Hubie Halloween (2020) Poster

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Happy Hubieween!
Jamiec5237 October 2020
One thing you gotta tell yourself before watching this movie is its just some Halloween fun. Don't take it too seriously and you'll have a nice time watching it. I did find some parts were slow but overall I got some good laughs here and there. I've watched Adam Sandler movies since Billy Madison came out in 1995. I believe this is the first movie with Adam Sandler and Julie Bowen since Happy Gilmore (1996) and I really enjoyed seeing them work together again after over 20 years. There are some Easter eggs hidden in this movie that connect some of Adams older movies, it was a nice stroll down memory lane when I noticed them, I don't wanna spoil them for you so see if you can spot them! If you're looking for an Oscar nominated picture possibility then this movie isn't for you. If you're looking for a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and for you to have a nice Halloween laugh and mini scare here and there, then pop some popcorn and enjoy Hubie Halloween! This isn't Adam's best movie but its not his worst either.
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"Hubie Doobie Dudley Doo Right"
Kamurai257 October 2020
Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend. (At least for Halloween comedies.)

This is definitely a Adam Sandler/Happy Madison Halloween story, through and through. Lots of dirt humor throughout, and way too many pee jokes.

While it tries to put a wholesome "life lesson" twist on it, but as the whole movie is satirical, it doesn't come off sincere at all. Almost like it's promoting abuse as funny.

The humor is questionable at points, but the majority of the movie is really enjoyable with a pretty well written script and some really great moments throughout the movie.

As it moves into a mystery movie it relies less on the investigation and traditional "drip feeding" of information on discovery and more of a battle against almost everyone in the town basically wanting Hubie dead. It is weirdly dark in that regard.

You'll probably have a good time, but will most likely come out the other side with a, "Well, that was weird.".
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The Meaningless Voice
kamytaz11 October 2020
The movie could be better if they remove th lame voice of Adam Sandler's character. This movie is not funny at all. Using same type comedies as all previous Adam Sandler's movies. The story as well as all the characters are boring. I would not recommend this movie at all.
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Why the voice???
Rich-917497 October 2020
Sandler can actually be funny sometimes and the movie premise isn't terrible but why does he have to ruin everything he touches with ridiculously over-the-top voices? He got the balance right in Happy Gilmore but this one is hard to watch!
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What were people expecting?
nottaproblemuk14 October 2020
It really baffles me when people who claim to be Adam Sandler fans, give poor reviews of his movies, claiming to be 'disappointed'. What were you expecting from an Adam Sandler Halloween flick? A coming-of-age comedy drama? A complex character study?

I give this a 7/10 because I judged it exactly how it should be judged. If all Adam Sandler's comedy movies were judged on whether or not they compare to the truly great films of our time, then 90% of them would score 1/10. At a push. But films shouldn't be judged that way - they should be judged on whether or not they achieved what they were trying to achieve.

This brings me onto comedy movies - and I mean comedy movies. Not 'dramedies' or other genuinely serious, dramatic films with some small comedic elements - but 100%, straight down the line, out-and-out comedy movies. These types of films shouldn't be judged in the same way we judge dramatic cinema.

The brand of comedy Adam Sandler uses most of the time, is 'slapstick comedy'. It's not to everyone's taste, nor is it the most nuanced form of comedy - but it undoubtedly has it's place in cinema and TV, and it's served Mr Sandler well. Very well, in fact. Disappointed 'fans' of his who are giving this film poor reviews probably aren't, in fact, fans at all.

This brings me onto 'Hubie Halloween'. A textbook Adam Sandler slapstick comedy flick, that follows a middle-aged man as he's subjected to mockery and bullying by the locals in his town, as a result of his nerdy appearance, and his obsession with health and safety - particularly when Halloween comes around. This year however, mystery ensues as Herbie investigates a number of sinister events that take place on the night of October 31st.

Of all the comedy films in Adam Sandler's back catalogue, Hubie Halloween probably borrows more from 'Murder Mystery' than any other. If 'Murder Mystery' was a spoofy, slapstick take on the classic, Agatha Christie-esque 'whodunnit' genre, then 'Hubie Halloween' is very much a light hearted spoof of the 'comedy horror' style that was famously re-popularised by the 'Scary Movie' franchise - the difference being that any spoofing in 'Hubie Halloween' is of the films of Adam Sandler himself. One of the many Easter Eggs coming in the opening scene of the film - which, without spoiling it, will be sure to please fans of Happy Gilmore!

This isn't one of Sandler's best comedy films, but it certainly isn't one of his worst either. Whilst Hubie Halloween won't have you 'belly-laughing' from beginning to end, there is enough solid material throughout to keep audiences amused. It's a fun, lighthearted piece of cinema that has exactly what it's supposed to have - jokes, slapstick comedy, silliness, wackiness, lightheartedness, and a plot that is interesting and captivating enough to keep us - the audience - interested.

On this basis, I give Hubie Halloween a solid 7/10. It's silly, and it knows its silly. It's wacky, and it knows it's wacky. It achieves exactly what it's trying to achieve, and that's good enough for me. Bravo!
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Happy/Madison nostalgia for 2020 Halloween
CT-7827 October 2020
A family-fun Halloween adventure, that is saturated in Adam Sandler film actors/former-cast/nostalgia. While it's not going to win any major awards, and there's no dynamic acting or writing, this is probably what most Happy/Madison fans are excited to see. (And it seems suitable for family viewing)
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Did he forget how to speak
labeatkryeziu9 October 2020
The movie itself it wasnt that bad tbh, but why for the love of god is he talking like that. The voice ruined most of the movie and fun. I wish he reads any of fan reviews so he knows he ruined the movie just by talking like that
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Another slice of signature Sandler comfort comedy with a horror lite Halloween theme. Just know what you're ordering...
tresm877 October 2020
In 2020 you would think people would know what to expect from Adam Sandler's (effective yet slightly hated) brand of raunchy and quick witted humor. But still there are so many smug types that somehow ridiculously expect some huge swings into left field for his Netflix original comedies. Obviously he's shown incredible versatility in his career but people should be able to gauge by the trailer and it being part of his Netflix contract that these aren't Punch Drunk Love, Reign Over Me, or Uncut Gems. Know what you're getting. The snobs that hate Sandler are the types that would go into an Applebee's and expect a five star meal.

This film sticks to classic Sandler formulas which isn't an issue imo. A humble basic story about an odd yet lovable main character that finds himself in the middle of a series of hilarious problems. Along the way he runs into other weird zany characters and maybe a few villains that join in on or his hilarious antics. The actors are the usual Sandler friends that he's had in other films.

Overall its just a nice comfort Halloween themed Sandler comedy that shouldn't be taken so seriously by snobby critics that can't grasp the point of these films after all these years. Throw it on and forget about the world.
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The voice
rjsleigh19 October 2020
Unwatchable and I like Adam Sandler.

Parts of it sounded like he was mumbling. Unwatchable as far as I was concerned.
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A fun way to kickstart the Halloween season before diving into the darker n scarier movies.
Fella_shibby7 October 2020
Everybody watches Sandler's films to reduce cortisol n this one is a worthy entry for the Halloween season which can be enjoyed by the entire family.

It has everything, costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, kids on bicycles, lots of different masks, corn field maze, a werewolf, a psycho on the run, as well as fellas enjoying horror films at the drive ins n kids at home. It even has some nice cameos n a fat mom with lovely tshirts. The film moves at a steady pace, has lots of comedy n an enjoyable twist.
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Wow! That was Something! Something Bad...
Ricky9LA18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't write a lot of reviews and I like to give most films the benefit of the doubt, but I just couldn't with this film. Every 10 minutes of this film, felt like an hour.

Sandler's acting/voice was god awful. He is just cashing in the checks now. I tried to make myself laugh a few times throughout the film, but I just couldn't. I believe the film's cast and Netflix's marketing made gave this film, much more exposure than it truly deserved.

I enjoyed a lot of Sandler's films in the 90's and early 00's, but this film was completely horrible. I hope Sandler is able to provide better quality films in the future. But for now, this is the content we are forced to view.
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Know What You're Watching
rivalrocks9 October 2020
If you go in knowing what to expect you won't be disappointed. It's simply a feel good, goofy, Adam Sandler Halloween movie. I loved it, glad I watched it.
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A harmless silly distraction.
Aaron137512 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I see by its score here that many people did not care for this film, and my question to them is why did you bother watching it? Adam Sandler has been around for a while now and has made numerous movies, so by now you should really know whether or not you are going to enjoy a movie by him or not. I am not his biggest fan, but then, I usually find my comedy from stuff like MST3K and Rifftrax rather than a movie. I watched this one, only because my wife started watching it and it caught my attention when I saw Ben Stiller at the beginning with that horrible mustache! So I watched and while it was silly and goofy and immature, it also provided a nice distraction from a very bad work week for me.

The story starts out with a person escaping a mental institution and then switches to Hubie, a person who is a super nice guy who likes looking out for others, but who gets picked on constantly by the town bullies even at his advanced age. Well, a guy trying to play a prank on Hubie in a corn maze gets taken by something and soon so do others. Hubie suspects it is his new neighbor who may be a werewolf, the town officer thinks it is the escaped mental patient from the beginning and soon they will find out the truth!

The cast is rather good as it was fun to see a lot of the old Saturday Night Live alum in roles as well as Sandler perennials Steve Buschemi and Kevin James. One person who I kept expecting to show up was David Spade, but he was curiously absent from this one, unless I just missed him some how.

So, it is not a super great comedy at all, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I thought the story was harmless enough and I liked the ending as the mother had a really funny line about her destination. It plays out like one of the those films in the 90's featuring a popular Saturday Night Live character in a full movie and like those, it does get a bit too long in the tooth; however, Sandler's Hubie has a bit more depth than girl who folds her arms and the two clubbing brothers. Though, that is not really saying much now is it? In the end, pretty much your typical Sandler character movie, by that I mean he does a voice and tries to be someone totally different rather than when he plays just a regular guy like in Grown Ups or Big Daddy.
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Cringeworthy, one trick pony
bgmagic2211 October 2020
Not funny! Boring, slow, and annoying. I use to enjoy Adam Sandler films but he tends to play the same dumb, slow talking, lisp having, water boy character over &'s so tired and played out. This movie sucked!
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jimmybayardx8 October 2020
Outdated, shallow, ugly, not funny. *THE VOICE* literally feels like this movie came out in 1996
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Everyone needs to calm down. This movie was not bad
alisonaroberts9 October 2020
Firstly, what do you expect with an Adam sandler movie? The voice is annoying but he does it in others. If you love Halloween and stupid funny movies then try this. Yes some bits were stupid but overall it was entertaining and nice to have a Halloween movie that isn't scary.

Plus I love all the throwbacks to his old films.

And if you are like me and worried it might actually be scary, it is not.
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simone_mitil11 October 2020
I usually don't rate movies if I don't like them. But this is not good. Why the voice? Does he had a dissability? I don't understand. Please, don't let him make something like this again.
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Not a bad watch
drakelosson14 October 2020
It's not a bad movie as long as your not expecting a masterpiece. It's a simple feel good movie that is good if you need something to watch also a great movie for Halloween time. Other than the voice I don't have too many complaints.
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Mean spirited and cruel movie where an entire town bully's what seems like a DD person
jester2055-113-95458611 October 2020
This is just absolute garbage. The whole town, adults and kids alike bully this guy relentlessly. How is that supposed to be funny? If you don't have a problem with that premise alone, you are a terrible person and should not reproduce.

Using the voice and behaviors of a developmentally disabled person isn't funny, again it's cruel and sad.

So much potential with the big budget and supporting cast, too bad someone allowed Adam Sandler to portray this kind of pitiful and relentlessly targeted character.

Come on bro, retire this stupid played out voice and stick to making funny movies where the characters aren't the joke, the story is.
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Fun fun
ronibhoy-815359 October 2020
Abit like the waterboy, had me after 5 mins laughing my head off 🤣
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Adam Sandler in his worst movie ever
cosmality9 October 2020
Another in a long list of disappointing recent movies. In a continuing attempt to find something worth watching in the last few years I was hopeful here.

I like Halloween, and typically I have liked Adam Sandler. I couldn't agree more with the other reviews that his stupid voice almost ruined the movie immediately. It is so obvious fake, and often hard to understand, ruining the whole movie before it starts. Tried to fight past that to see some really gross stuff that wasn't funny and clearly just looking for lazy laughs.

Usually in these movies there is a good turning point where things start to go better for the main character, until ultimately the movie finishes with a conclusion making you feel like the main character "won".

In this movie, everyone loses. The performers, the director, and certainly the audience. This isn't a spoiler, just a fact.
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A great nostalgia trip!
yotamhadad7 October 2020
These days when you sit to watch an Adam Sandler film in the comedy department, you don't know what to expect. His comedic sense is versatile.

I'm glad to say that with "Hubie Halloween" it landed just at the right place for me.

It's like a throw back to the type of tv late 80's and early 90's grew up on.

If you used to enjoy stuff from "Eerie, Indiana" to "Archie's Weird Mysteries" you'll surely enjoy this movie!
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O'Doyle Rules!
cellfourteen9 October 2020
Good one. Funny, and the cast is outstanding. I'd probably watch it again next Halloween.
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Time to cancel Netflix
Porkleaker11 October 2020
Prices going up, they're paying Adam Sandler $275 million to make 4 movies. So he made 68 mil from this steaming pile. You go from Uncut Gems to the typical, idiotic Sandler movies that might as well be improvised and of course you've got Paul Blart in the movie, because he always casts his talentless, broke friends in all of his movies.
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Really not good
andrew_brownlie288 October 2020
This felt like Adam Sandler woke up with a really bad hangover and was just like "right, best make a film today I guess"

This had so much potential but it just felt lazy and tired.

It's like, what remaining pieces of effort he had, he left it all in uncut gems.

It's like Ron Swanson would say don't try and half ass two things, whole ass one thing and do it well.

Come on Adam I know you have a really good comedy left in you somewhere, possibly.
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