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Not for fans of substance, Jupiter Ascending is a glossy, entertaining, hot mess.
lnvicta5 May 2015
I'm not sure how to start this review so I'll just get right into it: This movie isn't good. It makes no sense. There is no room to get immersed in this world because there is no story to relate to. It's all just stuff happening; fluff. Beautiful, well made fluff mind you, but at its core this movie is a steaming hot mess.

Here's the plot from what I gathered: Mila Kunis is suddenly the majesty of the Earth and has to protect it from a bunch of rich douchebags that live in Jupiter's atmosphere who want to use it for harvesting grounds or something. It's a dumb plot, and every scene that tries to move the plot forward is a scene wasted. The only interesting parts of this movie are the visuals and Channing Tatum's character, but even he is given absolutely no character development. He's just a badass space agent, or something. I don't even remember.

The characters end up the same way they began - there was no journey to redemption or revelation for anyone. It was just do this, do that, stop this, go home, the end. And they try to include multiple stories, like Mila Kunis' relationship with her family (boooring); Caine (Tatum) and Stinger's (Sean Bean) history (wholly underdeveloped), the whole villain arc...

The villains in this movie are spoiled brats. Seriously. They're not scary, they're not intimidating, there was no point in the movie where I was like "oh man sh*t is about to go down"; there was just no intrigue. Their motives were all over the place. It's not worth trying to piece together every plot point they throw into the movie because it will just lead to confusion and disappointment, and eventually frustration when you realize how much potential was wasted in creating this massive universe. The lizards looked really cool. Why not have more of them? Oh we're just going to focus on the playboy brat now, okay.

I really wanted to care about this universe. It has a Star Wars vibe in parts, like the "royal" wedding scene and the space battles, but there were no good characters to experience this adventure with. You're just watching things happen with no consequences, or at least none you cared about.

The acting was fine in this movie. Channing Tatum and Sean Bean in particular gave great performances, and Eddie Redmayne as the primary antagonist was decent as well. Yeah, he's an Academy Award winner, and as much as I hate to say it I have not seen The Theory of Everything yet but I loved him in Les Mis so I was really hoping he would save this movie. Unfortunately the material he's given is absolute garbage, so in an effort to make the character stand out, Redmayne give him a weird, eerie, whisper voice that was akin to a hundred year old man trying to force words out from the back of his throat. But hey, I think it worked. The guy is completely unlikeable so might as well give him a unique trait to remember him by. Good on Mr. Redmayne because he succeeded. The only things I will remember about this movie are the cool visuals, the wasted potential, and his creepy voice.

Don't see this movie. Unless you want to see some really great CGI for a couple hours, which can be found in much better places by the way, you won't find anything worth salvaging from Jupiter Ascending. It was a nice effort but ultimately a swing and a miss.
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An ambitious, epic universe marred by one dimensional characters and a stumbling script
cadillac203 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I give this film a 6, it's being a bit generous. Trying to put myself in other people's shoes, I'd say this film probably range anywhere from a 3 to a 5, and then there will be those who hate it. Still, I am likely to lean on the side of one of the few who likes the film. But it's a mixed bag. Sure enough, the special effects, action, and other elements are fantastic. But the film does little to develop it's own character beyond their archetypes and the script seems content to stay average at best.

Jupiter Ascending actually paints a pretty fascinating sci-fi universe. As it turns out, Earth, and thousands of other worlds like it, are owned by a number of different families which act like corporations who seed these worlds. Once the worlds become over populated, their people are harvested to create a youth serum which keeps those living in the corporate society young for millennia after millennia. In this case, the Abraxis family is one of the most powerful and each of three heirs is vying for control of Earth. Standing in their way, however, is Jupiter Jones, who turns out to be the genetic reincarnation of the Abraxis' sibling's mother, and claimant to the throne of the family.

If all of that sounds like a lot to take in, it is, and easily the best part of the film. The Wachowski's have a talent for creating fascinating worlds that feel complete. Here, they have created a massive sci-fi universe the likes of which we haven't seen in at least a decade, maybe longer. It's very clear that their ambition extends beyond just this one story. In fact, there are hundreds of fascinating stories that could be told about this universe. The idea of a corporate controlled universe is timely, and where we've seen this story played out before about the giant corporation versus the little guy, it's never quite been told on this scale.

It's a shame then that this ambition is wasted on a story that doesn't seem to capitalize on such a universe. The story is good, but the script is lacking and the characters never really become all that interesting. They end up feeling like caricatures meant to introduce us to this world we've entered. They're histories are explained and they clearly have fleshed out back stories, but they feel almost lifeless in that they seem to be here only to be an aspect of this world and not a full character. Even as a lead character, Channing Tatum as Caine feels like little more than a body meant to perform choreography and defend Milas Kunis' Jupiter. At the very least, Jupiter is a sympathetic character who shows shades of change, but even she often feels like little more than a narrator meant to ask question for exposition purposes. Eddie Redmayne seems to have the juiciest part, and though he still seems to be a one dimensional villain, he shows emotional depth that the other characters lack.

Most people I suspect will have trouble forgiving the lack of a truly meaningful script and characters that are too one dimensional. But the good news is that the film isn't a complete loss. The action, which the Wachowski's have proved to have a handle on, is fantastic. This is Star Wars level stuff, with space battles and well choreographed martial art duels. The cool tech thrown in, like the gravity boots, add some imaginative spice that once again shows the Wachowski's propensity for finding ways to justify making a 12 year old's imagination a reality. It's some truly fun stuff. Likewise, the world we're introduced to looks fantastic. The special effects make believable some very interesting and exciting details, such as the multitude of gadgets and weapons we're witness to. It's clear that the Wachowski's have set out to create a unique universe, and in my estimation, they have succeeded. I'm a sucker for this kind of world crafting, and so they get higher marks from me.

Of course, I can see why the film was pushed back to the dumping grounds of February. This was meant to be a summer blockbuster, but up against so many big, successful films, it would have a hard time competing. I have the distinct feeling this is going to be a film that gets left behind this year, especially in favor of bigger films being released throughout 2015. Had the film been more focused on it's characters and less on exposition of the universe we're witnessing, then I feel it could have succeeded and become a modern sci-fi classic. But as is, it falls short. Honestly, I do hope for a sequel to this, if only to see this universe continue to get development. Perhaps a sequel would fulfill the ambition the Wachowski's clearly seek to build upon.
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It could have been amazing. It could have become a blockbuster franchise. It could have boosted the Wachowskis' careers. But that's all Jupiter Ascending is.
moviexclusive4 February 2015
I'll be upfront and warn those contemplating watching Jupiter Ascending that you need to go in with low expectations to enjoy the film. Unless your idea of what makes a film good is huge explosions, pretty characters prancing around in elaborate costumes and beautiful visuals. After all, who cares about plot, lines and pacing right?

Jupiter Ascending is really very much a visual feast but nothing more than that. The action sequences are generally well paced and I applaud the fact that CGI for the actions were kept minimal. The costumes are stunning (as are the actors).

Which is a great pity because, on paper, Jupiter Ascending really had potential.

For a start, like all sci-fi films, Jupiter Ascending is ambitious in its storytelling. An entirely different reality of an alternative universe with its own ecosystem, species and history is created. There are soldiers spliced with animal DNAs such as Caine (Channing Tatum) who has some wolf in him and Stinger (Sean Bean) who has some bee in him (guess where they got their names from?). There was potential to explore and mine all that richness for more stories but this is undermined by the weak delivery of the first film in what the studios were probably hoping would be a new franchise.

While the plot of Jupiter Ascending was hackneyed, it had pretty interesting characters whose backstories would have been fun for the audience to explore. I could have seen the many fanfiction pieces that fans would have spun off from the story of Caine, Jupiter and the Abrasax family. Let's be honest, the basic plot line of The Matrix, the film franchise that the Wachowskis are renowned for, was pretty cliché too – the story of a Chosen One who comes out of nowhere and whose destiny is to save the world. It was the treatment of this plot premise (as well as really cool action sequences and visuals) that made The Matrix such a groundbreaking series. Jupiter Ascending's basic plot premise was this too but the treatment was a complete letdown.

The cast is also one that is renowned for not just their good looks but also their ability to act. Somehow though, the directors succeeded in not tapping on that ability. I can't help but wonder what kind of directions Andy and Lana Wachowskis gave Eddie Radmayne for me to give such an exaggerated and overly affected performance as Balem. It reminds me somewhat chillingly of how Natalie Portman almost killed her career with her expressionless and emotionless turn as Amidala in the Stars Wars prequel trilogy. At least Radmayne has The Theory of Everything that is out in the same season and that can probably help cushion the fallout from Jupiter Ascending.

To the Wachowskis' credit, Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum have some chemistry. While their performances are not going to garner them any Oscars, they put in decent performances to, I think, ward off any Razzie nominations. It also helps that they are pretty easy on the eye. Apart from these three actors, it is hard to discern the performances put in by the rest of the cast as their characters do not appear to add to the story. It makes it difficult for one to give a fair critique of their performances hence I'll refrain from that here.

Jupiter Ascending could also have been one of the few female-led action films that could have been a successful film franchise, showing that when female-led action films succeed, it's not necessarily a quirk. This would have been helpful in Hollywood's evolution (if you haven't figured out from my name, yes, I'm female).

It also could have been the film that would have move the Wachowskis' career out of its current state where the siblings are now more renowned for the visual flash and bang in their films rather than the creative storytelling and treatment that was showcased in The Matrix.
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Everything that is wrong with cinema today is seen in this movie
D-BorG7 March 2015
The movie feels like it was written by a ten year old girl hooked on drugs. Cardboard characters are so undeveloped that they should have stayed in authors womb for few more months/years. Bad acting and "I don't care about what is going on" attitude from the actors brings final nail to this movie coffin. There is nothing substantial in this movie, nothing that can teach us something new about ourselves or the world around us, which is quite odd for the science fiction movie. True the cinematography of the movie is first class, but it only saddens me that it is used on such bad material. In the end don't get fooled by this movie. Its only purpose is to take your money with bright lights and a false promise, but it will leave you with a mouth full of ash, wondering why you wasted your time.
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This is no Shakespeare, but good dumb entertainment
siderite22 April 2015
I don't know what the people who hated this film expected. Haven't they seen the trailer? It's just the extended version of that. And unlike most of the films right now, the action keeps up the pace throughout the movie, it doesn't just have a few cool scenes that end up in the trailer.

Is it a smart story that makes one philosophical question the meaning of life? No. It is a puerile story of intergalactic feudal royalty of human origins that controls the entire universe, of girls that wash toilets and find out they are princesses, of loyal knights that love and protect them and of evil men with no scruples that try to kill them. Yes, it is a fairy tale. But a visually stunning one, with beautiful actors and amazing special effects.

Bottom line: forever remembered as the movie in which Sean Bean doesn't die, Jupiter Ascending is a science fiction upgrade of a standard princesses and knights fairy tale. Once one realizes that, one can fully enjoy the good special effects and the fast pace. It lasts for two hours, but it never lets up the action.
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Total Crap
protopod6 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Guys, this movie was a joke… It seems like they took all the extra costumes from 'Flash Gordon', 'CG from any Transformer movie, "screenwriting" from 'The Last Starfighter', and character development for 'Gigli' and overall logic from 'The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension' and put them together!

Basic breakdown…

Act I. Kidnap + Rescue + Channing Tatum on magic roller-skates + Redmayne Overacting

Act II. Kidnap + Rescue + Channing Tatum on magic roller-skates + Redmayne Overacting

Act III. Kidnap + Rescue + Mila Kunis on magic roller-skates
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Give it a shot
BeccaBits27 July 2020
For five years, I've put off watching this movie due to unfavorable reviews. Quarantine had me desperate for new content though so I gave it a shot and was not disappointed.

It's not high cinema, and there are certainly elements "borrowed" from other franchises... but the cinematography, acting, and storyline were all excellent. The SciFi "tech" and style was well thought out and original. It's a fun movie and just about the right length for the genre. If you liked Stargate, Blade Runner, or Dune (heck, even The Last Starfighter) you'll like Jupiter Ascending.
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Awful, awful awful.
martin-807-45227019 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film is bad. You'd think after the total disaster of John Carter (on Mars) someone somewhere would learn that if you take sci-fi and just throw millions and millions and millions of dollars at it is will just be rubbish. And by god is this rubbish. (It's worse than that Jim, It's s, h, i and t).

This film is so bad I just don't know where to start. Hang on - I'm going to have a cup of tea and a think. OK. It has no redeeming qualities at all. The film, not the tea, The story is so badly written that I was just sighing to myself every five minutes.

It basically goes like this: Large bit of exposition explaining what they are going to do next then they go and do what they were saying there were going to do in a huge amount of silly CGI. We have seen so many action scenes that we all know anything can be done, but we need to have a vested interest in at least one of the characters to give a damn whether they live or die, and in this whole movie I couldn't care less if everyone died.

The tone of the film is perplexing. In the first few minutes this bloke is shot dead for no reason. Then the main character is born at sea under a particular constellation pertaining to something to do with astrology, but this is never mentioned again. Then there is a woman in her knickers and bra for some reason. Don't know why. Then Jupiter Jones leaves the earth then she's a queen and we are suddenly in Terry Gilliam's Brazil, complete with Central Services and a cameo from TG himself. (Naughty Terry).

The Wachowski directors have just stolen from FLASH, DUNE, BRAZIL, 2000AD and any other Sci-Fi source they can find. There is even a 2001 space station in one shot. They have proved over the last four films that they have got nothing left to say at all. The film is so Flash Gordon there is even a forced wedding scene with the hero Flash turning up on a space scooter and crashing in at the right moment, oh sorry he's not Flash, he's – I don't know or care, because I've lost the will to live, because there is no suspense and there is no logic to anything. Then not-Flash rescues not-Dale and we have to go through the whole thing again, but this time Ming, sorry, some bloke I never got the name of - who has got a very sore throat and serious Oedipus issues and played by the unfortunate Eddie Redmayne (I bet he wishes he'd got his BAFTA earlier and not had to endure this pile of steaming llamas plop) needs Not-Dale to put her royal seal on a document so he can own Earth, and she has to abdicate, without doing anything of any use whilst being Queen, how about a few edicts? I'd at least ask to see the Royal Mint and get some coins done we me on them. But no. Not-Dale goes off without even a ray gun to see the baddest man in the universe and right at the last minute not-Flash hurtles in and saves the day on another space scooter thing. (His insurance premiums must be astronomical), And of course because he's broken the window at the top of the factory, the whole place is going to go up. I don't know about you, but if I was going to build some sort of factory in the middle of Jupiter where the atmosphere is incredibly fierce, the gravity is gigantic, the electrical storms are the size of EARTH, I would build some sort of fail safe and make certain that if some twit with a space scooter crashed into my big window the whole place wouldn't disintegrate with the speed of the Titanic hitting a massive iceberg. And the baddie dies falling off a tall thing. OMG!! How many bad guys have to die falling off tall things? At least Ming got a big rocket ship through his guts. If I was a bad guy I'd live in a bungalow.

Then some space people who were bad, but then good and then bad who may be friends with Sean Bean do some stuff and are then good people, but then they nip off, but luckily just in time to save Not-Flash and Not-Dale and oh, for Heaven's sake. I don't care I really don't. And then they are back on Earth. Sorry? What? She's the queen of the flipping universe and can do anything and she goes back to cleaning the toilets? Can you IMAGINE how angry her hard working mother would be if she knew her daughter was the heiress to billions and she wasn't doing anything with it? Why the hell do you think she left Russia to go to the USA? In search of a new life! Not to clean toilets! And the Not-Flash bloke has got wings at the end, Oh for sake of Peter Jackson is this Lord of the Rings? He's even got Vulcan Elf ears!! Is there no originality AT ALL in this movie??? Come on!! Couldn't he have had a penis in the middle of his forehead to indicate he was an alien. Oh? He has got one of those? Sorry didn't notice. And they all speak perfect English and apparently the Earth was seeded with genes from, Oh I don't care, I just couldn't care less anymore, this is awful, and I've run out of tea. And there's some big sci-fi Lizards with wings called Mr. flipping Ben or something. SIGH.

There was one nice shot of the planet Jupiter with all the moons around it in 3D that I did quite like, but that was nothing to do with the W Brothers - that's actually there.
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Good Entertainment. Really Don't Get The Low Score
Mikeboy000113 October 2015
Sometimes I really don't get IMDb and critics I avoided this movie like the plague as it had such low ratings by users and critics, so I thought it would be a complete waste of time But I've upgraded my home projector recently, and it supports 3D, and since then, I'm having fun in trying this format. Wachowski's always make great visuals, so I jumped into it because of the 3D, but with very low expectations regarding the movie To my complete surprise, it turned out the movie was very good, in the sense it was highly entertaining The story has it's flaws, like any regular movie, but it's not a complete nonsense like some people try to sell you Can't understand how rubbish movies like Fast&Furious 7 and Iron Man 3 make millions at the box office and have such good ratings, where this one flopped and has such poor ones I mean even complete trash like Godzilla, Robocop (2014), John Carter and San Andreas have a higher score than Jupiter Ascending!!! What a hell is going on with you people?
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Shallow, boring, a complete waste of money.
Nancy_Morgan15 February 2015
Jupiter Ascending, a film that deals with subjects that I'm sure a millennia old advanced species would have no interest in, such as wealth, materialism, physical appearances and girl crushes. A totally shallow film with not a single redeeming feature. The Wachowskis should be ashamed of themselves. It was a good job we had a gift certificate because if we had spent the full £20 on the film I would have been mortified. I walked out before the end of the film as I didn't care the slightest about the fate of any of the characters and it was pretty obvious that the ending would be a complete happy ending cliché. These sorts of films make me want to give up on the modern film industry, they only spew out high budget garbage to appease the idiots. Excuse me while I go watch some Hitchcock or something. Urgh.
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Doesn't deserve...
nnom26 February 2017
...the hate. Had a lot of neat things going on, had a bunch of sci fi that we'd all like to see in our lifetimes...and Mila Kunis. Watched it 4 times now, really wish they'd do a sequel...but I know the money's not there. It's a good, fun flick. There are a lot that aren't. HAHA, and now I have to add a line or my review's not worthy. Gotta love IMDb. Anyone think they're gonna bring the message boards back?
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loved it!
tbhamfog17 June 2015
Jupiter is a fun ride. I love this kind of movie. Amazing visuals,great SciFi story line. I don't understand why people hate on this film so much. Sure there are some run of the mill plot points but i still really liked this movie, maybe people just love to hate these days. Not the worst film I've ever seen by far. I'd say ignore the haters and give it a go, make up your own mind. This film isn't in my top ten but i didn't hate it. I get the feeling that there are 'Matrix' haters stalking everything the Wachowski's do now to hate on them cause they didn't like they way the Matrix ended. FYI i like their ending. Am i the only one? I watch movies like i read books, even tho' i might not like the ending, i respect the storytellers right to tell the story they want to tell.
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davidmvining21 November 2019
The movie has individual elements that aren't worthless, but the whole thing doesn't come together at all. The individual elements are swamped by awful storytelling, weird and incomplete world building, and a far overcrowded narrative that ends up feeling like an entire trilogy in one.

One top of all that are either flat or bizarre performances from literally every actor. People talk about Eddie Redmayne's alternatively whispered and shouted performance, but the one performance that's most sadly flat is Channing Tatum's. As you can see through the pair of 21 Jump Street movies, the man has a certain charisma, charm, and humor about him, but as the half-wolf ex-Space Cop who wants wings, he's a non-entity. It's been obvious that the Wachowskis haven't known how to direct actors since The Matrix, but to see them fail to develop this element of their toolbox as filmmakers over 20 years is disappointing.

Sure, the movie looks good. There's quality special effects almost throughout and some striking visual compositions with, apparently, some kind of innovative method to filming an aerial chase over Chicago, but the story is just a confusing mess.

Jupiter, our main character, is a happenstantial perfect genetic duplicate of a space queen who's already died. The Space Queen had three children, who are fighting over the inheritance of planets used for harvesting the populations. It's really just poorly conceived and executed Marxist pablum (complete with dialogue about capitalism shitting on the little people). And, on top of all of this, which gets dolled out in droning tones of pure exposition, we have just a plethora of images that never really tie the world together cohesively. We're thrown into the deep end from the beginning, which is an interesting contrast to The Matrix where the strange new world got fed to the audience in palatable chunks that made the reveal intriguing.

Probably the most frustrating part of the film is the structure, or what could be called structure. It's quite literally exposition, action scene, exposition, action scene, exposition, Kafkaesque bureaucracy (the single best part of the movie complete with Brazil references and Terry Gilliam), exposition, action scenes to the end. There's not a character that feels alive. There's not a character that feels like they're driving the action, in particular Jupiter who just follows from beginning to end.

The idea that some independent producer with a lot of money read the screenplay and said, "Sure, I'll give you $175 million for this" is mind-boggling. Where is this person? I have much better ways they can spend that kind of money.
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Hey Morpheus, If I take both the red pill and the blue pill will I get my 127 minutes back?
Drive-in_Zeppelin6 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would have thought that after the 15+ years since The Matrix that consumers would be less and less dazzled by visual effects in film, but apparently I was the only one to take the red pill and see beyond the illusion of this movie. Sure you'll get otherworldly visuals and some pretty neat future-tech in Jupiter Ascending but that's where the takeaway stops.

The story is a classic one where a seemingly insignificant individual, in this case Jupiter Jones (Kunis), is suddenly thrust into a much larger and complicated universe than her day-to-day as a maid. As fate would have it, she happens to be the reincarnation of the matriarch of an extremely powerful dynasty that controls a vast industrial empire in the galaxy. The oldest heir to the mother's inheritance is none other than Oscar-nominee Eddie Redmayne, who for whatever reason has difficulty speaking and doesn't want Jupiter to claim what is rightfully hers.

I'll give the Wachowskis that they they've created an incredibly elaborate alternate universe that is equally rich in scope and potential, but they fail to generate the least bit of depth to their characters. Every person you meet is a one-dimensional caricature you'd find in some other sci-fi story.

Honestly the scope is too ambitious to warrant any initial investment in Jupiter or any of the other supporting actors like Channing Tatum and Sean Bean. It's literally just 2 hours of zero-tension action sequences and clichéd dialogue that lead to a resolution that the audience couldn't care less about.

Sure the tech is pretty cool and I was pleasantly surprised by the design of the ships and planetary locales, but the novelty of seeing Channing Tatum ice-skate around the air fighting aliens that pose little threat wears off after the first scene. It's like watching the Jedi take on the droids in the Star Wars Prequels. Why even bother putting them in the way if they don't pose the slightest inconvenience to our protagonists?

I can appreciate science fantasy that dazzles and delights in an original universe, but eventually the tunnel-vision wears off and you realize that there is very little to keep you invested in the story. The planet Jupiter might actually be the most ironic and appropriate metaphor for this movie since - sure it's pretty to look - but then you realize you're just looking a big ball of the two most common gasses in the universe.

Read the expanded version and other reviews on the Drive-In Zeppelin website
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Unfairly criticized; worth a watch!
coolbeanj6 February 2015
I saw Jupiter Ascending tonight (after a VERY long wait I might add). Sadly it is not in the vain of other Wachowski films in terms of thought- provoking subject matter; however, I feel this film is being very unfairly criticized.

No: the subject matter is not as deep or profound as in The Matrix, V for Vendetta, or the masterful Cloud Atlas. But it was never advertised to be that kind of film--it's a solid blockbuster movie (with plenty of room for sequels and/or prequels). I'd see it again!

If you're considering watching this film, but hesitate after reading the same scathing reviews that I came across, just consider what interests you about the movie: if you're looking a movie with a complex plot and lots of underlying messages, this might not be the best choice. It's a blockbuster film pure and simple. A good one! But a very typical blockbuster/action/romance movie.
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Just plain awful
ultravelocity14 February 2015
This was easily one of the worst movies I have ever been to. What else can be said. Everything about it was just awful. And I went in knowing it was going to be a terrible story, but maybe I would enjoy the special effects and action scenes. Unfortunately, a man-dog wearing eyeliner roller skating in the air fighting bad guys looks as ridiculous and dumb as it sounds. Mila Kunis felt completely miscast and had no chemistry with Channing Tatum, who was playing the same boring dumb hero he always does. The action sequences were a mess... impossible to tell what was going on.

I watch a lot of movies and have only walked out on a handful in my life, but I could not make it through more than 70 minutes of this ridiculous film. Don't waste your time. It's awful.

It boggles my mind how a movie like this gets made. Someone please stop these two from making any more!
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Astonishing Special Effects
john_hugo7 February 2015
I must say, the critics of this film seem overly harsh. If nothing else, the film is worth seeing for the special effects. I thought Mila Kunis was better in Black Swan, but she wasn't bad in the lead role. The plot was very strange, but that is what the Wachowski's do best. A lot of small rolls and cameos from big stars. And I wish Doona Bae had a larger role, as she stole the show in Cloud Atlas.I can see, why this movie cost 175 million dollars. The sets were brilliant and very imaginative. The 3d was also cool. If you are looking for something which isn't your boiler plate science fiction, give this film a day in court.
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To be admired more for its ambition than for its execution
TheLittleSongbird10 June 2016
'Jupiter Ascending' is not a complete disaster, but it is one of the biggest wastes of potential personally seen in recent memory. There are some very interesting ideas here and there is some ambitious scope, so 'Jupiter Ascending' had real potential to be great, but these ideas are practically lost in space.

Starting with a few good things, much of 'Jupiter Ascending' looks great. The special effects are out of this world good, the film is beautifully shot and the production design has much colour, atmosphere and astonishing realism, successfully at first allowing the viewer to be immersed in and captivated by the world the characters inhabit. The music is rousing, haunting and lusciously as well as thrillingly bombastically orchestrated. 'Jupiter Ascending' also boasts one good performance, that of an effortlessly cool and sincere Sean Bean.

Channing Tatum is not that awful an actor but he can do nothing with his worthless material, here he's very wooden and displays little involvement and charisma. Worse is Mila Kunis, who shows the emotional range of a zombie. Their chemistry is so cold and clinical, one can be forgiven for thinking that it's non-existent. On the other side of the acting spectrum, Eddie Redmayne tries far too hard as the villain and comes over as more very bizarre than threatening. With the sole exception of Bean, all the cast do a lousy job.

They are disadvantaged by the listless direction by the Wachowskis, very sketchily written characters and a script that is clunky in structure and with such toe curlingly bad dialogue, some of the worst of any big-budget film since 'Pearl Harbor'. While 'Jupiter Ascending' is mostly fine visually, there is an overload of special effects that it comes at the expense of any sense and soul and some of the editing is both sloppy and choppy. The action is a mixed bag, some of it is diverting and other parts lack fun, tension and most of all cohesion.

If there is one element where 'Jupiter Ascending' falls down most heavily, it is the story. The story had a great ambitious concept with some equally great ideas, but explores the concept and ideas very little, barely even, and its themes are only lightly touched upon. Structurally and dramatically the film is a badly disorganised mess, some parts don't even make much sense, indicating that the film was intended to be like at least twenty minutes longer but had to be cut down. There is a distinct lack of suspense, tension and soul, some effort was clearly made but it was like people's hearts weren't properly in it. Pacing is all over the place, the actual story feels rushed, indicating that the film would have worked better at least twenty minutes longer as a film or as a mini-series, but because the experience is so emotionally and dramatically empty it feels dull too.

Overall, a very messy but good looking film. To be admired more for its ambition, which promised much, than its execution, which is quite poor in several big areas. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Not a Classic, but a Worthy Effort
fung015 May 2015
It's sad to see an interesting, even thoughtful space-opera like Jupiter Ascending with an IMDb rating of 5.6, while brainless drivel like Gravity scores 7.9, and a confused mess like Interstellar gets a ridiculous 8.7.

That's not to say that Jupiter Ascending is a work of genius. But it's a film that achieves more or less what it sets out to accomplish. It's got a story that makes sense (within its own rules), and it even works on more than one level. Unlike Gravity, it doesn't flout the laws of Newtonian physics in every shot. And unlike Interstellar, it doesn't pretend to be deep, while actually making very little sense at all.

Underneath all the flashy CG, Jupiter Ascending is a very simple little film. I don't want to spoil the plot, even to make a point, because my point is that this film is worth seeing, as long as you approach it the right way. Suffice to say that the plot is straightforward, if not immediately apparent at the start. The characters are simple, B-movie style, but their internal logic holds up.

And there's a pretty interesting moral to the whole story. This film asks whether human society must always be a pyramid, in which billions at the base have nothing so that a handful at the peak can achieve a life of almost unimaginable luxury. This question isn't worked out in any great detail, but it does give the film a surprisingly strong foundation. There are some big ideas here - no more credible than George Lucas 'force' philosophy, perhaps, but no less so either.

Beyond that, some of the imagery is genuinely original - though I did wish the frenetic action sequences hadn't been confusingly shot in close-up, where medium or long shots would have been more effective. Jupiter Ascending isn't as successful as the Wachowsky's previous Cloud Atlas (which truly is a brilliant film), but it's far more effective than their greatest misfire, Speed Racer. (Which somehow manages a 6.1 on IMDb.)

If you like fast-paced space opera in the Star Wars mold, Jupiter Ascending is definitely worth a look.
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What were they smoking?
jmason27277 February 2015
I don't remember the last time I went to a movie, and almost walked out in the first 5 minutes to ask for a refund. That is how quickly I sensed I was in a disaster.

I usually enjoy sci-fi movies and don't nitpick them to death. I'm used to being let down by the likes of Green Lantern and John Carter, and still finding them adequately entertaining.

However, this was some convoluted mess. It seemed slapped together. The soundtrack seemed like some stock hack job. Characters were not developed at all. Stuff randomly jumped around. The "universe" seemed inconsistent, incoherent, and generally muddled. This just outright hurt to sit through. I gave it a chance, but it didn't get better. I tried wondering if I'd have liked it if it was my first movie, and I was maybe 12. No, I don't think so.

Anyway, this is now at the top of my Razzie list for at least the last couple decades. I've seen a *lot* of movies. Though I'd normally rather watch Mila Kunis for two hours over John Travolta in weird space dreadlocks... I think I'd rather watch Battlefield Earth again over this... thing. Wow. This was really really really bad. It's not even worthy of Showgirls-like cult status. This one should have people mocking it for at least a generation. Especially the ears.
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Not a classic of the genre but very entertaining
QuentinCrisp11 October 2015
This film is basically a mash-up of Dune, John Carter and Doctor Who (and quite a few others). And a very well made and hugely entertaining mash-up at that. I enjoyed it. Not a classic of the genre but very entertaining - although I can understand some people getting upset at not being able to follow the somewhat demanding, fast paced, multi-level story, whispered dialogue, and unconventional narrative. I especially liked the neat blend of science fiction and fantasy and the nice fairy tale vibe. I loved those dragons. I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed Blade Runner and The Fifth Element. It certainly does not deserve some of the ridiculously negative reviews that I have seen. Which just goes to show it is all a question of personal taste I suppose.
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Terribly underrated. Spoiler at the end of review.
catalin9128 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There is a psychological phenomena: people will more often than not change their opinions to agree with the majority.

In my case, I pushed this movie way down into my viewing queue because of all the awful reviews I read and the really poor scores. And then I watched it and I wasn't as disappointed as I expected to be.

The acting was not exactly brilliant: the actors didn't always make me feel the intensity of the action or the drama, but I have seen a lot of movies and this is not a 5/10. I hope I'm not breaking any guidelines by saying that I enjoyed this movie more than I ever enjoyed any of the Twilight movies, and they have the same damn score. The story is really interesting and the effects are decent (I really couldn't find anything wrong with them, as some reviews state, but I suppose it's more of a thing of taste). This movie has enough potential for a sequel if they fix the acting and stop focusing so much on the love story.

And here is the spoiler part: finally a movie where Sean Bean doesn't die.
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Stupid, aimless, empty, dreadful and DERIVATIVE non-spectacle
badajoz-110 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Brothers are no longer, and their films are getting worse by the movie. This drivel is supposed to be about a wretched anglo-Russian girl (Kunis) who miraculously has the same genetic imprint as a millennia-old royal just dead in outer space. The royal was part of a family looking for profit from creating life on suitable planets which are then farmed for their body fluids to produce immortal bath salts for those who can pay. Cra* concept and an even worse script, direction, and character development has resulted! It is all CGI, but for what? The characters are totally uninteresting. Even the evil offspring of the dead royal, who just ooze 'orribleness and are of course played by British actors (including star of the moment Eddie Redmayne!), are one-dimensional. The hero, half wolf, half man, Channing Tatum, remains stony faced and just jets about on a set of gravity boots better than Superman! The only interest is Sean Bean and whether he will last beyond the second reel. From the trailer he looked certain for an early demise but he keeps hanging on! The script is just a series of bang crashes, and scenes of jeopardy for our two leads and how are they going to get out of them - yawn, yawn! The CGI is boring inside two minutes. And the whole film is a derivative sham. You will recognise 'Star Wars' 'North by North West' 'Jurassic Park 2' 'Superman' 'Flash Gordon' and particularly 'Dune' as well as many others. Oh, it is truly awful!!!!!!!!!!

Brother and sister - give up film making now and save the industry from another mega ($170M) flop!
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Jupiter Falls: A Visual Spectacle Bereft of Narrative Eloquence
prospectus_capricornium6 February 2015
JUPITER ASCENDING's strength comes chiefly from its visually extravagant presentation of a mammoth romantic cosmic tale. Its promise of an engaging story soars at the start, but from the heights it reached within its complex and ever expanding universe, it descends rapidly and falls flat with its poor and brow-arching narrative. The film's biggest mistake is that it focuses heavily on decorating its worlds and everything in them, that it leaves its script poorly delivered and blandly executed. Its story, following an ordinary woman deemed to be "the Chosen One", rolls and branches out from one world to another now and then, but often gets derailed from its spine, and thus gets left unresolved. It gets further dragged by uninteresting and underdeveloped characters you would rather laugh about and love if they weren't in the scene.

JUPITER ASCENDING fails to carry out a glorious astral ascent. In spite of its jaw-dropping visual prestige, it misfires and never soars past its cinematographic grandeur. A thrilling visual presentation utterly bereft of narrative eloquence, JUPITER ASCENDING is another huge cinematic mishap, best appreciated by audience that are only after feeding the eyes. I give this movie 5/10 stars.
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Pretty decent sci-fi flick
natygance4 February 2015
So..yes, this isn't the best sci-fi movie in existence, but I don't think it's half as bad as everyone is saying. Let's start by the visuals. The visuals are AMAZING and are what makes this movie worth seeing on the big screen. The universe the brothers created is huge,which gives room for a lot of breath-taking scenes. This however, is one of the drawbacks of the film. The fact that the universe is so big and that it is a 2 hour film, makes the story a little sloppy. There are a lot of things left unexplained which is a pity,and too much time filled with love scenes. Moreover,the characters are either good or bad, there's not much depth to them. Despite all this, the movie is good, I decided on 7 instead of 6.5 mainly because of the visuals. You need to consider this movie as a sci-fi flick, taking into account that you don't see many original sci-fi movies around,and that the plot isn't that bad,it's just not mind blowing, I'd encourage you to see it for yourself, grab some popcorn and enjoy the movie for what it is.
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