farewell. There is something refreshing, watching rubber-suited actors trample miniature sets - actors pretending to be monsters, waving their claws about. Sure the such things are cheesy and yes the rest is overly stylised, but the film makes no excuses for that, and it shouldn't.

Bring it on!
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Pretty good updated version of the old classic movies.
Rob_Taylor18 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Toho got a lot of things right with this film. For a start (for me, at least) they maintained the feel of the old Godzilla flicks quite nicely. Next, even though the movie does have quite a bit of CGI, they stuck, for the most part, with men in suits for the monsters and miniature landscapes for them to destroy.

There was also a nice dig (tastefully done) at the Hollywood version of Godzilla, who lasts about two second against the "real" Godzilla.

The film does drag a little bit, though, with a little too much emphasis on the human goings-on in the story and not enough monster-time. However, the film is reasonably entertaining even when the world isn't being trashed by the monsters, so all is far from lost.

The subtitling is also pretty good, with only a few dubious translations here and there.

I can't say I was pleased to see Minilla though. Not having seen all the Godzilla movies (and not the ones that explain his presence, for sure) my only exposure to this mini-godzilla was from the cartoon Godzilla series where it was called Godzuki. I never liked it there and here it is just too cute and annoying to be of much use. Less Minilla and more Godzilla would have been nice.

Anyway, I can't see any but the real die-hard fans being disappointed by this. Them, and the current generation of people that expect to see nothing but CGI in every film they watch. For them, I suspect the best thing to do would be to give it a miss. For the rest of us, Final Wars is a worthy addition to the franchise.
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GODZILLA FINAL WARS: The Big G goes out with a big bang
BrianDanaCamp25 June 2005
GODZILLA FINAL WARS may not please Godzilla purists but it delivers the goods for everybody else, -at least those with some knowledge of Godzilla lore. I saw it with a packed house of G fans at Subway Cinema's annual New York Asian Film Festival and it was the perfect audience for a film as steeped in the kaiju mythos as this one. Every time a new monster appeared on screen the crowd applauded or, rather, they applauded once that monster became recognizable, since the director often teases us with quick cuts and blurry motion before giving us a good, steady full-body shot. There are 15 monsters in all, many friendly old faces and some obscure ones, but all recognizable to longtime Godzilla fans.

The other real pleasure for G fans is the star-studded cast. Three venerable stars of older kaiju films turn up, two in major roles. Akira Takarada (star of the original GODZILLA, 1954) plays the UN Secretary General and Kumi Mizuno (the gorgeous leading lady from MONSTER ZERO, FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD, WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS and more) plays the Commander of the Earth Defense Force. In a smaller role, Kenji Sahara turns up in a lab coat assisting the attractive young female biologist (Rei Kikukawa) assigned to investigate the monster attacks. Also on hand are Jun Kunimura (Boss Tanaka in KILL BILL VOL. 1); Kane Kosugi, a martial arts star in his own right and son of "ninja" star Sho Kosugi; and one other gorgeous actress, Maki Mizuno, who plays the biologist's newscaster sister. Masahiro Matsuoka plays Ozaki, the lead mutant hero who uses MATRIX-style martial arts to fight the alien invaders. Don Frye plays the tough American captain who pilots the Gotengo (the flying, burrowing ship from ATRAGON) and stands up to the aliens in several memorable confrontations. A martial artist/wrestler/extreme fighter known primarily in Japan, Frye speaks all his lines in English in the Japanese print I saw, while everyone else speaks Japanese to him.

The film's all-star monster cast and alien invasion plot seem derived chiefly from DESTROY ALL MONSTERS (1968), but with everything pumped up to hyper speed. The film is incredibly fast-paced and filled with action, either in the form of battles between monsters or martial arts fights/ray-gun shootouts between the human and mutant defenders and the alien invaders. Since the monsters attack numerous cities around the world (including New York, Paris, Shanghai, Tokyo--of course--and even Vancouver!) there turns out to be more mass destruction in this film than in all other G films combined.

One can argue that the whole production is sheer lunacy, but it's lunacy done with conviction and affection. The director clearly knows and loves Godzilla films and he conveys that love while also adding new twists and imaginative touches (e.g. Anguirus, the spike-covered ankylosaurus, curling up into a spiked ball to launch a rolling attack). One's overall reaction depends on any number of factors, but this should definitely be seen by all kaiju fans.
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Godzilla goes out with a bang!
kevinxirau7 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Godzilla has had a good long run with a few bumps in the way and now it's time for him to take another break. For his 50th birthday, Toho Co. decided do something for the monster king and what they did was send him to an explosive farewell party. Was it worth it? For the most part, yes. Let's stomp our way in.

Plot: Over the years, relentless wars and environmental destruction has caused a monster epidemic, so humanity finally united to combat the creatures, especially the very first one, Godzilla. Years after Godzilla's imprisonment in Antarctica by the flying weapon Gotengo, several monsters have appeared all over the world at the same time! Just when things seem hopeless, an alien race, the Xiliens (from Godzilla vs Monster Zero), comes down and disposes the monsters as an act of peace. However, not all is as it seems. A young, power-hungry Xilien kills his peaceful master and sets both the monsters and an invasion force to take over the earth. So with only the Gotengo left, our heroes unleash Godzilla from his icy tomb so he can take out the other monsters while they finish off the Xiliens. This is Operation: Final War!

The cast of monsters is nothing short of insane: Godzilla, his son, Mothra, Ghidorah, Gigan, Anguirus, Rodan, King Caesar, Kamacuras, Kumunga, Manda, Hedorah, Ebirah, and even the American Godzilla! The same can be said with the action scenes: explosions, shooting, monsters battling, flying, and...kung fu? Odd. While human fight scenes are almost nonoccurrent in the series, this one has a lot to a fault. The film tends to focus mainly on the humans and mutants (super humans) which is pretty disappointing because they could have saved some film by focusing on Godzilla and his battles more instead of wasting it on the human fights. Sure use the Gotengo vs Mother Ship battle but they should cut the other human fights off. It makes most of the monster fights seem short. Plus, I hate the villain here: a lousy and overconfident alien punk with a ridiculous laugh. He's like a Power Rangers villain reject! They could have also written a better and more central role for Baby Godzilla instead of having him hang out with an old man and his grandson.

Despite its faults, this is suitable way to give Godzilla a farewell present, but he shall return in 2012! Its worthy edition to the Godzilla series so check it out. Long live the King!
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Surprising Godzilla movie
conor_kiley16 March 2005
A very unusual Godzilla film.

It Moves very fast. The monster battles are not like any of the previous films and the human side of the story is as much a focus as the Monsters tale is and surprisingly it is interesting. It works mainly as an adrenaline rush though, it's cathartic. The "monsters" have a lean, muscular look and move fast- they are not the puffy slow moving beasts of the past.

No long drawn out scenes of endless wrestling, this is more like boxing and Godzilla is the master dispatching them all. No need to be a fan to find it entertaining.

This movie does something similar to what "Aliens" did way back in '86. It redefines Godzilla as an Action Hero and goes past what any casual viewer might expect. This is a hard core action film that never lets up and leaves you drained.

The main negative is that it cribs way too much from the film "The Matrix". While Matrix lifted from Asian cinema generously, Final Wars does a Xerox of the copy and in several places has a tin ear regarding some things that are now considered trite and overused the world over.

The movie is just a lot of fun.
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A G-Film Not Worthy of Being the Last
gigan-9216 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For Godzilla's 50th anniversary, the final film before his latest hiatus, I have mixed views. On one side is the film itself which admittedly could use a little work but isn't too bad, but then again you have to remember that this film is the last and should be a work of art, like "GMK" and "Tokyo S.O.S.". This is not the case.

This G-film has an incredible crew, and a very large one at that. Ryuhei Kitamura directs, more on what I think of his job later. The story is an accomplishment of the director, Shogo Tomiyama, a modern day Tomiyuki Tanaka, Wataru Mimura and Isao Kiriyama. Together, they pulled off a great screenplay. If you've seen a lot of the classic Toho films, A LOT, you'll realize a lot of the story is based off these older flicks, including "Gorath", "Atragon" and tons of G-films. Some have said it also parodied "The Matrix", "Independence Day", "Aliens", "Return of the Jedi" and "X-Men". Sure, a few things may seem similar, but I don't think Toho would be that ridiculous, don't we all? The music was actually all right, especially Gigan's theme. Godzilla's was also pretty tight. Still, I think Toho should've stuck with Michuru Oshima or Koh Otani. Some moments could've really used an actual score. Several G-actors return from classic and recent films, including Akira Takarada, Kenji Sahara, Kumi Mizuno and plenty of others. The human characters are okay, but there isn't much depth to these characters. But the Xilian leader (Kazuki Kitamaru) killing his commander was a very nice plot scheme. Now to the real stars.

This film features several of the classic monsters, including old favorites like Gigan and Anguirus. Some haven't been seen since the 60s and 70s. So I'll just go in order of appearance. Godzilla, who has a theme of sorts in this film, looked just bad ass as hell. This suit looks beautiful, mixing characteristics from all three series into one. It's built 'slim-fit' on Tsutomu Kitagawa, allowing him to be pretty agile. His heat ray is a work of art, no doubt about that. Manda, the serpentine sea dragon that we last saw in 'destroy All Monsters", looks great and his battle with the Gotengo is pretty cool. Rodan, one of the best looking monsters in the film. His attack on NYC was a cool scene that finally showed us what his sonic booms are capable of and the CGI was great. Zilla stars in a decent role and we finally see what happens when a giant asexual iguana faces the true King of the Monsters. On a serious note, Zilla gets his moments to show off and the CGI is surprisingly good. Anguirus is probably one of the top-stars in the movie, getting a lot of screen time compared to other monsters and he looked terrific. I love the rolling attack. King Seeser returned after thirty years and still looking good, even with the ears. Kamacuras and Kumonga both looked great, the marionettes now CGI enhanced to look extra realistic. Minilla even manages to show up, looking better than the original incarnation. Ebirah was cool, for a lobster, but his battle with the mutant soldiers was incredible, Eiichi Asada proving himself. Gigan is my favorite monster of the flick and he looks impressive as an all-black cyborg. And his 'cluster' beam was a nice effect. His weapons are fantastic, in both his forms.

Hedorah shouldn't have even been in the film. His first and only scene is under two minutes and we didn't get a chance to see of any his attacks. But the sludge monster still looked great. Mothra looked incredible, very similar to the Tezuka version in '03. Monster X had a nice entrance but was too humanoid in my opinion. Kaiser Ghidorah is mixed. For the third time in a row, Ghidorah isn't given his original shrieks, kind of annoying. Plus, Kaiser Ghidorah was immobile, practically never moving at all. But worst of all he never flies, and the wings are tiny. They should've made them like Destroyah's wings, able to fold up and spread back out. Still, I like the gravity beams, which I actually have something to do with gravity beams now. The SFX are spectacular most of the time, but the lighting in some scenes I found odd and unnecessary. This film displays some very nicely done monster battles with leaps, kicks and several other unique moves. The battle at Mt. Fuji was my favorite. Gigan and Mothra's battles are memorable but too short. Much too short. There are several tight sets, the destroyed Tokyo one of the greatest, but there are several bad points. Unfortunately, they outweigh the good.

Overall, it simply needed a different director. This film is way too fast-paced. Kaneko or Tezuka could've done much better. It just feels so rushed. The story is good and doesn't need changing but a few details were left out. How and when in the hell did the Xilians "Change or modify the monsters DNA to include M-base"? How did the Secretary General and co. (Akira Takarada) escape? What happened to the controlled mutants? Etc., etc. Don Frye was a HORRIBLE actor who just didn't belong here. The monster fights are TOO DAMN SHORT!!!! Instead, we get human-kung-fu scenes and Don Frye acting like a tough guy, which I find drew less attention to Godzilla. The film relies too much on these human vs. alien action scenes to thrill us, like the motorcycle chase/ fight, instead of it being an actual Godzilla film. The only monster not defeated in a move or two was Monster X/Kaiser Ghidorah. It seems like the monsters are just an afterthought, such a disappointment to fans like me.

I see where the director was going with this film, a unique and fresh take on the Godzilla series, but this is Godzilla's 50th anniversary. Kitamura simply wasn't the guy for this film.
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An Unfit Farewell (minor possible spoilers)
gfan-112 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The King of Monsters, much like an emperor without clothes is pretty much an embarrassment to this G-Fan. Such a sad farewell to an old friend made by possibly the worst director that Toho could have chosen for this type of film, Ryuhei Kitamura.

Many folks will say, "well what do you expect? its a Godzilla film!" To them i'd say, lets look at the last 3 g flicks to come out... GMK, GxMG & GMMG: Tokyo SOS. All three have: 1.)An excellent story, 2.)Amazing effects, 3.)More monster action per scene. And while some scenes are brilliant, the vast majority of G:FW is rather dull and laughable (yes even for a Godzilla film, especially after seeing the 3 afore mentioned films). While I will agree the three films that come before final wars aren't perfect. They outshine final wars by leaps and bounds.

Let me lay it out for you all. The movie is over 2hrs long... of that 2hrs, only 35min or less deals with any monster action at all...and what do you get for your trouble of 85+ minutes of seemingly random human drama? Big G blasting his way through every monster without so much as breaking a sweat. The final battle between, Monster X and big G is constantly interrupted, and when Kaiser Ghiddorah arrives on the scene and things get interesting its all over. The ending theme music for the farewell before the credits roll just kill anything that might have been going on in the climatic final battle. Its a down right shame.

See it because as a fan you must. Yet as far as this fan is concerned, it is by far the worst g-flick ever made. The poor lighting hides the details of Big G, and becomes annoying. Especially after being used to the fine work from GMK and Tokyo SOS, it always tickled me to see Godzilla snarl or pull a WTF face when something happened...or even smirk like in GMK. From the overly dark scenes, to the rip off scenes, and plot devices from such films as X-men, Matrix, ID4 and countless other films... Other disappointments include Gigan...such a cool new look... and a total waste...TWICE!!! Hedora, I mean Kitamura shouldn't have even bothered putting him in... and yes people there is a deleted scene of Godzilla battling Hedora it was cut out in the interest of time...a monster movie with more human drama than monster drama... People who love this movie will also love G98... they can have it... Tokyo SOS is a better end to the legacy anyhow...

Damn you Ryhei Kitamura.... damn you to hell... (and before you even start...Kitamura is not a Godzilla fan, he said so himself)
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A going away party worthy of a king!
JermaineWarfare19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhere between 1954 and today, Godzilla lost his meaning. Originally a symbol of nuclear destruction, foreboding and terrifying, Godzilla has played a number of roles, such as hero, villain, father, and everything in between. So it's only fitting that on his 50th birthday, and his retirement party, he gets to be a little of everything and pretend he's nothing all at the same time.

This is said to be Godzilla's final theatrical appearance, and like any big star stepping out of the lime-light, his presence will be felt long after he's gone. But instead of one last curtain call or final bow, the King of all monsters isn't walking away with grace and dignity- he's throwing the biggest monster-filled party you could possibly imagine. Now, to be fair, if you're a huge fan of Godzilla movies, there's a huge chance you won't like this film. However, as a devoted and loyal G-fan for the last two decades, I can only say this- WHAT A WAY TO GO OUT!

Helming the film is the amazing director Ryuhei Kitamura, director of such great cult classics as "Versus" and "Azumi". And, while he may seem an odd choice for a kaiju-director, he makes the best of everything he's got to use. His cast is excellent, especially Kazuki Kitamura as the X-Alien leader who damn near stole the show, or rather, he would have if he didn't have to compete with the worst, but greatest actor ever- Don Frye. The clichéd action hero of the group, Frye rocked out loud delivering such great one-liners as "Listen Kid, there are two things you didn't know about the Earth. One's me, and the other's...Godzilla!". Sure, all his lines are delivered terribly, but that didn't matter. He was just a cool-as-ice presence on the screen.

For the first since 1968's classic "Destroy All Monsters", the human characters actually seemed to matter in the film, doing more than just tracking monsters or building weapons. But, what about the monsters? Well, first of all, Kitamura breaks the "most monsters in a single movie" record set back in 1968 (over 12!) and brings back some of the fan favorites you've been dying to see again- King Caesar, Anguirus, Kumonga, and of course, the awesome cyber-kaiju, Gigan. The visuals in this movie are great, and the action is non-stop. The monster fights are stunning and cool, yet cheesy and campy at the same time. The suits (with the exception of maybe Caesar) are incredible, and Godzilla finally gets to trash monsters in the way we only imagined he could. Even Godzilla's adopted son Minilla (you know, the little aborted Godzilla fetus) gets some screen time that really makes you like the ugly little monster.

The story is simple- Aliens try to take over the world with giant monsters. But it's executed with such style and raw power that the old clichéd story works so well, and even takes the liberty to poke fun of itself when it doesn't (the word "somehow" seems to get tossed around a lot!). Think of it as a going away party for a friend- you invite everyone you know, they bring their friends, and they bring even more friends, things get a little out of control, and in the end you're not really sure what happened, but you know it was an awesome once-in-a-lifetime ride. That pretty much sums the film up.

All in all, I've never had more fun watching a Godzilla movie in my entire life. I don't know if Mr. Kitamura set out to make a great movie, but if his goal was to make the most entertaining film ever, then he succeeded and then some!

Long live the King!
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A wholesome Godzilla movie actually...
paul_haakonsen15 August 2019
The 2004 movie "Gojira: Fainaru uôzu" (aka "Godzilla: Final Wars") wasn't actually all that bad, and it was definitely in the ranks of one of the better movies in the franchise for some time.

"Godzilla: Final Wars" was actually good entertainment from start to end. At least for the most parts. Certainly, there were some less than mediocre things to the movie, so it wasn't all gold and happy days.

There was a good amount of Kaijus in the movie, most of which were familiar monsters, and even some with some upgrades. So that was nice and had a good feel of familiarity to it.

However, there was just a bit too much going on throughout the course of the movie. Some parts were just a bit too silly for me, and that was working against the movie in my opinion. It felt like director Ryûhei Kitamura was trying to accomplish a little bit too much in terms of what was actually delivered in the movie. And also felt like they wanted to experiment a bit too much in terms of how they could push the boundaries of the "Godzilla" franchise.

The aspect with the Earth Defense Force was just a little bit too comical for me. Especially since they were essentially just people - well mutants, actually - wearing snazzy black outfits and carrying heavy firepower. But for a task force created to take up the fight against Kaijus they seemed horribly underequipped and understaffed.

"Godzilla: Final Wars" was definitely entertaining, but it wasn't the best of the movie in the franchise.
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Cheesy and Long Mess with Lame Special Effects
claudio_carvalho30 June 2013
When the aliens Xilians invade Earth, they release monsters to destroy the big cities. The Earth Defense Force formed by mutants is incapable to defeat the creatures. Commander Douglas Gordon (Don Frye) decides to unleash Godzilla that has been trapped for many years to fight against the monsters. Godzilla becomes the last hope on Earth to vanquish the evil aliens and the powerful Gigan.

The overrated "Gojira: Fainaru uôzu" a.k.a. "Godizlla – Final Wars" is a cheesy and long mess with lame special effects. It is funny to see the crew speaking Japanese and Douglas Gordon speaking in English. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Godzilla – Batalha Final" ("Godzilla – Final Battle")
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Big, loud and cheesy as hell...I wouldn't change a thing.
zsanctuary29 January 2006
Fifty years ago Toho made their first Godzilla movie. It was a very dark and symbolic movie. Despite its age the film still has an eerie quality to it. Godzilla slowly marching through Tokyo leaving nothing but death and destruction to this day sends shivers down my spine. This fantastic film was the first of 28 movies to feature the monster Godzilla. The thing is, over the years Godzilla movies have become a genre of their own. No longer are they dark or violent, rather they are fun and cheesy. This has somehow worked for fifty years and Godzilla is now cemented as a cultural icon.

That brings me to Godzilla Final Wars. This movie is meant to be Godzilla's last film for at least ten years. Toho has never spent so much on a film and they have never allowed so much madness to make the final cut. This film is essentially a "best of Godzilla" finale. Toho took everything they thought was "cool" about Godzilla and crammed it into two hours of almost nonstop action.

I'll say right now that this movie is not well made. It's never going to win any awards for acting or originality. Heck I doubt it will ever amount to anything other than being one hell of a good time. This film has city destruction, martial arts, monster battles, aliens, motorcycle chases, aerial dogfights, shootouts and even gratuitous gore.

Does it have a plot? No, not really. Do I care? Not one bit. Godzilla Final Wars is all about fun and it succeeds in every way. The monster battles are however the main highlight here. They are extremely short but their spectacle can't be denied. I was shaking with excitement each time Godzilla met face to face with one of his foes. Each battle presented a different type of fighting and they all wind up being extremely memorable.

The sheer brilliance of the battles is perhaps amplified by the fact that many of these monsters haven't appeared since the 60's yet here they are in all their redesigned glory. Gigan's redesign is especially impressive since he's always been one of my favorites.

Another factor that contributes to the spectacle would be the visuals. They're not necessarily the best around but are top notch as far as Godzilla movies go. What we have here is a combination of CGI and monster suits that works extremely well together. The power beams, death rays and flames created by these monsters have never looked better.

Monster battles have always proved to be the highlights of past Godzilla films however the best movies were the ones that struck a balance between cool monster fights and interesting human scenes. Final Wars delivers what may be the best human scenes around. These scenes are essentially uninspired Matrix rips (the main character even bears more than a passing resemblance to Mr.Reeves) but they work so well with the movie's mood. They're cheesy fun and I even found a few of them to be genuinely well thought out. These are entertaining scenes and couldn't have been better even if they were taken seriously.

So basically what I'm stressing here is that Godzilla Final Wars is not a good movie by Hollywood standards, however when watched in the right state of mind you'll find yourself having as much fun as you possibly can with a movie. If this is the last Godzilla movie I can proudly say the big G went out in style. If not well, all I can say is bring it on.

My review from Frider Waves. http://friderwaves.com/index.php?page=godzillafinal
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Didn't like the US Godzilla/Gojira?
kosmasp7 July 2007
Neither did the makers of this movie ... that's why they took the US-Godzilla "for a ride here"! But that's not the only creature from the Gojira/Godzilla past that is brought back. I don't if every creature is on display here, that was in a previous movie, but there quite a few of them. So if you know your Gojira movies, you'll have plenty to enjoy from those "cameos" alone!

You might have guessed it already, but this movie doesn't take itself serious, too. It's a great fun ride and it never aims for anything else than this promise. And since it delivers on that promise/premise, it's a pretty good movie (for me at least)! You will even enjoy it, if you're not familiar with the back story of Gojira, just bare in mind, that this is mostly old-school effects (man in costume kind of effects, so to speak). There are occasionally a few CGI, but it's mostly old school. And that's the fun of it! So it just depends on your expectations, on how you'll like the movie ...
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A dull monster circus, with special effects mayhem
SimonJack27 September 2018
This last sequel of the Japanese ToHo films of Godzilla should nail the coffin shut on the Godzilla franchise. The first film was a mysterious, scary, monster movie that kept audiences riveted to their theater seats (in the mid-1950s). This latest sequel has deteriorated to a circus display of multiple monsters with zero fright factor.

Numerous side plots of aliens, super-heroes beyond martial arts, and a confusing script that bounces all over the place make up "Godzilla: Final Wars." There's so little to hold one's interest in this film. It more closely resembles the mindless electronic games that go on and on with users trying to score points in some way.

I found it hard to watch this film to the end because it was so incoherent and boring. This film may be suited only for those who enjoy electronic games and arcades.
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RAND030 November 2004
I think there is a tendency with hardcore Kaiju fans to forget that these movies should not be taken so seriously. They are never executed to perfection. There are always plot holes. There is always some sub-par acting. Some of the special effects always look a little weak. Get over it.

I also attended the world premier of Final Wars, and I would say this has to be the most exciting of them all. It takes a very similar sci-fi angle to Godzilla vs. Monster Zero and adds a dash of Matrix stylization while constantly bombarding you with fantastic Kaiju fight scenes.

I am not sure that "Final Wars" will see the same shelf-life as some of the older classic Godzilla flicks due to the fact that it is so action-oriented. This film is definitely not going to get the camp appreciation that so many older films do. However, if you are a Godzilla fan and want to see some absolutely fantastic battles along side an entertaining sci-fi plot, you will really enjoy this film.
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Godzilla on Meth
thechojin113415 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Godzilla films are wide renowned for the amount of camp. This one is no different, but that's not a bad thing though. I love Godzilla films with all my heart, almost to the point of obsession, and when I heard that this was supposed to be the supposed last Godzilla film ever, I figured it would have to go out with bang. Well, to paraphrase Deuce Bigalow, it can and it did.

It was a wise choice for the producers to hire Ryuhei Kitamura for the final installment. When I think of over-the-top camp in relation to contemporary Japanese film makers, Kitamura immediately comes to mind. With his highly stylized and purposely campy Raimi-esquire visuals used in the directors previous work, Versus, this Godzilla film was bound to delight few, enrage and confuse many (many Godzilla fans hate this film). Not only are we treated to the greatest menagerie of giant monsters (or kaiju to people in the know) since Destroy All Monsters, but we also receive a kooky, over-the-top martial arts spectacle. Something that has never been attempted in a Godzilla film.

How does this fare up? It could either be good or bad depending on the way you look at it. Those familiar with Kitamura's style will certainly be delighted to see that the director is in top form and takes it to a level most Hollywood movies seem to go for nowadays. Some might label this as tongue-in-cheek or just plain bad but it was clearly an artistic choice. Since Kitamura's style is overly excessive, it's naturally expected that he'd raise his own bar. The film and film maker realize most come to Godzilla for the cheese and they're going to give it to you like it or not. When this is the case, the movie succeeds.

It could be bad, however, if you are unfamiliar with the franchise (most aren't) or the director. A buddy of mine and I recently sat down to watch Versus. About 15 minutes into the picture he tells me, "are you serious? This is bad." I tried to explain to him that that was the point. Imagine a plethora of Godzilla fans, some never venturing into Japanese film further than Godzilla, viewing this film for the first time. The same response as my friend would come out. They would also be mad that there are many gaps where we only get some "human action" for the first part of the movie, complete with hokey Matrix fight scenes and car chases. The pacing of the film is much faster than any Godzilla film before it, the fan might be thrown off or just plain exhausted from the machine gun editing.

Regardless, no one can deny that the special effects in this film THE best any Godzilla film has ever scene. You could say that this film is a proverbial flexing of the muscle of how much the guys-in-suits thing can exhibit. Sure there's splashes of CGI through out (the American Godzilla makes an appearance and the Japanese Godzilla kicks his ass!) but it caters to the suits and other practical effects. Some scenes, particularly the ones where the monsters trash the cities, it completely washed over me that these were guys in suits. It's that enthralling.

I would recommend this film to anybody, whether for a laugh or for the casual Godzilla fan. This is a film where it's imperative that you suspend your disbelief. No ifs ands or buts about it. If you want to see a UFC champion act and things blow up every ten seconds this is your kind of film. But if good acting, feasible plot, and drama are your thing, stay far, far away from this one.
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"Final Wars" - A walk out into the sunset for Godzilla
dee.reid22 January 2006
Welcome to "Godzilla: Final Wars." Now this is what a Japanese kaiju-eiga film should be. The plot is utterly ridiculous (taking its cues from literally hundreds of martial arts movies, 1999's "The Matrix," past G-films, and even the maligned American version of Godzilla) and rolls it all into one big monster bash. It's a party where everybody is invited, even those here in America can be in on the fun.

2004 marked the Big Guy's 50th anniversary and this film was released to commemorate it. "Godzilla: Final Wars" isn't a call for the end of Godzilla, but is a cause for celebration. Many monsters who haven't been seen in over 30 years make their cameos here, and they all get dealt with appropriately by the Big Green Guy. This latest and presumably last entry for a decade or so, is directed by Ryuhei Kitamura (whose work on 2000's "Versus" has not gone completely unnoticed here in the United States), which explains the frenzied kung-fu fighting and all-out monster mayhem. But is it worth it? The answer: yes

This time out, aliens (in a plot that more than resembles 1965's "Godzilla vs. Monster Zero") have come to our planet promising us a stay from an impending apocalypse. We unwisely accept their offer without a whole lot of contemplation but a few individuals due a little investigating and uncover a secret plot to destroy the world. Led by the unnamed and hyperactive adolescent Controller of Planet X (Kazuki Kitamura), they manage to fool us good.

These aliens, known as the Xilians, have secretly captured all of earth's mightiest and most destructive monsters and are using them to decimate the world's major cities. The M Organization, a team of hi-tech mutant humans, is put on the case along with an American captain named Gordon (Don Frye) and an elite M soldier named Ozaki (Masahiro Matsuoka). Realizing they haven't got long before the monsters have won, they conclude they have only one option: free Godzilla from his icy South Pole prison (a spectacular opening sequence highlights this feat) and he will singlehandedly deal with the monsters and the Xilians.

I've been watching Godzilla since I was old enough to collect memorabilia and stage spectacular, imaginary scenes of Japan's (or some other choice city's) destruction. I have also been highly critical of the third generation of "Godzilla" movies, being that the special effects quality has been lacking and the appearance of many unappealing new foes (Megaguirus, anyone?). Here, the filmmakers have made the brilliant choice of going back and searching the annals of Godzilla's history and raiding the baddies from there. I am a little unnerved, however, to see Godzilla battling some of his old allies, but I dismiss this criticism with a wave of the hand - different generation, different monsters, different cause.

Each new monster is given a wicked-cool image makeover (the upgraded cyber-monster Gigan is especially more terrifying) and one may not need to be a buff to know who each monster is. Frenzied martial arts action scenes and monster destruction thrusts the film along at a rapid pace but pick up significantly in the second half (sadly, though, the Big Guy doesn't make his big appearance for at least a good hour), and you've got to sit through plot and minor monsters leveling major cities. (In one hard-to-grasp sequence, M team members manage to take on Ebirah using only rockets and lasers.)

Acting is okay (an achievement in itself for this kind of movie) and dubbing is not a problem anymore since the DVD I watched came with optional English and Japanese audio tracks; Japanese does suffice. The dialogue is somewhat cheesy but I didn't care, I actually respected some of the human characters, particularly the stoic Captain Gordon (another amazing feat for this presumed last entry).

Lastly, the monsters don't disappoint. I can spot them: the Kamacuras (giant praying mantis), the Kumonga (giant spider), King Caesar, Anguirus, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Minilla, Manda, and even the American Godzilla (named "Zilla") has a brief showdown with Godzilla and is dealt with properly.

"Godzilla: Final Wars" is a proper way for the Big Guy to retire. It's a monster mash, all right, and I wasn't disappointed one bit. For this fond G-fan, "Final Wars" is Godzilla seen as he's meant to be, in a monster mash. I'm hesitant about recommending most "Godzilla" movies to those that don't understand Godzilla or Japanese monster movies as a whole; I don't blame them. However, this is in a category of its own. It may be a movie for anyone with an open mind about them, even if they know nothing about Godzilla. For those with an already dense interest in Godzilla, it's the monster bash they've been waiting for.

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comedy base motive?!
holydevil5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have just watched GOZILLA- FINAL WAR-, but some how when me and my girl friend watched this, it makes us laugh for almost the whole night. apart from some old school style tank modeling,,,that is really out of date...there is 1 scene...."baby Godzilla sitting in the car, WEARING a SEATBELT.LOL,,,how the hell would a Godzilla know what seat-belt is and actually click the seat belt......lol" I guess that must be some sort of Japanese education style of teaching kids, SEATBELT IS important even GOZILLA wears them lol.....and talk about the quality of baby Godzilla....i mean...you can be sure the costume was made with low quality fabrics that every part of the joints fill with wrinkles.

The movie brings me back with a lot of childhood memory as I was the ULTRAMAN generation kids and power rangers. and since my last Godzilla movie was nearly 15years ago, this 2004 version brings a lot of nostalgic feeling of the big bad GOZILLA still exist.

Personally I do hope the fight scene between monsters can be carry out longer, especially when it fight with American GOZILLA....perhaps, Japanese film maker try to influence the thought that ONLY Japanese original GOZILLA are the REAL and most strongest GOZILLA exist.

Anywayz,I Think this is a fun and enjoyable film to watch especially if you have kids, everyone LOVES GOZILLA....that is by far a Fact.
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One Big Monster Splash!
OllieSuave-00710 June 2007
This is the final Godzilla film of the Millennium series, and is supposed to be the final one for at least a decade. Like most of the Godzilla movies in the series, this feature has no continuity and is supposedly not related to any of the other movies in the series.

In this story, evil space aliens called the Xilians unleashed all the Earth's monsters to conquer Earth. Therefore, it is up to Godzilla and the Earth Defense Force (mutant humans with special powers) to vanquish the monsters and aliens to rescue the world. This is the first movie since the Showa series in which Godzilla was depicted as a hero.

A good thing about this film is that it brought back a host of monsters, some that have not appeared in a Godzilla film in decades. The monster line-up: Godzilla, Anguirus, Rodan, Mothra, Manda, Ebirah, Zilla (from Roland Emmerich's U.S. "Godzilla"), Kamacuras, Kumonga, Minya, Hedorah, Gigan, King Seesar, Kaiser-Ghidorah and a new creature called Monster X. One other good aspect of this film is that it provided many homages to past Toho films, including bringing back veteran actors Akira Takarada, Kenji Sahara and Kumi Mizuno, along with actors who appeared in Godzilla films from the Heisei and Millennium series. The movie's introduction showed Godzilla's origin, which paid homage to the original Godzilla film, as well as a prologue of other monsters that attacked Japan before; we are shown scenes from past Toho movies, where we see stocked footage of monsters Titansaurus from "Terror of Mechgodzilla," Gezora from "Yog, Monster from Space," Gaira from "War of the Gargantuas," Varan from "Giant Monster Baran" and Godzilla Jr. from "Godzilla vs. Destoroyah." Even though this movie referenced monsters from past films, it is not connected to them in any way; this movie only referenced them to tell the viewers that many creatures besides Godzilla invaded Japan before. In addition, this film even brought back the Gorath star from the movie "Gorath" (1962), the super submarine from "Atragon" (1963) and the Xilians from "Godzilla vs. Monster Zero" (1965). Other homages included music from Akira Ifukube and Masaru Sato, and the appearance of the Shobijin, Mothra's tiny twin fairies. Wataru Mimura, who wrote the screenplay for "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II" (1993), "Godzilla 2000" (1999), "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus" (2000) and "Godzilla X Mechagodzilla" (2002), returned to write the story for this film. Eiichi Asada returned to helm the special effects and he went all out on it. And, this film showed that Godzilla is truly the King of the Monsters; he is a force to be reckon with, battling monster after monster (unlike the previous two films, in which he was portrayed as pretty weak).

While a film with the potential to be one of the best Godzilla movies, this feature was, however, a bit of a disappointment. The directing and plot were rushed through and almost every monster were not given an introduction; they just appeared on cue. Most of the monsters were also given very limited screen time and most of the battles were very short. The city destruction scenes were also very brief. The plot focused too much on the Earth Defense Force human mutants, unfortunately, overshadowing the monster action, and many of their action sequences were overkill - they were rip-offs from "The Matrix." Many of the cast members lack depth and charm, particularly actor Don Fyre's Douglas Gordon character; his personality is out-of-place for a Toho movie. And, the music score was terrible - easily the worst in a Godzilla movie. It is just metallic and techno garbage, nothing like the orchestral scores from composers like Akira Ifukube, Masaru Sato and Michiru Ôshima, who scored Godzilla X Mechagodzilla and Godzilla: Tokyo SOS. The editing with the monster battle scenes constantly being interrupted by the human fight scenes was distracting. Lastly, the color cinematography was awful - very bland - and some of the special/visual effects, especially the overuse of CGI action in the Matrix-style fights and spaceship battles, were a big departure from the trilogy, making it seem at times you are not watching a Godzilla film, but rather a human vs. space alien B-movie.

This movie, though, still has its memorable moments, considering all the elements of a Godzilla movie are here: monsters, gun battles, aliens, spaceships, city destruction, fleeing citizens, scientists, reporters, military members, islands, city landmarks (Mt. Fuji, Tokyo Tower) and super-weapons. And, the homages to past Godzilla films, the many monsters that appeared and the ending credits montage were awesome.

It is great that so many elements (actors, monsters, homages) came together for Godzilla's 50th anniversary bash. However, I thought director Ryûhei Kitamura crashed the party somewhat.

Grade C-
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a mixed bag, but well-worth seeing
ray592 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of the TOHO Godzilla franchise since childhood, and that is now more than 30 years ago. Having seen all of the films made in the big G's first two decades (1954-1974), and most of the Godzilla films made since then, I had somewhat a mixed reaction to "Final Wars".

Many people have criticized this film for being too much of a departure from the traditional format. I'm not sure if that is really valid. There have been many G films that represent departures from format in the past.

The first one that comes to mind is "Godzilla vs The Sea Monster". Made in the mid 60s, when James Bond films were raking in the money, it was heavy on human action (featuring many 'spy story intrigue' type elements) and featured little footage of Godzilla.

Then there was the children's fantasy "Godzilla's Revenge" which was a huge departure from TOHO's usual format for this series. And then the early 1970s pollution-protest film "Godzilla vs the Smog Monster" was way out there stylistically. Portions of that film almost seem like a stylized drug trip!

So to say "Godzilla: Final Wars" is a departure from the usual format is really not saying it was any better or worse than previous departures. Here is a quick recap of what worked for me in "Final Wars", versus what did not work as well for this viewer:

What I liked: loved the B&W clips from prior Toho monster movies at the beginning. Once the 'new' film got rolling, I loved seeing so many monsters that had not appeared on film for many years. Some of the kaijus really never looked better. The Anguilas and King Seesar suits were cooler-looking than the originals. I liked how they brought Rodan back to his original look, rather than the Pteranodan-on-steroids he had become in the 1990s movies. I liked the mutant earth defenders (kinda like X-men) and the idea that they were the offspring of aliens who had mated with humans. I liked the parallel that was drawn between the indoor human/alien fist fight, and the outside earth monster/space monster battle that was raging simultaneously.

I liked the fact that there was an American character who was both a bad-ass and a main hero. Most of the Toho Godzilla movies I have seen from the 1990s feature Americans only as either villains, or as bozos who make idiotic, trigger-happy decisions. It was nice to see an American get some respect in a modern TOHO film -- even if he was drawn as a caricature.

What I didn't like: Minya (or "Manilla") is always a bad idea in any film, but was particularly out of place in this one. I didn't care for the rock instrumental score instead of a normal orchestral score. The rock score worked OK for the human fight scenes, but it took away from a feeling of awe during the monster battles.

Big monsters look impressively real when their movements are slow and ponderous. I thought a lot of the "high-speed" fight sequences didn't look right for creatures so large. Also, the way the fights with Gigan were done, using quasi-martial arts moves, made me feel like I was watching a big-budget episode of Ultraman or Zone Fighter...rather than a thaetrical TOHO movie. Varan was almost entirely CGI which doesn't do much for me personally. Ghidrah did not look or sound as alive as he did back in...say...1964!

So a mixed bag for me, but still well-worth watching!
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Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain13 December 2011
50th anniversary and last film for at least a decade. This movie really does have it all. That is also its biggest flaw, but still. We have mutant humans, aliens are back, and almost every monster that has ever graced the cinematic screen. The world has united to help fight monsters, which seem to appear all the time. This really goes back to the trashier, but no less fun, entries from the 70's. It was great to see so many monsters, though some of them are dispensed with much too quickly. That was OK in the case of the films major highlight, seeing Godzilla take on Zilla, a monster that looks like the 1998 Hollywood Godzilla. It was a nice little touch for the fans. The film does try too hard to be a bit of everything, such as having a subplot involving a young boy, his grandfather and Minilla, which really goes nowhere. With so many monsters, there is also not much human interaction. This is certainly a great entry in terms of fun.
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A missed opportunity of epic proportions
edgoji22 December 2004
With all that this film had going for it, it was amazing to see how badly it fell flat on its face. Toho gave its director more freedom than any other in the last 25 years, much more money, a little more time, and all the latest resources...and the result was a classic example of bad film making. I can appreciate that they wanted to take the series in a new direction (although such a decision for the 50th anniversary is debatable). That is not the problem. The main problem is that the director did what he did very badly.

This is the kind of film which is no fun to review, because there is so little good about it that writing feels like a chore. But in summary:

The direction is nearly incomprehensible, the style seeming to change from day to day on the set. The film is like a poser's paradise--rather than drawing performances from the cast, Kitamura seems to concentrate on having everyone pose in a cool way. Never mind that it adds nothing to the story. When faced with a problem in the story, rather than tackle it and resolve in a clever or interesting manner, Kitamura takes the cheap way out time after time. Suspension of disbelief is strained well beyond the already generous bounds that this kind of film receives from the audience with endlessly stupid situations. The cinematography is miserable--the color palette is drained to the level of annoyance, camera movement pretentiously calls attention to itself yet never does anything for the story, endless human fight scenes are unimaginatively staged. Overused martial arts scenes stop the climax dead in its tracks time after time. The direction, as the film itself, is so endlessly derivative, unoriginal, sloppy, and so on...if the director's name had been replaced with a non-Japanese (Roland Emmerich for example), it would likely be savaged by all comers.

The score is unforgettable...because it so ill-fitting. It just drones on without complementing the screen image at all.

What about the monsters, which are what we are here for? Godzilla is all but absent from the first hour, a rather strange move. Effects are several steps below the caliber shown in recent years, and the monsters are almost all constructed so as to emphasize a human shape rather than creating the illusion of a giant beast. Monsters are often lit so that they appear to be just battling silhouettes, and the battles are devoid of much drama as opponents are defeated in a quick and casual manner--where's the fun in that? Much of the effects footage has a distracting grain to it. CG work alternates between passable and the abysmal.

The are some good moments for sure, but they are buried by an endless assault of bad film-making. Nevertheless, the film seems to have some entertainment value as many have enjoyed it, especially among those who like the cheesy aspects of the series. That's OK, as everyone enjoys different things. Some have said that it was intentionally made badly or funny, and that to not accept that is to miss the point. I find it hard to complement bad film-making for any reason--excusing it by saying it was made that way purposely is just the ultimate cop-out for the director to make up for lack of craftsmanship. The films of the 70s were badly made, but mostly because the studio system had been stripped of all its cash and resources, and they were given a directive to imitate kids TV, so it is no surprise that some bad films resulted. But when given sufficient resources, there is no excuse for producing the equivalent of bad 70s film-making.
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An Epic 50th Birthday Bash!!!
Pumpkin_Man2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm new to the Godzilla series, and I thought this was epicly awesome! It takes an hour to bring Godzilla in the movie, but the pay-off is definitely worth it! There's aliens, action, fighting, shooting, martial arts, monsters and the King of Monsters himself; Godzilla! It's an absolute blast. An organization called the Earth Defense Force (EDF) is created to protect the planet. They freeze Godzilla, but must soon deal with an alien invasion. The aliens control Anguirus, Rodan, King Caesar, Kamacuras, Monster X and many more. Earth's final chance of survival is Godzilla. If you love monsters and mind-numbing action, you'll love GODZILLA: FINAL WARS!!!
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This is More Like It
ebiros213 January 2006
The story of "Godzilla Final Wars" is like "Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero", "Independence Day", and "Matrix" rolled into one. An alien from Planet X comes to earth pretending to warn earth people about the danger of planetoid Golath which will be impacting earth in 11000 hrs. They also remove monsters that are on rampage in several cities around the world. But of course this is all just a show to win favors from the earthlings. They are secretly out to destroy civilization and transform earth people into human cattle. Earth has seen birth of mutants which have special powers. They all have the same "M" gene that people from planet X has. Ozaki (Masahiro Matsuoka) is one of them, and like Neo in Matrix, he's the only mutant who's powerful enough to beat the Planet X invasion force leader (Kazuki Kitamura). Earth's last chance to save itself is the core Earth Defence Force team on Gotengo (Atragon), and Godzilla who's kept in hibernation. Gotengo goes on a mission to wake Godzilla up and confront all the monsters under the influence of Planet X leader and destroy their mother ship.

Out of all Godzilla movies made in the 21st century, which was on again off again at best, this one in my opinion is the best. Being the 50th anniversary Godzilla movie, this movie doesn't skimp on nostalgia. The old faces like Akira Takarada (Gojira '54), Kenji Sahara (Rodan), Kumi Mizuno (Matango) shows up to say fare well to the franchise that lasted 50 years. CGI special effects are also more realistic on this movie than say the '90s Mothra franchise.

On the minor note, music by Keith Emerson is terrible, and acting is as soul less as the actors themselves. Wardrobe is unbelievably bad, and the plot - well, there's really no plot to speak of.

Godzilla fights the following monsters: "Gigan (1)", "American Godzilla (Called here Zilla)", "Kumonga", "Kamacuras", "Anguilas", "Rodan", "King Caesar", "Hedorah", "Ebirah", "Monster X", "Gigan (2)" and "King Gidorah". Mothra and Minilla (Son of Godzilla) makes appearances as well. I had some loathing about Toho's poor selection of talents, and sometimes cheezy special effects until I heard they make these movies for under $10 million, and I had renewed respect for Japanese efficiency (average Hollywood picture costs $64 million). This movie seems to be made on slightly bigger budget than usual and effects are better. So after some disappointing shows since the death of Heisei Godzilla, this movie recaptures the excitement of Godzilla movies, and in my opinion, this is more like it !
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my hopes for a good 50-year mark of the epic saga drowned when I finished watching this
TheUnknown837-17 July 2007
The Godzilla series has taken many turns and twists since the first of many sequels to come, "Godzilla Raids Again" was spawned in 1955. Over the course of fifty years, the series has been put on hiatus on three occasions. The first "ending" titled "Terror of MechaGodzilla" was a mediocre Godzilla film. It was the last time Godzilla was exploited as a hero and ended as strictly okay. The second ending, "Godzilla vs. Destoroyah" had the monster's demise at the end in a truly heart-breaking manner and the second ending was a very suiting one. No reason to end the series forever, but it was suitable.

Now, famed Japanese director Ryuhei Kitamura tries his hand at his first Godzilla movie, and this new film "Godzilla: Final Wars" will be Godzilla's last film for a while. But "Final Wars" is, I'm very sorry to say, a total disaster. It is definitely the worst out all of the Millennium Godzilla films and the worst Godzilla film since "Godzilla vs. Megalon" in 1973. The film itself is totally out of place, too long, lacking anything creative, has very few good points, and is overall a very campy joke trying to be a great movie, which it is not.

The title is almost inappropriate. It should be called "Earth: Final Wars" or "Shinichi Ozaki: Final Wars", because "Godzilla: Final Wars" does not work for this film. The storyline hardly concentrates on Godzilla or any of the other monsters at all. It's not really a monster movie at all, it's more of a human action movie. Kind of like the 1968 film "Destroy All Monsters", which was and still is, by far, much better than this. Instead of concentrating on monsters, the story of this movie focuses on a bad cast of alternative reality characters trying to fight off against a bunch of X-Men and Matrix-style aliens. That's another point. How much this movie rips off films like Star Wars and The Matrix.

The big thing people expect from a Godzilla movie is monsters fighting each other. But they will all be disappointed here, for very little of the fights, and there are many, are the monsters. Most of them are poorly drawn-out (and Matrix-ripped-off) karate fights. They just go on and on for far too long and offer no real entertainment. I calculate there's at least fifteen or twenty minutes worth of human fights here that could have easily been cut for more monster action. But then, the monster battles themselves aren't really all that impressive. Special effects and graphics are pretty good, but the battles are also too karate and humanlike. In one scene, Godzilla and Monster X seem to be having a Western-style showdown with their hands at their sides and cracking their knuckles as if they're about to draw out some pistols and exchange shots! They're monsters...animals! Not humans! And a lot of the monsters don't get very much screen time, many of them get less than a minute. Now, in "Destroy All Monsters" Baragon and Varan got only a few seconds, but their other stars got plenty of screen time. Godzilla gets the most naturally, but the others are very briefly seen and then dispatched. Now this is what we wanted for the famous Godzilla vs. Zilla fight, but it was TOO fast and the American rock song in the background didn't really help it any.

The music presented before us in "Final Wars" is campy at its highest. It was not composed by Akira Ifukube or Michiru Oshima or any other Japanese artist. Instead, it was done by some American composer. And I'm sorry to say his score is horrendous. The music is annoying at almost every turn. Rarely ever do we get any good themes.

This is a bad film. Not only is it a bad film, but it's a bad Godzilla film. And in some cases, that can mean its a true catastrophe, that must be avoided. Godzilla has had some bad films in the past, some worse than this, but "Godzilla: Final Wars" is the worst one in over thirty years. Whose mistake was it? The director? The screenwriter? I can't say. But if Tomoyuki Tanaka was still alive to have produced this movie, he wouldn't have allowed the final result. It is an insult to Godzilla's legacy. Everybody should stick to the true Godzilla films such as "Gojira", "The Return of Godzilla", "GMK", and the others. I'm sorry Godzilla, but your fifty-year mark is not a good one. Let's hope for a better next "ending".
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