1600 Penn (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster


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Give it a Chance
schnappi_croc14 January 2013
I read the discouraging reviews on here and saw the abysmal ratings for this show. Based on those criteria, I almost didn't bother watching at all. But the first two episodes were on the DVR, so we thought we'd give it a try.

The first scene of episode 1 reminded me of something like "Animal House", not a good recommendation from my point of view. However, we persevered, and actually found it to be quite enjoyable. We then watched the second episode, and enjoyed it more than the first.

1600 Penn is fast-paced, quirky entertainment. With a bit of time to develop the characters, it might be more than that.
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I think it has potential...
faithfullyreserved10111 January 2013
Like the rest of you I was expecting more with such a great cast. Jokes were kind of bland and it was a bit chaotic. However, I believe the talent on the program is skilled enough to bring us through plot and character development, I think it's too soon to tell. The writers could probably use a pick me up. We're so use to comparing television shows to great successes of our generation, that we tend to approach new programs with a sense of cynicism.

I believe there's going to be some substance in all this. The Office's first half of their premier season was dumb as well. I think there's hope....willing to keep it on my DVR schedule to see what happens.
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The Show Has Potential...WITHOUT SKIP!!
ricobhi24 January 2013
I actually like the way that the show is coming together, but this Skip character is SO distracting and off-balance with all of the other, very very good actors (including the great Rene Auberjonois), that it makes many moments of the show frankly unwatchable. The writers really need to make the Skip character more of an occasional visitor - send him to boarding school. And don't make the baby daddy a total idiot like Skip. He's good as his own brand of not-so- smart but lovable. If NBC allows this to stay on for a while, then I think it will grow a nice audience. We need another really smart comedy to replace the departing 30 Rock and to accompany the ailing Community. Or perhaps we can just get NBC finally to support production on Community once and for all instead of continuing to dangle it over a cliff.
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suenosattic11 January 2013
Get rid of the "Skip" character. Replace him with someone more talented. The rest of the cast is talented. Let them do their jobs. The "Skip" character is so obnoxious, it takes away from any potential this show has. It also takes away from the very capable actors. The focus should be Pullman and Elfman. A president with a trophy wife trying to raise the step kids in the public eye would be enough to carry this show especially with the talent of Pullman and Elfman. The relationship between the step mom and the older daughter would also be an excellent focal point. The relationship between the family and the Presidents assistant could also be a focus. The assistant to the president is played by an excellent actor. He is very talented and entertaining to watch.
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You be the judge, but...
quehouse23 December 2012
Just another reason cable is out doing network television. We were quite excited to see Bill Pullman in this role. The first couple of minutes gave us a chuckle or two. Then it was downhill from then.The premise of the show sounded appealing and the teaser commercial looked very comical. All the comedy is very cliché and predictable. I sometimes wonder if they actually have a look at these shows before they try to air them in prime time. The funniest of the whole show was the monologue at the end. And even that wasn't that funny. All in all we will give it a second look but I don't hold out a lot of hope. Bill, you should stick to major motion pictures.
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This show is fantastic
lessthanhalf29 March 2013
I've watched every episode, and absolutely love it. I think it's a perfect addition to the Thursday night comedy lineup on NBC, and I've laughed heartily at every episode. I look forward to it every week and certainly hope it gets renewed.

I am genuinely confused by the middling reviews this show has gotten, and I'm especially perplexed by the hate directed toward Josh Gad, who not only creates the show but acts as its heart and soul as the well intentioned idiot Skip Gilchrist.

Bill Pullman and Jenna Elfman are perfect together both as the president and first lady but also when the show features their private life as a regular old husband and wife (albeit with a little more power than average).

A lot of the show's strength comes from the love triangle between Martha McIssac (Becca) the very talented Andre Holland (Marshall) and the surprisingly likable Robbie Amell (D.B.). These three have great chemistry and comedic timing together.

Give the show a shot. It doesn't look like it'll be back for round 2, which is a shame, but these 13 episodes have been a blast.
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Don't Waste Your Time
delliott36116 January 2013
NBC is very clever, trying to make viewers think that surrounding such a bland show (allegedly a comedy) with shows that are truly funny will magically turn this dud into a success. I was curious; having seen way too many promos for this show that did not make me laugh, I thought that maybe the lines that would cause me to chuckle were being saved for the pilot. Nope. Okay, maybe the next episode will be funny. No, again. This show is cringe-worthy. The oldest son, the doofus, makes one uncomfortable and not the awkward, comedic uncomfortable that Michael Scott would induce. I've seen bad shows before, but none that made me wish for my time back. Don't watch this show! Find anything else to do!
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Ignore the bad reviews try it for yourself
I found this show to be very amusing. It isn't meant to be super serious or super funny it is a typical sitcom in terms of content spread. There are parts that are extremely funny, parts that are uncomfortable, and parts that make you actually feel bad for the characters. There is nothing drastically wrong with the show although it may not be everyone's cup of soup. On the scale of Sitcoms it would fall somewhere between Cougar Town and Everybody Loves Raymond and is definitely not garbage.

The primary concept of the show is following the family of the President through the trials and tribulations of day to day life. As with most TV comedies there are of course a smattering of character flaws that exist which cause unusual situations to come about at a higher than usual pace. The core building blocks of this show are tried and true and while most shows are a little rough around the edges at first as well this one will develop quickly as the actors/actresses become more used to their characters.

It is worth a watch especially since you can see it for free on IMDb/hulu.
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s-complicated18 January 2013
After watching the 3 episodes that was aired, I can honestly say it is hard to enjoy this show. It is not even the flat and bad jokes or the bad directing. Rather, it is every time Josh Gad's character show up on screen, I immediately go into a fit of blind rage and have the urge to punch babies. Josh Gad's character is the overplayed "idiotic adult child". Who contributes nothing to the show except bad jokes and poor delivery. Josh's character has this demeanor that is an instant turn off.

The show itself is intolerable. The storyline does not hook you at all. The writing is uninteresting and the cast have little to no chemistry with each other. Bill Pullman, who plays the President, is completely out of place on this show. The only reason to watch this show is if you are preparing for an MMA match and need an anger booster. You can imagine your opponent's face as Josh Gad's face.
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Terrible Show!
punjabikidd11 January 2013
Individually, all of these Actors/Actresses are very good. They're great comedians, and even at times, have moments where a "serious" role does them well. However, in this instance, where you bring them altogether into a "melting pot" of comedy...it's just down right painful to watch. The only reason to watch is the hope, that it will become less terrible; only to find out...it never does! NBC should free these Actors/Actresses from this show before it becomes detrimental to their futures.

And Bill Pullman...I liked you better as a Command-In-Chief in "Independence Day," than as a JOKE of a C-i-C in this laughing stock of a show!
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I think the few good reviews are from people who work for NBC.
Alexis_Ryan27 January 2013
This was just terrible. I'm not just talking about the pilot. I'm talking about ALL the episodes that have aired.

It is almost as if someone wanted to create a very unfunny show to make people cringe. Well good job. You did it.

I wanted to like this. I really did. The characters are undeveloped. The kids are annoying (don't know why they even have the Marigold character) and the writing it the worst I have ever seen.

I normally like Pullman and Gad, but the material they are working with does not allow them to be nearly as funny as they should be.

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I loved this show!!!
agierzak20 September 2013
um what the hell??? I loved this show! I can' believe it got canceled. Loved the actors and especially loved how original it was! people are always asking for original shows, and when they get them say they are stupid. well I loved this show and am sad to see it got canceled. The way the show took on controversial topics was impressive, how many other shows dive right in with teenage pregnancy ( and don't idiolize it like secrets of an American teenager or teen mom), inter-racial relationships, age gaps wihin relationships, sexuality and how to deal with a disappointing child all at the same time. I thought this show was modern, it was heartfelt and most importantly it was funny! Anyone who says it wasn't as no sense of humor and doesn't understand the complexities that come from having a non-traditional family.
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Skip has to go
duraflex21 February 2013
The incredibly stupid, obnoxious son of the President is Skip. Skip is a thoroughly unlikeable character who completely spoils a show that MIGHT otherwise have some comedic potential.

It's a small wonder that NBC is running low in the ratings with dreck like this. Whoever green lights crap like this at the network needs to be fired NOW. The tone of this show is along the lines of another NBC bomb called WHITNEY and a tasteless CBS entry titled 2 BROKE GIRLS.

NBC was once a broadcast pioneer with an incredible pool of talent and a great staff of journalists. Somewhere along the way, the network lost its way and turned into the uber-liberal cesspool it is today.
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Kirpianuscus7 May 2018
It is so easy to criticize it. ignoring not only the good intentions but the real virtues. and the basic not bad idea. the critics are, in many cases, result of the serious perspective about politic. or the expectation to meet a sarcastic/ironic serie about the world of White House. but this serie propose just a gallery of ordinary characters in the extraordinary place. and not the humor represents its great virtue but the realistic portrait of a family. with crisis, children, a father not special and a genius son versus a not brilliant another. the humanism did this serie more than nice, almost special.
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The next REAL funny comedy
lesnicmik27 January 2013
I have now watched all 4 episodes and I am all in! This has comedy that you have to pay attention to or it might go over your head. Its a family like any other family but the father just happens to be the President. The oldest son "Skip" steals the show most of the time. To think that the first family could have all these family problems is great. Everyone thinks that the first family has to be perfect. This family is far from perfect, and that goes for the father as well. Every once in a while a great comedy is born: "Arrested Development","Modern Family" and even "The Middle". These shows have real comedy! There are so many comedies on now that have the laugh tracks, and are so predictable, this show is not predictable and that is what makes a great comedy. If NBC gives it a chance, and some time, I think this can and will be a hit.
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No second term or episode, please.
pensman26 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone likes Bill Pullman so lets make him president and surround him with the new modern dysfunctional suburbia family, like not one reporter would pick up on this crowd, and the hjinks in the White House will be awesome. If I were the writer(s), I would pay to be sure my name doesn't show up in any credit. If network TV is trying to prove there is no creativity out there then they have made their point. It appears that four episodes of this series were made; why, didn't anyone watch the first? A better title for this might be, the last family at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. Pullman better look for a new agent because this one sold him out; I at least hope the money was good. Josh Gad may have been the darling of The Book of Mormon but here he is misused.
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Don't waste your time!
tlccar-193-20851616 January 2013
I love a good comedy. 1600 Penn is not one of them. To sit through the pilot was worse than going to the dentist! I actually couldn't wait for it to end! I kept waiting for it to get funny but it never happened. Bill Pullman should be ashamed of himself. He looked so out of place on this show. Do they even show this to people before airing it on prime time television to see if they think it is good? I don't even want to watch another episode to see if it improves. That is how bad this show is. I hate to be a downer but that is my truthful opinion of this train wreck NBC calls a comedy. I can see why the cable networks are killing the major networks. Shows like this are proof!
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dougdelise-17 March 2013
This is not Satire or Comedy.....1600 Penn is part of the "Dumbing Down" of America. Skip is way over the top, no way would he would be allowed in the White House. Skip should not be played as slapstick comedy fool, but as a misguided Prep School Graduate that always says the wrong thing, at the wrong time. Skip can be a bit smarter..I suggest you give him a accident, send him to a clinic in Europe where he gets an education. Make 1600 Penn a true satire and you can have a "Water Cooler" show that viewers will enjoy. Sorry Josh Gad, please stay off camera, you're killing the show with your attempts at cutting humor. 1600 Penn once had promise on paper, get it together 1600 Penn Writing Staff. Interesting concept has lost its way, however it can be fixed with a few subtle changes, it's not too late. However unless corrected 1600 Penn will be doomed to go the way of so many other shows, which would be a shame for a talented cast.
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Not Your Traditional White House TV Show (But Still Awesome!)
samjacobs-592-82203326 January 2013
It's a very lighthearted show so definitely go into it with an open mind. I don't understand why people keep bashing it in these reviews. It's like they're expecting The West Wing with humor, which it isn't.

The cast is fantastic. The series is tied together with a bunch of random circumstances that you'd never expect to happen to the President's family. Bill Pullman initially plays a serious guy, but his character opens up in the following episodes. Jenna Elfman is gorgeous and funny. The character fits her perfectly. The daughter, Martha MacIsaac, is also pretty good. Her situation is funnier than her character though.

The cast is glued together by Skip (Josh Gad) who plays the 20-something son of the President. He is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect in a presidential family, and it's incredible. He's goofy but sincere and lovable. I haven't been able to parallel him to any character from other shows, but that's a good thing.

Overall I'd definitely recommend it if you're into loose comedy. As long as you don't expect serious White House drama, you'll enjoy it!
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This Show Probably Won't Be Re-Elected
BobbeCole7 March 2013
I don't really care for this show and I think that some of the characters on it are very untalented actors, like Josh Gad as Skip, he just irritates me with his childish acts and how idiotic he is. The stuff he says just made me mad. I feel like the president isn't that great of an actor, nor is the step mother. The episodes that I saw didn't catch me and it's already getting repetitive and it hasn't even had 10 episodes yet. NBC has disappointed me yet again. They've disappointed me in the past with canceling Scrubs on it's Seventh Season and ABC had to finish it up for them, My Name is Earl ended on a To Be Continued, The Office about to be over, and by making an abomination of a series called Do No Harm which only aired two episodes and wasted the money. To sum it all up this show is better off resigning and we can stick to Community and Parks and Recreation.
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Funny!!! Loved it!!!
cathyspyers27 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had a great time watching 1600. My husband and I laughed so hard at Skip and the whole First family. Well written and executed. I don't shake hands either I give Huggs😃. I am suggesting this show to all of my friends as a Must Watch..... Its great to laugh at their issues and watch the way the handle life's ups and downs. I feel like the casting is great! The first show is probably the funniest. all of the shows are filled with life lessons and hearty laughter. Skip is always doing such funny things in the background. I wish I knew more about how the President and the First Lady got to be together. There are two younger kids that are kinda strange. The sister is a good balance for Skip.

Thank you!!!
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Get rid of Josh/Skip
billyreichard8 March 2013
Honestly I think I would enjoy this show more (in fact I might like it) if they got rid of Josh's character (named Skip) in the show. He plays a really ignorant and often irritating character that makes the show not very enjoyable to watch. If fact I have the urge to change the channel when he comes up.

I enjoy the other characters and would continue watching this if his character was basically made as a very small role or non-existent. I have nothing against the actor... it's just the writing of the role stinks. He whines way to much as well. I know he is trying to play a role where people may ask "What is wrong with that guy?" but it gets really old quick and at this point enough for me to stop watching the show. It's grating on you emotionally to watch.
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Initial thoughts
DekSy888 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first episode of 1600 Pen after reading the other reviews on here, I noticed there was more bad than good and two of the better reviews compared it to such shows as Cougar Town, Modern Family and Everybody Loves Raymond... none of which I found to have been enjoyable to watch. I would rate this show higher than any of them.

I can see where most people are coming from about the Skip character, I feel he is a typecast typical fat American bozo. I think if they cast a more charismatic, healthier looking male such as his close friend Seth Gabel(something like his part in DSM) to play Skip it would have suited the part a little better.

Jenna Elfman is great I always find her characters likable. Xander came off as more of an angsty teenager than a child genius with his lines(Which I presume is what they were aiming at). Rebecca is also a likable character and talented actress. Bill Pullman seems a little too blasé for a president. For someone who rarely has time to talk to his children and takes his job seriously, when they mess up it doesn't seem to phase him that much. Marigold seems okay from this episode apart from the ridiculous name, some people say the kids are annoying. Aren't kids supposed to be annoying?

The show is watchable it's not terrible, but it's not amazing. If you're looking for something that pulls you in and gets you addicted this is probably not what you are looking for. It seems a bit too choppy, but there is still some comedic value in it. It's something to watch if you're not in the mood for anything serious or with a plot you have to follow religiously.
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Another stupid sit-com
dmcd999911 January 2013
I really wanted to like this show because of Bill Pullman. As it turned out, he was the only light in an otherwise dull and murky program. Same old American sit-com with a few special moments (the Cabinet sharing family problems instead of deciding the future of the Nation.) Trivial jokes. Extremely irritating first son. Extremely annoying and ingratiating first lady. You can see the network hacks selecting jokes from a really old joke book then trying to modernize it with some misplaced hip language. It could have been much worse. As it is, 1600 Penn is an out-of-the-box network sit-com with little new to offer. Bottom line, occasionally amusing but over-whelmingly boring. Sorry, Bill. I really wanted to love this one just for you.
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From a different era
Okonh0wp16 July 2022
This show was released in a a quaint era when our political landscape (at least here in the US) wasn't so trauma-inducing that we can enjoy something politics adjacent as lightweight sitcom fare.

This was also a coming out vehicle of sorts for Josh Gad who wrote the show and fashioned himself as a Chris Farleyesque figure (they're both plus sized and Gad was probably aware of this) who's a lovable oaf.

Gad's character, Skip Gilchrest, the first son to President Dale Gilchrest (Bill Pullman looking as presidential as ever) has zero malicious bones in his body but exists in a social climate that's politicized to a microscopic degree, so he's a ticking time bomb for social disaster which is a great recipe for comedy.

Rounding out the ensemble are a couple precocious kids, a goody-two-shoes daughter (Martha MacIsaac) whose clean-cut image is derailed by an unplanned pregnancy, and a beautiful step-wife (Jenna Elfman) who spends many of the episodes overcompensating for the "trophy wife" image. The pregnant first daughter and the step-mother readjusting to expectations are a couple fine wrenches to throw into the machinery, and things get particularly juicy when the baby daddy shows up (Robbie Amell) in the fourth episode. A great comedy of errors ensues in which Rebecca discovers that her one night stand wasn't a navy man but an dim-witted Old Navy employee who has no idea why he's being called to the Oval Office as the president berates him. This is the series at its high point and why this wasn't the pilot is part of why this show didn't get renewed, I suspect.

The writing was pretty decent the first time around but when I watched the show a lot more recently, I found myself appreciating it more. Perhaps the show is so digestible nowadays is because it's fairly removed from politics. At the same time, it's a little soft, but it's good comfort food in a Nick-at-Nite kind of way.

Because it was so digestible.
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