Tom Swift (TV Series 2022) Poster


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Should be fabulous, sadly it is not.
bosporan1 June 2022
A thoroughly unlikeable hero with daddy issues, he is arrogant, selfish and has a massive chip on his shoulder. The premise of this show is interesting enough, but the execution is twelfth-grade writing-contest level. Everything is drawn to extremes with little subtlety - the villain is immediately apparent even without a twirly moustache.

The core story is hackneyed, with Flash Gordan level effects, over-earnest, immersion-breaking dialogue and a plot that bounces from serendipity to McGuffins and back to magic tech mumbo jumbo.

Clearly The CW is capable of good TV (Superman & Lois, Stargirl), but this has too many extraneous constraints, competing with the need to write a compelling story.
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jamesell-917391 June 2022
Very disappointing. I was looking forward to a modern take on Tom Swift. Good news - attractive cast. Bad news: everything else. Acting and dialogue were atrocious. Story line was just plain silly. Hard pass.
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Why ...... why?
jim_chung1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand updating and sexxing up the storyline to make it more attractive to current young audiences, and CW's Riverdale is an excellent example at how well they managed that.

But this time CW went too far and forgot that story .... is not just the most important thing but the only thing.

Tom Swift is Black ... and gay. And likes to weld bare chested. He talks a little Gangsta and so does the family's taste in houses, cars, fashion and .... swag. Ok maybe it's supposed to be camp ... but if it is, it's not funny. People die on an exploding spacecraft sent to Saturn and a security guard gets his neck snapped.

I will not be watching another episode. I was simply too embarrassed for all the people involved in the production. It is nearly unforgivably bad.
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Ah. Mr Swift, you could have been a contender
dwknuj5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it one star because that's as low as I could go. The review that you're about to read will encompass only this show's major flaws - not all of them.

I watched the first episode. If the death of Tom's father was so enormous in his life then the writers should have delayed dear old dad's demise until his character was better established.

Speaking of characters the Swift family are billionaires. It's a little tough to pull up much empathy with them.

Let's get to some basic science. We got a pretty close detailed look at the spacecraft that blew up. How was that accomplished? No telescope can give us that kind of detail. Was there a satellite flying next to the ship? If so, why? Why burn money on a satellite when you have a manned vessel?

The ship blowing up only hastened its doom. Saturn is a gas giant. It has no solid surface. Any ship dumb enough to attempt a landing would fall into the planet and eventually get crushed by the terrible pressure. Landing on a moon of Saturn? Maybe. Landing on a gaseous ball? You might as well try using a cloud as an aircraft runway.

Poorly written. Poorly acted. Mercifully, as time marches forward, we can forget about this wretched show and remember the good ones.
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warjo26113 July 2022
I thought I had found another science fiction series, bot NOPE!!!. The character Tom Swift is annoying and too extra , unlike in the book series. If the book series was popular then the producers and writers could have given a closer version of the character.
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Simply horrible.
idadaspida313 September 2022
I was excited to see a new possibly updated dated version of Tom swift. I thought maybe it would be for young adults but it would have some meaningful si fi mystery to it.. I mean I would not let my pre-teen watch it but my kids are grown thank goodness. This show failed on every single account that I can think of. I am by no means homophobic but this is way over the top. The outfits are over the top those big super white shining teeth of Toms are over the top along with his wardrobe. I wouldn't even mind if the show was kind of about youthful fashion but but I can't express my disappointment enough. Im a black woman just to let you know that it's not a race thing..its just a bad bad show..Smh..CW ought to he ashamed..
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This is Garbage
bobreiter-340323 June 2022
When I saw this new series advertised, as an old Tom Swift Jr. Book fan, I had to watch. Unfortunately, it is garbage. I disliked the level of science displayed. I disliked the plot. I disliked the actors. On top of all that the CGI was poor.

Todays television has some amazing Sci-Fi shows (The Expanse for example) that you can watch with a much more productive use of your time.

Watch something else than Tom Swift.
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I Don't Watch The CW
irearly6 June 2022
So I watched only to see what they would do with the venerable, intrepid adventurer and scientist. They made him into a CW TV series. Manufactured suspense, gay sex with a twist of fabulous and special effects that were hardly worth the effort. As mentioned elsewhere why use the 20th century American literary character if you are going to change LITERALLY everything about him? Making this a unique character, a person of his own time and place which he is, would have made this far more successful with its target audience, presumably habitual CW viewers. The only thing the two Tom's have in common is they are both wealthy industrialists (played down in the original character) and apparently are creative inventors although all the current Tom's accomplishments are in the past unless you count the extra special detergent he's forced to create in the first episode Can't see that as one of the old books. The "adventure " seems to be a quest for pieces of a mystery. Does this show's actual audience even know who Tom Swift is?
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Unexpectedly bad
mmoneta6 June 2022
I was expecting something like a mashup between Alex Rider and Black Panther. After all we have those as examples of highly successful, modern takes on similar story lines. But what I saw was just... garbage. The kind that has been sitting in the sun for a few days. I couldn't even make it through the first episode. The CW should just kill the show right now and replace it with reruns of something - anything - else.
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Just WOW (in a bad way)
drthierfelder8 June 2022
I tried to get through the first two episodes. It was mental root canal. One of the main reasons is this Tom Swift's total departure from both the 1930 and 1960 book series. And, no, I don't mean that in this version he's Black or gay. What I mean is that he's mean-spirited, vindictive, and just plain unlikeable. He's full of himself and revels in his narcissism. The Tom Swift of the book series was altruistic and a humanitarian--concepts this Tom Swift wouldn't begin to understand. I was so looking forward to this series, but this is one is just plain painful.
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laughterweb1 June 2022
Poorly written, poorly directed, choppy, and acting that couldn't last two nights as a high school play. The simple concept of missing entertainment is the only mystery to see here.
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Tom Swift Must Continue on Another Streaming Channel
MAYY91 August 2022
I agree with "The Definition of Unfulfilled Potential " caskray21. The show is avant-garde! The cast and themes are great. We need these shows to prove we live in a Democracy. The number of reviewers posting a 1 smells of racism and bots and extreme right-wing trolls. Reading the negative reviews brought me to tears because it was the same old white-rant to keep a race down. I'm 71 years old and a white female. I think the show is fantastic and forward thinking. This show and its premise must not be blocked. If CW/Nexstar can't handle the color and the need for this show and others like it that are going to be written, then another venue, another streaming service needs to pick it up. Tom Swift needs to continue to be seen and heard because of its very valuable messages. The show is super entertaining, mysterious, humorous, glamorous, and really cool. The sci-fi and science ideas are fascinating. It really took brave and bold writers and producers to get this show up and running. Producers don't lose your confidence, so keep it going and don't give up. Stand your ground and fight for it to stay on CW or another streaming service. Tom Swift is a great show, and it is the FUTURE.
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Is not great or amazing, but entertaining enough, plus for once, the gay character is a male!
felipeepiscopo3 August 2022
How many openly gay male leads there is in sci-fi or super heroes series? That's right, this is probably the first. And is curious how this seems to be the factor so many reviewers view as negative or insufferable. There are plenty of queer women and lesbians protagonists in fantasy (Batwoman, Harley-Quinn, Black Lightning, She-ra, even fricking Dickinson) and nobody seems to take that as an issue. But whenever somebody dares to present a gay man in one of these series, inevitable people is talking about the "gay agenda" and how this "flamboyant" guy could be a protagonist. The series is not perfect, or even great, but is fine for an hour of television and that for once the "queer" lead is a man is very welcomed. Maybe check is this is not what itching your negativity towards this show. Not everybody is represented for what Hollywood consider is "queer", and gay men are not that present in Tv unless is a drama or a very obvious comedy.
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Truly Awful
johne-5595215 June 2022
Like a lot of white males I was attracted by the name since many of us grew up reading the books. Casting a black lead was an opportunity to update the series but instead this is collection of unrealistic stereotypes on top of ridiculously trite dialog. They apparently skimped on the writing hoping they could distract us with special effects which are equally unimpressive.

This may be one of the worst shows currently running (as you can see from the Rotten Tomato score). I maybe lasted 10 minutes on episode 1.
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Tommie Swiftie, Bro!
Narce5 June 2022
I read the Tom Swift Jr. Books when I was a pre-teen - probably around 10 to 12. I liked them because they had good inventions (Electric rifle? Neat!) and not much in the way of philosophy (pre-teens, at least in my generation, were not big fans of philosophical discussions).

This series seems to turn these strengths into weaknesses. There's no on-screen inventing, there is a LOT of preaching of personal philosophies, and there are issues of sexuality that would probably NEVER have occurred to the average pre-teen reader.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Funny how this series' precursor "Nancy Drew" had the same problems - excessive sexual references, a lack of resemblance to the books, too much of a "woke" atmosphere, and trying to cash in on a successful YA book series by making a trashy TV show with almost no connection to the books!

PS: I find it...interesting? Suspicious?... that so many of the people who say they like the show are giving it a 10-star rating. I see two possible reasons for this. One is that most of these aren't genuine viewers, they are shills for the CW. The other is that, because the majority of reviews are negative, they feel they need to give the show a 10-star rating in order to "bump up" the overall score.
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imranhugo28 June 2022
Not much more to say! Almost didn't make it through episode 1 but stuck it out in the hopes it got better! It really didn't! The AI is a terrible knock off of Jarvis from Iron man and the lead character could have used some restraint on the arrogance and sprinkled in a little humility into his performance. Ironman was also stinking rich but wasn't an arrogant plonker.

Could have been great, but ended up being terrible instead.
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We're not nerds. We're black nerds...
asterblasterth1 June 2022
....and it got worse and worse after that. But we shouldn't be surprised because it's a CW show. And you know that the first season will be okay but the seasons after that will just suck. That's how CW works.
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booboolinx1 June 2022
Such a let down! I will not be watching. At first I was excited about seeing all the beautiful cast members and seeing them perform. A lot of glitz and glamour, but no real substance.
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Another childhood Icon Destroyed.
kenmaz1 June 2022
You would have to really despise the two previous generation's popular young boys' adventure books to produce something as unpalatable as this. If the CW wonders why its stock is going down the tubes, they only have themselves to blame.
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Could not finish first episode
imdb-80095 June 2022
Since it's based on the book series, I thought it would be good. Well it wasn't. It sure wasn't what I expected. I did not manage to identify with the characters, everything felt superficial and after 20 minutes I shut it off and watched the first episode of Orville instead.
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cw is either good or terrible
retsamyar1 June 2022
Really seems to be no in between in the old wb network. This could have been pretty good but sadly id have to agree with many of the other reviews here.

"A lot of glitz and glamour, but no real substance" booboolinx 1 june 2022

I think that sums it pretty good.
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Lacking diversity
dusadomovine6 July 2022
I find it odd that in this day and age of mandatory diversity that there is so little diversity in this show? Where are the Native Americans? Where are the Indians (from India), where are the Chinese or Filipinos? There are no Jewish characters - why not? If Hollywood wants to do diversity then do diversity properly.
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medwardh1 June 2022
It's a solid CW show that really borrowed similar tropes that have been applied to non-POC characters for generations who then have been rewarded with a cult following. Representation matters and anything that makes this many people uncomfortable with so called "wokeness" is a winner in my book.
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undeserving of the hyperbolic hate
p0pc0rn_cLassiX30 June 2022
Admittedly the first episode is really rough and there are a good few cringy moments throughout, but the one star ratings are a bit overkill. Despite the difficult to palate introduction of the main characters, there clearly is a character arc being set up to make the main character more likeable. Even though i take some issue with how tropes regarding black/gay representation are handled, i think a lot of the extremely low ratings are a result of people really not wanting to see an overtly gay black man taking the place of an aryan youth poster boy. I can't count the number of times i've had less interesting shows recommended with the caveat of "give it half a season, it gets good." seems like many are too inflamed by the first episode of this show to even see where it goes, let alone finish the episode. Seems telling.
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Childhood memories destroyed.
tsonaqua-913853 June 2022
My dad was a huge sci fi reader and he'd buy me the Tom Swift books as a kid. When I initially saw Tom Swift show up as a new show I was 'okay' something I can share with my son. They've changed TOOOOO MUCH. I can't sit my 8 year old down in front of this.

Age was biggest. Maybe I don't remember them right but in the books I read, Tom Swift was young. 12-15 maybe. Likeable. Maybe I don't remember it right. THIS is not Tom Swift.

The character of Tom Swift is the most UNLIKABLE character in TV since Scorpion's Walter O'Brien. They'd better surround him with an amazing supporting cast cause there's only a smallish demographic that's going to be willing to tune in for the lead in this. That's how Scorpion got as many seasons as it did, by surrounding the unlikable lead with lovable supporting cast.

Regardless I'm out at episode one. Pretty much knew that'd be the case in the first 7 minutes. Watched the whole episode hoping it would get better, but nope.

Tom Swift was about Tom's inventing. Submarines and spaceships. Each book was a new invention or such. CW has Tom Swift designing SOAP! The hell? I get it, he built the engines in his dads ship, But you didn't see him build them nor did you see him fly them.

Who's running things over there at CW. Read the room dumbie.
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