Against the Dark (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Seagal against zombie vampires! Worst movie idea of the decade!
Anonymous_Maxine6 March 2009
I have noticed that some people are glad to see Steven Seagal move his career in a slightly new direction by leaving behind his traditional style of roles in favor of something of a vampire hunter in his new film Against the Dark (or "Last Night," depending on whether you're looking at the cover box or watching the cast and crew interviews), in which he is the leader of a small group of people who stalk through the night dispatching the vampires that the entirety of the human race have transformed into as a result of a viral epidemic.

Really? Someone was glad about this? Seagal has been one of my guilty pleasures for almost 20 years now, and while the vast majority of his movies are undeniably awful, there is always an element of fun in them that manages to come through even the stupidest story lines, but not this time. There isn't even any of Seagal's traditional style of ass-kicking prowess to be had here, he just walks through dark hallways occasionally hacking vampires to death.

Oh, and don't get me started on the vampires. The movie was written by a Mathew Klickstein, whose work displays a massive lack of even the slightest bit of writing talent. The movie begins with the explanation that a virus wiped out nearly all of mankind and that there were no vaccines and no immunity. Minutes later, a voice-over explains that "some of the wounded were immune, others just changed."

Nice. I like the narrative consistency. Later, after meeting several examples of what the human race have transformed into, one character explains, "Everyone thinks they're vampires, but they're not. They're mutants."

Is this for real? Vampires. Does anyone think these things are vampires? These are typical, badly performed zombies straight out of any cheap zombie movie. To suggest that they are vampires is to display a spectacular lack of understanding of one of the most basic tenets of horror movie lore. Vampires, among other things, drink blood. They don't tear out entrails in mindless feeding frenzies.

In one scene, one of the "vampires" tells one of the uninfected characters something like this, "We have evolved. We think, we talk, we plan…"

Yeah, but we know all about our evolutionary history, but we don't understand that we're zombies, not vampires. Consider, for example, Brad Pitt's and Tom Cruise's brilliant vampire performances in Interview with the Vampire, an immeasurably better movie. They are educated, they're philosophical, they radiate class and style. To say that the things in Against the Dark have evolved from them is quite a statement indeed. So let's just refer to the creatures by what they really are, shall we?

Steven Seagal's first line in the movie, by the way, comes after he and his team rush on screen and cut up a bunch of zombies that are closing in on a young boy. After killing all of them, Seagal says, "We're not here to decide what's right or wrong, we're here to decide who lives and dies."

What does that even mean? It doesn't matter, the entire script is stupendously dumb, and the movie reduces the destruction of all of mankind to a handful of people wandering around a darkened hospital trying to avoid getting eaten while they wait for Seagal and his crew to come save them. The United States Military, headed by Keith David (the movie's one completely wasted talent), waits outside for Seagal to do all the hard stuff.

If you were to make the sad mistake of watching this thing, I would actually recommend watching the extra feature on the DVD that talks about the making of the movie. Sometimes these making-of featurettes can be helpful in slightly changing your opinion of a bad movie, but in this case it is more interesting than the movie itself just to watch how completely deluded everyone seems to have been in making it. I can't understand how anyone at any moment of production could have tricked themselves into thinking that they weren't making a spectacularly bad movie, but they did it, man. They really believed they were onto something with this mess. Miss it!
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The poor man's Blade
ericthered0127 January 2009
I was intrigued by this film and it's premise. You have Steven Seagal fighting vampires, I mean that alone should interest any martial arts movie fan since he hasn't really done anything like that before. The film also stars Linden Ashby who can hold his own in action movies such as Mortal Kombat. But within the first five minutes of this film I came crashing back down to the reality that this is 2009 and Seagal has been relegated to the direct-to-DVD market. This movie is so low budget that almost the entire movie takes place in a hospital that is crawling with "vampires"; although we are told at one point that they are more like mutants. Actually they are more like a hundred extras running around with pointy teeth and fake blood around their mouths. This movie is so low budget that it makes Jean-Claude Van Damme's direct-to-DVD movies look like summer blockbusters. Linden Ashby and veteran character actor Keith David spend all of their scenes yelling at each other in a military tent. Ashby's character wants to give Seagal and his vampire hunters time to clear the building and get the survivors out while David's character wants to blast it ASAP. If these scenes took more than one day to film I would be surprised. Seriously though, if I had Linden Ashby and Steven Seagal in the same movie I would at least have them in a scene together, not to mention a fight scene. Ahh, the fight scenes. Seagal walks around holding a sword for most of the movie. When he uses it, it's mostly close-ups of him swinging it at the camera. He uses a couple of guns too, but it's nothing special. He throws a few mutants around towards the end of the movie as well, but again it's nothing special. One member of his hunting crew who is on the show American Gladiators actually steals the show as far as action goes. His action scenes are actually pretty good and the only reason to watch this poor man's Blade. However it's not enough to recommend this movie.
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Against Against the Dark!
n-r-johns9 January 2011
This will be a strange review. Objectively this is a terrible film. Two bland locations are used to portray a world over-run by vampire/mutants. There is no real context just a short voice-over by one of the main characters explaining that the world has been overtaken by a virus.

A film made on the cheap, with an appalling script written by a literate infant. At one point a key character is explaining to the others just how bad things are, at least that's what he says he is doing... In truth he is stating the obvious and in fairly mild terms. Later he is wandering around and runs into the vigilante group led by Seagal and he is told that luck is liable to run out! No sh** Sherlock, the guy is locked in a manky hospital with an army of raging mutants inside and out.

The acting is mostly okay, but Steven Seagal is so wooden it is hard to distinguish him from the scenery.Otherwise it's reasonable especially at some have no lines at all, aka attendants one and two :) There is horror and action in good measure but overall the film is a stinker. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

HOWEVER, I don't mind it. In fact I've seen it a few times. The score reflects an objective review not what I think entirely. I like the feeling of being under siege by ravening monsters, I quite like gory scenes and a bit of action. In this sense it's a fair effort for me,largely because I'm weird and easily pleased, but most people will undoubtedly hate it.
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What a mess.
genecanfield3 August 2020
What with the correlation between Segal's weight gain and the increasingly ridiculousness of his films. To point out what wrong with this film would just be shooting fish in a barrel. Watch it to learn how NOT to make a film
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tardigrade8112 February 2009
Well I watched this movie last night with my girlfriend.... And Ill say right now one reason it might have seemed worse to me is because I was watching it with my girlfriend and she sat there the hole time saying how bad it was, and how much weight Seagal has put on lol. HOWEVER this movie straight up was just horrible.

I am a huge fan of Seagal HUGE... I even liked some of his movies most people didn't, like Mercenary For Justice, Shadown Man, and Attack Force... lol OK jk about the last one.

But this movie........ there just was nothing good about it. It started off VERY boring, showing these people walking through a hospital and the one guy who played the Stonner (I thought) did a terrible job of acting. It would show a little piece of Seagal and his crew just to remind you that they are still in the movie... The final I would say... 20 minutes was decent with some good fighting. However the movie was SOOOO dark you couldn't see a thing which was very annoying.

I could get into every single detail, but you catch my drift. This movie (as lots have mentioned) Is NOT a Seagal movie. I actually heard from a few people that he took the script just for fun and support this movie.

Skip this piece of crap and wait for Ruslan to come out, as that actually looks like it could be in comparison to Urban Justice and Pistol Whipped.
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Things I learned watching this film.
stormofwar13 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
1. Katanas are actually scimitars.

2. Ex-military folks don't speak much.

3. Ex-military folks must wear black leather when "hunting", and the gals must wear high-heeled boots.

4. People who survive virus-induced holocausts are either immune or not depending on the whim of the director.

5. People who survive virus-induced holocausts have no real need of a method of self-defense like, say, a gun.

6. Stock footage of planes flying over deserts and oceans are believable for use during depictions of bombing runs.

7. All sword masters don't really do much swinging or moving. They just walk everywhere.

8. This is the fulfillment of Seagal's contract with Satan for his stardom.

9. There are more clichés in Hollywood then I realize.

10. You can survive a bombing run of planes by driving in an old pick up truck, which you don't have to see on screen to know they survived.

11. Vampires look and act a lot like zombies, and then spontaneously evolve for no apparent reason.

12. Seagal has the acting versatility of an oak tree.

13. There was a voice over credit for Seagal's character for no reason I can fathom.

This movie is just bad, bad, bad. The scripting, acting, technical aspects, and artistic values of this pickle are all bad. The only saving grace is Midwinter, who does surprisingly well with his time on camera, both acting and action wise. If you are a fan of him, pick this film up. Otherwise, don't bother. You have been warned.
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Steven Seagal Ginsu's plague mutants by the score !
elang-119 January 2009
Against the Dark staring Steven Seagal is certainly a departure from the standard formula employed in his passed movies. In this nonsensical yarn, the rotund Seagal plays the urban legend street fighting hero as always, but instead of battling drug dealing thugs or terrorists, Seagal is out saving the last vestiges of humanity from blood thirsty cannibal plague mutants. Seagal and a party of mostly lethargic companions prefer to make use of swords and knives to slice and dice their mutant antagonists which makes little sense since if the mutants were contagious with a dangerous communicable disease, drenching themselves in their blood would seem to be unwise. However, the courageous multi-chinned Seagal braves the endemic risks to rescue a pitifully helpless band of plague survivors (one has to wonder how in the world they managed to survive at all given their utter helpless condition).

As usual, Seagal's marshal arts skills are showcased and he demonstrates that even the likes of Orson Wells or Raymond Burr could have been marshal artists despite their physical handicaps. The real stars of this movie are the mutants and you might find yourself routing for them before it is over.
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Seagal Needs to stop ACTING!! and LOSE weight!!
FranksterOC16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I never write a comment, but I saw this movie in about 10 Min altogether. MY GOD!!! why do movie product companies even bother making a horrible movie like this... and to star Seagal!! who's easily gained extra 100 pounds, can't even run than doing action scenes... are you kidding me... trying to be Blade!! it's a disgrace... his old action movies were fun.. when he was skinny and could actually do martial arts.... any idiot can swing a sword at the camera and then show another scene bunch of awful extras fall off like they just got cut off. I'm sorry folks... Watch this movie... just to appreciate how good are good movies! :D I mean the acting, the story, the everything was just awful... it was done basically with a regular camera from Best buy and bunch of extras running around. it's just sad that some big productions actually give budget to these type of horrible movies where there are so much better can be done... sad sad sad..
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The WORST Vampire Film of all time!
patrick-klein27 April 2009
Lets just say that I eagerly anticipate ANY Vampire related film, I have loved them since I was little. I read the case the other day and thought "OOOOOH, Sounds Great!"

How wrong could I have been!

The DVD Case itself is incorrect showing its LOW BUDGET off from the start! Naming Steven Segal as Tagart, when in fact he plays the character Tao! Tagart is played by Tanoai Reed. The ONLY character who shows any passion/acting promise throughout (though might I add ... NOT IN ANY SPEAKING PARTS!)

The whole thing is a sham from start to finish and has been called a "poor mans Blade" which is an Insult to Blade!

Whoever wrote this has watched one too many resident evil films and episodes of Buffy the Vampire slayer, done so with their eyes SHUT and then tried to mix the two.

The Result? This MOCKERY.

Nuff said!

Had it been thought out properly, had a bit more $£$£$£$ spent on it, and a bit more time on the script and dialogue .... it may have passed the mark.

Twighlight had more storyline, action and 'kick ass' than this, and Steven Segal should be ashamed! I know hes getting old, but thats no excuse for taking and making such a poor movie!

Shame on you all!! 1 out of 10 is the lowest I can give via IMDb .... but even that score is too high!
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Awfully Imbecile
claudio_carvalho25 April 2009
When most of the population of Earth is infected by a virus and transformed in flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters leaded by Tao (Steven Seagal) and his word chases the vampire zombies to eliminate them. Six non-infected survivors try to find the exit of an abandoned hospital crowded of the infected creatures, and Tao and his group help them. Meanwhile the military command is ready to bomb and wipe out the area from the map.

The awful "Against the Darkness" is one of the most imbecile stories I have ever seen. The plot of infected human race has been told through a great number of zombie movies and is not original. Let me try to understand some of the incoherences: there is a group of four humans in a hospital trying to get some medicines, and that is OK. They meet a couple that has been living in the place for a long period but now, during the night and having less than an hour to stop the generator, they want to leave the building, otherwise they will be trapped inside. Question: why the couple did not leave the place during the previous daylight? How they have never stumbled with any infected creature while living in the hospital if the place is crowded of them? They meet Tao and his hunters that are in the building killing creatures. Question: If the place will be bombed, why risk their lives killing the creatures with sword, knives or whatever weapon? Further, the place is locked up by a gate and the vampire zombies would never leave the building. Amelia speaks and tells that the creatures are an evolution of the human race; however, they are not able to press the red button to open the gate. Why the girl has a smile on her face in the end after losing Amelia and other comrades? I could list many other flaws or holes in the screenplay. The choreography of the action scenes is ridiculous, most of them with Steven Seagal in close moving his sword in the direction of the camera in a terrible edition. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Escuridão Mortal" ("Mortal Darkness")
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Oh crap...
Christopherritzer16 April 2009
Oh crap is right. What the heck is this work and who needs to be held responsible? I've seen A lot of bad movies in my life, actually even enjoy quite a few horrid flicks. But this was SO bad i turned it off. (after checking the clock to see how much longer it could possibly have...) Segal? he had a few good ones. Your not blade, never will be, and you should quit while your ahead (10 years ago). Story sucked. Acting SUCKED. Overall production sucked. But none of them sucked as bad as the fact that the 30 minutes or so i dedicated to this movie i will never get back. Ugh. Do yourself a favor, don't watch this... unless your suicidal. It'll help you take the plunge. Chris~>
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Needs 'tighter' editing (not bad, not great, either)
dolemite7229 January 2009
A lot of doubts i had with AGAINST THE DARK were confirmed when i watched it. It's general ideas are outweighed by (obvious) budget restraints. Although, for a low budget STV release, it was OK. The look of the movie (cinematography, music and FX were all competent) It just needs tighter editing, and maybe a few more 'sub-plots (something i thought i'd never ask for, given the over-abundance of 'filler-plots' in more recent 'Seagal' movies) For once, a bit more plot wouldn't go amiss (other than people wandering around corridors, waiting to be attacked....then rescued....the end) David Cronenberg pulled off a similar trick in SHIVERS, by adding 'offbeat' dialogue and situations. The director of AGAINST THE DARK, is no Cronenberg And i'm sure you know by now, that although billed as a 'Seagal' flick, his screen time amounts to about a third of the running time (although, the fragmented plot ensures that nearly most of the cast, are only ever seen roughly the same length also) Seagal is fine in the role of Tao, master swordsman and vigilante, and one can only sit back and wish that he had more screen time and more 'ass-kicking' to do (but he does do a fair amount here) The other actors around him, are OK, but nothing to right home about either.

I was surprised at the 'gore' factor (quite Romero-ish, in places) but hardly anything to keep KNB awake at night. With a little bit of editing, and more 'choice' dialogue, this movie could have easily held it's head up amongst the likes of lower ranked 'zombie-fare' like DIARY OF THE DEAD or 28 WEEKS LATER. As it is though, it's (sadly) a horror movie, whose 'sole' attraction is a 'star' (who is hardly in it) It's still a lot better than KILL SWITCH though! Big Lee gives AGAINST THE DARK a 7 out of 10 (only for the presence of the 'Stout Sensei')
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Not Nearly as Bad as People are saying...
nathynmasters-845-60840722 November 2012
I gave this movie a chance. I have to admit I went into it expecting it to suck, so maybe my lowered expectation had something to do with it, but the movie starts off like many others describing the disaster, we meet the survivors and meet Seagal and his crew. We cut between the survivors and the hunters until they meet up. This was actually better than many of the film's he's been in.

Much of the issue comes from Seagal being part of an ensemble cast. While he got a lot of the spotlight, the film simply wasn't about him. While he is billed as a lead to help sell the film there's a lot more going on here.

So I'm going to give this movie a 7. As an action horror film it was pretty good. Wasn't on the level of some, but it was good. And the creatures are cool too, they're like a mix of vampire and zombie. Seagal and his team do kick a lot of butt, so that can't be the reason as to why so many people hate on this film. I will admit Seagal didn't do a ton of Akido, but the fight scenes are still pretty good.
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Should have stayed in the dark.
lost-in-limbo30 October 2009
Oh dear, Steven Seagel has been starring in very mediocre to poor straight to DVD films in recent times… and the digitally shot low-budget horror / action "Against the Dark" is another terrible outing. Actually I was expecting more Seagel, but really he's nothing more than a support character. Who does nothing much than wandering around, kicking in with some slaughter by samurai sword and whispering out inane dialogues.

The future is looking grim as the earth's population has succumbed to a virus that turns its victims into zombie-like vampires. The story mainly centres on a group of survivors held up in an abandon hospital; trying to get themselves out before the generator dies meaning they would find themselves trapped. Their only chance of survival seems to rest of a small group know as hunters led by Tao (Seagel in glory) who go around finding the non-infected and slice and dice those who are.

The premise feels like a sloppily dull mixture of ''Resident Evil", "Blade" and "28 Days Later". The predictably clichéd story has been done to death, but it's poorly drawn up (characters and situations with a script that thinks its got something insightful to say… no worthless drivel) consisting of senselessly dumb plot devices that it grows wearisome by feeling much longer than it is. What's going on is a lot of posing and little imagination to back it up. Ah there's a lot of walking/running here and then over there as the confined elements find themselves getting smaller. The gloomy visuals aren't too bad with some decently ghastly images, but when the action hits (with that overwrought music score)… it's a blotchy mess of purposely unfocused editing. The performances stand-up better (Jenna Harrison and Linden Ashby) than the pitiful material, but I found the characters reactions completely annoying.
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False Advertising This Is Not A Seagal Movie
slightlymad223 October 2019
Continuing my plan to watch every Steven Seagal movie in order, I just watched Against The Dark (2009)

Well, this one sucked. I thought it sounded fun Seagal fights vampire zombies after a plague and must escape, before the army plans to nuke the area. But it's all so poorly done. Seagal and his team are not the focal point of the movie, despite him being the lone actor on the cover (not unusual in land of dtv movies) it's more about a group of survivors who need to escape the hospital where Seagal's stunt man and his team are killing all the zombie's/vampires (what were they?? Only one had fangs, and she did that to herself) they can find.

Seagal only has about five or six scenes in the movie and he does very little in these scenes and he might utter a total of fifty words, which are mostly not him. I should find out who his stand in, stunt double is, as he did most of the work here. The movie is carried by Tanoai Reed (who, looking at his IMDB credits is Dwayne Johnsons stunt double) and an impressive Jenna Harrison, and these two do a good job carrying what little movie there was. If it were not for them, I would have turned it off.

If you want to see a movie that moves fast, has lots of zombie/vampire killing goodness with just barely enough plot, dialog and story to link all this murdering together, then this is the one for you. Otherwise stay away.
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Tao the Zombie Hunter
joeshoe8919 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The movie begins with the word: Infect and a dictionary definition. Then we have flashes of bloody hands and entrails ripping. Are we in Romero territory here? Well not really. After a mysterious "virus" causes most of the population to become blood drinking flesh eaters what we have is Big Steve and his band of sword and automatic weapon carrying "hunters" doing most of the military's work for them slip sliding around killing never ending bands of fast moving vampire/zombies who can be recognized by their blood all over their mouth growling behavior. Another group of not infected men and women (and everyone asks frequently: "Are you infected?") which includes a female preteen who should be too young to see this movie spends all of their time trying to get through what looks like an abandoned hospital that looks to have been under siege. At one point one of the women says: "In 24 hours the sun will come up." Why it takes 24 hours for the sun to come up was never answered. Why if they can't get to a motorized big metal gate it won't open and they will be trapped inside with lots of vampire/zombies is also never answered. But you just know large and in charge puffy faced sword flashing long coat wearing blues singing Steven Seagal will protect that little preteen girl from the evil even more bloated vampire/zombies who gently run their fingers through her hair like it's Dateline NBC. At another point in the film one of the non infected is kidnapped by a long haired Romanian guy who starts to explain in an unintelligible accent how his little preteen blonde daughter is a "new" race. The daughter then looks lustfully at the older guy who's tied up until Big Steve impales her with his great big samurai sword. OK some of you who loved the little fast moving zombie girl in the Dawn remake will like this too. It's a fun goofy bloody mixture of martial arts zombies vampires will the military kill the good guys fast paced time waster.
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Less than a good Seagal Movie
bkmcguin28 February 2009
After seeing many of Seagal's movies, this one just doesn't seem to fit in with what I have grown to expect in a "Steven Seagal Movie". I felt that it put Steven Seagal in a lower class of films than he deserves. However, if you want blood, gore, and dead bodies, this is a movie for you. Definitely a low budget film and many actors names that I do not recognize, but everyone has to start somewhere to be seen or found. I don't feel that the purchase of the DVD movie was worth the money. I'm not into this type of movie. I purchased it solely because it was a Steven Seagal, but ended up disappointed. I do not recommend this movie, unless you're just collecting "Seagal Movies" and want to be able to say that you have all of them. You might wait and see it on TV, before you buy it.
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Seagal Should Retire
David_Brown20 December 2010
I have a basic rule about films: I always see the ending. It does not matter if I like them, or even detest them ("The Snake People", "Hot Tub Time Machine" "The Adventures Of Pluto Nash", "Bowfinger", "Teenage Catgirls In Heat", "Walk On The Wild Side", "Jewel Robbery", "Billy Jack", and Valley Of The Dolls" are a few that come to mind), I always catch the ending (Even if it is just the last 10-15 minutes) to know how the film ended. "Against The Dark" is different, I could not even go back to watch the ending. There is nothing redeemable about it: No beautiful women, no humor, no catchy phrases, no suspense, no character to care one iota about, it did not even have a decent song for the credits (Like "Billy Jack & "Valley Of The Dolls" had). It is without question the worst film this side of "Machete" in Seagal's car (I would sooner sit down and watch stupid reality TV like "America's Next Top Model" or "Bridezilla's" above this film (At least some of the women are hot)). The only thing that could possibly be worse to watch is "Machete", "Walk On The Wild Side" and gay porn (Since I have never seen that (Nor intend to), I can only guess at that). As for Seagal, there is not a single "A-List" star in motion picture history whose career has fallen further, from when he was on top. This includes Boris Karloff who went from "Frankenstein" & "The Mummy" to "Isle Of The Snake People" and the "Ghost In The Invisible Bikini", Van Damme, or even Corey Feldman from "The Burbs" & "The Lost Boys" to "The Two Corey's". Seagal's performances in films like "Against The Dark", and "Attack Force" make the worst Charles Bronson movies at Cannon Films (Such as "Kinjite" and "Messenger Of Death") look like "Death Wish" or "Once Upon A Time In The West". The last Seagal film that was any good, "Half Past Dead" was made in 2002, which should tell him, it is time to retire, and never make anyone suffer through any of films again. I will never watch another Seagal film again
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" I Feel stronger than I ever did when I was alive "
thinker16911 June 2009
Has the world of the Martial artist hit rock bottom? In that genre, one of the best action hero was none other than Steven Segal. However, aside from continuing to make films, one has to ask, why did he do this one? There are a number of other actors who might have carried this poor showing to it's ultimate end. I cannot say I am impressed with anything in this movie and someone forgot to tell Segal this film should have been refused. The story line is the country has been devastated by some sort of plague and wiped out the inhabitants. What is left are a few survivors, which included 'The Hunters', some flesh eating zombies and the military. Trapped in what is left of the city, a group of survivors try to find shelter amid the remnants of an abandoned hospital. Traveling through what appears to be a maze of corridors, they are constantly attacked by the zombies who eventually whittle the small group down to bite-size. Along the way they are joined by the hunters who attempt to find a way out. Meanwhile the military is prepared to level the town with an all out strike. Few hours till dawn approach and the group makes one last ditch effort to escape the building. The film will not be seen as Segal's best, far from it. With the exception of Keith David as Lt. Waters and Tanoai Reed as Tagart, the film leaves much to be desired and Mr. Segal should have passed on this role. **
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besucher-119 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious whether this film can be a new start for Steven Seagal but it wasn't. He's not even the main protagonist, so it is a mistake to show him on the cover.

The story begins as a narrator tells the situation. I don't consider it as a good start. The basic conflict should be shown within the story. But anyway, the first two minutes are the most interesting part of the movie. After this, the zombies come and eat people, that's all what's happening. No progress, no goal. We don't know anything about the characters, we won't like or hate them. Some of them will be eaten by the zombies, we know that from the beginning.

This movie is terrible. There's no real script in it, the music is terrible, the pop rithyms don't fit to the zombies at all. And all the movie is taken place at dark corridors, as the didn't have money for any good place to shoot at.

I don't recommend this film for anyone. The worst moment was when Steven Seagal stabbed a zombie little boy. Can you imagine it? If you want to see a trash movie in the subject, see Zombie Strippers, it is not so serious, and they have Jenna Jameson in it.
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rockdalecop18 February 2009
I had high hopes for this. Judging from the trailer, it looked interesting to say the least. I've been a Seagal fan for a long time, but his films have gone from great (Urban Justice) to lame (Against the Dark)to ridiculous (Flight of Fury). Call me crazy but it looks as if a stunt man does his fights. Why? Remember "Today you Die"? and "Kill Switch"? Whats with the double? Nothing's cooler than to watch Steven Kick Ass!!! Enough 'bout that. Against the Dark is not a Seagal film at all. All he did was about a 10 minute cameo. It's a neat story and it had some nice action bits but that's it. Nice violence too but not enough to keep someone interested. Steven, please go back to kicking ass and not all this non-sense!!!!!
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one of Seagal's better DTV efforts
ManBehindTheMask637 February 2011
This is a pretty cool straight-to-video action/horror flick that happens to co-star Steven Seagal. I say co-star because he really isn't in it that much. But when you do see him he is kicking butt. Seagal looks thinner and there are some pretty cool one liners. Very over-the-top. The special effects were surprisingly good and top notch. Basically a group of survivors are hiding out in an abandoned hospital from the zombie/vampires. Seagal leads a group known as "hunters" and they team up with the survivors inside. The acting is decent and the gore is plenty. Seagal really isn't the star of the flick. The black sidekick does most of the butt kicking but you do get a lot of sword action from Seagal. A huge step up from Killswitch. Urban Justice and Pistol Whipped are both good films from Seagal's straight-to-video era.
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The best movie ever
jacobjohntaylor15 July 2019
This is a great movie. I do not know why people do not like it. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It is very scary. 3.2 is just underrating it. This a 9 out of 10.
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Palidan40026 February 2010
Short and simple, it was annoying. A decent movie with some cool camera techniques, but it was un-original and very irritating. The characters were complete idiots. The little girl was annoying, the women were quite stupid, and the men were failures (except for the two hunters). Without spoiling anything, this was basically how it went every time:

4 people are together. 1 of them goes to explore ahead. A zombie comes. The other 3 instantly "run!" without even helping the other person. Oh look, that 1 person killed the zombie, so they can move on. Wait, the other 3 ran back to where they started from and now they're all split up. Too bad.

Complete idiots. They deserved to die. By the mid-section of the movie, I was rooting for the zombies. That aside, the rest was okay. Nothing great, but an average movie just to enjoy. Definitely bloody and gory, the action scenes were great, and it had a cliché but watchable plot.

All together it's not too shabby, not great, completely annoying, but watchable.
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Not good enough to be bad
pmstone12 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The ridiculous story of a ragtag band of survivors in a world ravaged by a virus which turns people into vampires. These survivors find themselves trapped in a hospital and can't get out...because...uh....the doors are locked? They're trying to find their way down to the basement to get to a parking garage.....before.....uh.....the generator dies and the security door won't let them out? They stumble around in this deserted building, being hunted by packs of vampires who seem to have no trouble getting around. They come to door after door, which they can't get through because they are locked. I'm sorry, but did the world's supply of crow bars just vaporize when this plague hit? Which brings out one of the many flaws in this movie. If I was a "survivor" in a world overrun by vampires, I'd be carrying every weapon I could get my hands on. Even if I couldn't find a gun anywhere, I'd get a butcher knife, a steel rod, hell, a big stick. But these people carry nothing. They make no attempt to actively defend themselves from the vampires. They simply wander around like sheep waiting to be eaten. But wait, along comes our hero. He does come along right? I mean, I do believe I remember seeing one of two quick flashes of him, mumbling some stupid commands to his "team". And I believe he did actually kill a vampire, right? The fight scenes happened so fast, and were filmed with constantly shifting camera angles so that you couldn't tell what happened. You see a flash of his face, a flash of his sword, and then blood is flying everywhere. Nothing he does in this movie even approximates acting. Like good wine, some actors get better and better with age. Steven Seagal just goes sour. Like this movie.
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