"Community" Advanced Safety Features (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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The stupidity of some people
chrisglazzard10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a bad episode & so many people saying so much product placement for Honda, Saying they are selling out for money but You do realise this episode is about gorilla marketing & product placement getting people to want to buy from Honda? That's what is episode is doing it's part of the story marketing Honda to you
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Fun episodes but wtf
rmpherwanihp8 January 2022
Can future shows just not do this please? These episodes are actually good but can't it just be fictional brands instead? S****y? H***a? SERIOUSLY COMMUNITY? Is it THAT hard for a show with this much talent to create fun fictional brands?
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Hilarious episode
clementkueh18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this in response to Kevin from Finland who hated this episode on the notion that he felt the show was insulting his intellect.

This was, for me, the funniest episode so far this season. It's not like I'm not understanding that there is advertising. The advertising is absurdly blatant.

You sometimes see shows like Bones where the camera cuts to a phone with a brand on it, or the car starts auto parking and Bones comments on its features without drawing attention to the fact that it's clearly product placement - THAT is insulting your intelligence.

If you feel that your intelligence is insulted because someone is blatantly advertising to your face in a farcical manner, then you my friend, have self-esteem issues with your intelligence. There is nothing in this episode that is trying to pretend it's not trying to shove this advertising in your face. It's the entire premise of the whole episode, and it's hilarious. The subtext here is the irony and the obviousness, and you not seeing that is more representative of your view on what comedy should be, more than anything else.

PS. Drink Coke.
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It's finally getting there..
liamm194521 April 2015
This episode has been much better than many of the previous ones. I actually found myself laughing out loud at some of the stuff especially at the scene with the Dean and Frankie. I think they're finally starting to use that character in a way that is funny and makes sense. I enjoyed the moments with Elroy(who is quickly becoming my favourite character) and Britta talking at the bar also. Saying that though I feel like Abed's character has slipped in the last few episodes and he wasn't much better here. They're trying to find ways to recreate him and they just aren't making any impact. It's sad because Abed was one of my favourite characters before. I also have to credit the writers for implementing the product placement in a hysterical and creative way, not only with Honda in this episode but with Subway as well. Overall, it was a good episode and a great boost for the season itself as I felt it has been kind of stale so far.
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The Honda of Steel Drum product placement!
jcwilson2-124 April 2023
The return of Rick Honda, nee Subway, and featuring an awe inspiring comic turn by the incomparable Frankie Dart. I don't understand the hate - it's like some people don't get that meta can be as subtle as a Hawthorne wipe in the wind, or as broad as Britta in the Glee Club. I think season six writing was as sharp as seasons 1-3, as evidenced by "You're just s stupid little man" et al, and no episode featuring both Paget Brewster and Keith David can be written off. But then again, I am a Level Seven susceptible when it comes to this show. Honda Honda Honda Subway Subway Subway - Six Deansons and a Movie!
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And people criticize season 4?
safenoe21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed season 4 (with due respect to Dan Harmon) but I know many Harmonites heaped vitriol on the "gas leak season". But really, even the weakest season 4 episode shines compares to this season 6 Honda episode that seemed out of synch with the spirit of Community and raging against the machine.

Still, I guess any episode of Community is better than none.
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This review is brought to you by the Honda CRV
sharky_5522 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Is he black Pierce? Old Troy? Or Shirley without a giant purse? Chang's comments on IT guy Elroy's role within the group and the show are quite insightful as they still seem to be trying to find it, halfway into the season. Of course meta comments like that seem clever in a television show but just because the show makers are aware does not mean they want to or try to fix the problem. Abed's comment in season 4 "I remember when this show was about a Community college" drew laughs and nods of acknowledgement from most of the long time viewers yet that same season almost seemed to prop up a model of Greendale rather than authentic story lines and characters. It's that authenticity that "Advanced Safety Features" seems to hint at and almost remind you of the earlier Community.

Elroy's premise of dating the lead singer of Natalie if Freezing isn't completely contrived but it does seem a little catered towards trying to elicit a reaction from the often jealous Jeff. We've seen it before with the perfect pottery student Rich although in this case it doesn't make much sense for Elroy to shun Jeff even when the band brings back old memories. Likewise Britta's sudden adoration at Subway's re- appearance isn't the most convincing. His first appearance way back in season 3 was a satirical jab at the underhanded and dehumanising corporate strategies with a little bit of a 1984 homage thrown in there. It doesn't really seem genuine when Britta starts fawning over a long lost love (as was the case in "Origins of Vampire Mythology") and committing to a corporate relationship with ideals that are the very opposite of what Britta has always expressed. Even if Travis Schuldt looks much better with his beard. This is encapsulated in a very un- Community like moment where they share a lingering glance as Britta stands alone in a sea of people and Rick runs off in slow motion over soft guitar. Sure, it was probably intentional, but that doesn't make it good.

But for the slight;y clunky premises the rest of the episode is very solid. The half an hour runtime allows both plots to develop and even with characters like Abed and Annie not having too much contribution they shine in their relative moments. It's the little things that remind you of classic Community: Leonard's passing comments, Jeff and Annie sticking out their tongue at each other, Britta and Elroy's overdrawn discussion on drawbridges, Chang's casual mention of cheating, the Honda boss trying to do a Batman. We even get to step outside in a refreshing change as Craig and Rick show off their new purchases in the parking lot. For how cramped and gloomy season 4 and 5 were it's a nice change, even if it's not Vaughn playing hacky sack in the courtyard. It's great to see the group laughing and having fun like they are actually friends; Community continues to show how impressive it's creative team are in "The Ears Have It", which seems less tense and complicated than "Piles of Bullets" but lends itself towards showing just how comfortable the group can be at times.

Product placement is a controversial topic in many forms of media. When Phil Dunphy spends an entire episode of Modern Family waxing lyrical about the wonders of the new iPad at least it fit in with his over enthusiastic and boyhood wonder of a personality. It isn't quite as easy here but it does make for a great scene as Frankie walks right into Craig's office, which is absolutely stuffed with Honda products. He breaks down and starts crying, while Frankie tries to compensate for her harsh judgement with her caring nature by scolding and comforting him at the same time. Two very different but hilarious performances. Ultimately it's up to the individual viewer as to whether the product placement adds or detracts from the episode. There's been much less shameless examples of it on television and Community has always tried to put a humorous spin on it from the start of when Subway infiltrated Greendale. Your mileage may vary, which can't be said for the new Honda CRV which promises a 5 star fuel efficiency rating.

Jeff's precise mention of Troy's steel drums skills made for a very loud laugh from me. Frankie looks ridiculous up their with the sticks and it's exactly the sort of joke that we don't get too often. The group messes with each other but not in an overly dramatic way. Sure, we all miss Troy, but this was almost as good. Britta's parents also found a revival, particularly in their hijinks in the end tag. Taken away from the serious context of Britta's confrontation their relationship is very genuine and very funny. If anything, her reaction to her parent's naivety only serves to make the whole fling with Rick even more ridiculous. Which is really what Community is in the end. This deep into the season and not a hint of those heavy concept episodes but a more grounded approach brings back a focus on the characters that make up this show. It seems they just might have hit their stride.
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They Britta'd the episode and Britta's story as well.
sujan85421 April 2023
This episode is so cringey. It wasn't even funny and somehow, they managed to worsen the story of Britta. Even Chang is treated as a better character than Britta. They gave the main story to Britta and it still felt like she is the side character. There wasn't any chemistry between the main couple and when did she fall in love with him? They keep butchering the love story with Britta. It felt like the writers had no idea on what to write and some guy from Honda suggested this idea. Side stories weren't funny as well. So, a very forgettable episode and i feel like this might be the worst episode of Community series.
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Worst episode of season 6
chinbagdeluxe2 October 2021
Season 6 is jam-packed with good and even great episodes but this on fell flat for me. Also people complaining that this is a Honda advertisement are very dumb.
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This episode would have been so much better if it had the season 2 or 3...
jpapanone1 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Or maybe even season 4 feel. But this season 6 version...awful.

I LOVE the fact that they took the Honda thing too far. THAT WAS THE POINT! Subway I think kept this show on the air? Or was that Chuck? Or was it both? Doing what they did with Subway and Honda fits perfectly with what Community is....breaking the 4th wall...being...meta.

Get your damn hands off my spingles!

Don't get me wrong...this episode is still hot garbage compared to what this show can be and once was... but it was a little better than some other season 6's. Hell...I hated Felt surrogacy...but would i rather watch that than any episode in season 6??? I think so. At least that episode was still way more community than this one.

Love whenever Dudemeister shows up. Paget and Abed and Britta all season 6 awful which is their normal or new normal.

Another bad episode. Maybe I'll give it a 4 or 5 instead of a 3? Haven't decided yet. Let me finish the last 5 minutes or so and I'll make a final determination.

I think I have to give it a 4 because of Paget Brewster's terrible drum playing. Did this actors just have carte blanche to do whatever they want...or was anyone on set saying...people people people. This is supposed to be FUNNY. We're a COMEDY.

Gimme some more...time in a dream... Give me the hope to run out of steam.....
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How many ads can there be?
ellaviewd18 May 2020
Really cringeworthy episode, treating viewers like stupid gullible people. This show is no more after season 3.
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Honda advertisement
nake8922 April 2015
I normally wouldn't review a TV show episode. But this episode was so bad I just had to get this out. Out of the 20 or so minutes of this episode over half is blatant Honda advertising. I realize that this show is desperate for money but this is simply sad. Subway used the sponsoring this show and it was fine. It was too much in your face (trust me, at least not this much).

I don't think I laughed once watching this episode. I found my intellect insulted while watching this. I felt like I needed to be compensated after watching this. Can anyone of you fellow watchers mention any TV-show episode with this much advertising? This question is not rhetorical in nature. I'm honestly interested.

This show is dead and absolutely nothing it was like before. I really wish they would cancel this show soon. It has nothing more to offer than ridiculously bad jokes and Honda ads.
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Why aren't we being PAID to watch this?!
daisyisabaker7 February 2021
Over the top advertising for a car brand bringing with H.

There was no punchlines or funny quotes throughout the whole episode.

Completely insulting to viewers to get so far into the show, knowing this was the final season only to be bombarded with excessive commercial after commercial.
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