Animals (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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SnoopyStyle3 March 2020
Laura (Holliday Grainger) is an aspiring writer in her early 30's who is struggling to get started. She meets party girl Tyler (Alia Shawkat) and they spend their nights in drink, drugs, and partying. Laura starts to tap into a domestic life which is resented by Tyler.

This kind of late coming of age story has been done plenty of times before. The only thing missing is an overdose which usually wakes up the character. The other thing that I expected but is missing is some kind of gay panic scene. In the end, this movie fizzles out rather than explodes and that's kinda poetic. It's oddly sweet and touching. Of course, writing about her life is expected right from the start.
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A mostly enjoyable depiction of enduring friendship
carrythe23 June 2019
Two young women, Laura and Tyler, share a close 10-year friendship of hedonistic, carefree times in Dublin with all the drink, drugs and casual encounters with boys that implies. Their friendship is one of those platonic almost-marriages - they share a bed as well as a flat and never leave each other's side. But life is beginning to intrude more and more into their happy world as they enter their 30s and cross that dreaded line into a new era where one's life is suddenly supposed to have meaning. Laura's sister Jean, a former fellow traveller on their wild adventures, is newly married, pregnant, sober and increasingly distasteful of her sister's apparent immaturity - and even more so of Tyler, a freewheeling partier who becomes increasingly despondent as she realises she is losing her friend.

But while all of this may sound thoroughly predictable, what Animals does well is to diverge from by-the-numbers plotting and not hem in its characters with cliche responses or obvious moral lessons. Laura is determined not to go quietly into a life of marriage and cohabitation with her new fiancé, Jim, or to leave behind her BFF despite the inevitable forces coming between them. And the film throws up little surprises that keep you on your toes and keep up the story's momentum.

Unfortunately, what's lacking is wit - it just isn't as entertaining in depicting banter as it aspires to be. While the dynamic of the two lead characters has been compared to Withnail and I, for legitimate reasons, that comparison brings obvious trouble with it - W&I was full of brilliantly funny scenes of nothing but two guys being drunk, high or horrifically hungover, a tricky thing that few imitators have pulled off well. There are large parts of this film (particularly the first half hour or so) that rely too much on the audience finding the characters and their antics hilarious. While the characters are likeable, they aren't much more entertaining than your real-life friends, even if they do quote Yeats more frequently.

Overall, though, it deserves credit for being a truthful and heartfelt depiction of enduring friendship and a break with the expected norms of both film storytelling and of polite society. If you find the dialogue a shred more entertaining than I did, you'll have a blast.
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As sponsored by Jacob's Creek.
bob-the-movie-man18 July 2019
This was another Cineworld Unlimited preview showing, so this film isn't released in the UK until early August (2019).

Laura (Holliday Grainger) and Tyler (Alia Shawkat) are two late twenty-somethings partying their way to an early death through drink, drugs and lack of sleep in Dublin. They are co-habiting best friends, with Laura a hugely unsuccessful part-time novelist and Tyler a barista. But these "professions" are just to fill the day and provide cash (SURELY not enough!?) to fuel their nights.

They are swimming against the current of convention, but when Laura falls for concert pianist Jim (Fra Fee), and 'settling down' starts to look like an option, then this begins to put a terrible strain on their friendship.

I have to admit that I really didn't enjoy this film. I'm sure it's technically very strong - with great cinematography and (at times) thoughtful script. But I had absolutely no empathy with any of the characters involved. They were driftless individuals leading vacuous hedonistic lives. I just wanted to shake them by the shoulders and shout in their faces "Are you going to be happy with what you've done in your life on your death bed?"

I often talk about "story arcs" in my blog. For example, the "man in a hole" story arc is "happy-sad-happy" through the film. The story arc of this film is "miserable unpleasant people feeling wretched, then slightly less wretched, then wretched again". It was just not a winning formula for me.

I see that the film is described on imdb as a "comedy drama". I think they are shooting for sort of a female version of "Withnail and I". But, to be honest, while there were a few funny lines that raised a smile, I don't think it was funny enough to merit that description. I certainly didn't remotely agree with the "Hilarious" quote on the poster.

Honest to God, I don't think there is a single frame of this film where there is not wine being poured or drugs being snorted. "You drink with a real sense of mortality", dodgy poet Marty (Dermot Murphy) tells Laura. (This is a great line from scriptwriter Emma Jane Unsworth's script). I can't find what the budget of this film was, but it wouldn't surprise me if 80% of it wasn't spent on bottles of Jacob's Creek. I expected to see a "wine wrangler" listed in the end titles.

It's not a great example to set for young people for sure, and it well deserves its UK15 certificate. With its drug taking, heavy drinking and casual (and morally bankrupt) sex, if I was on the BBFC I would have be lobbying for an 18 certificate.

In terms of the cast, Holliday Grainger is excellent and believable in the role of the aimless drifter suddenly finding an anchor. Another really great performance. Equally good is Alia Shawkat, an actress unknown to me. She gets across brilliantly the desperation of a lost soul losing her soulmate. (I just had trouble separating her character in my mind from Rizzo in "Grease". If they ever remake that film, she would be a shoe-in for the role made famous by Stockard Channing.) By the way, if you're trying to pin down where you've seen Fra Fee's striking features before (it was bugging me) he played the part of Courfeyrac in the film version of "Les Miserables".

Made by Sophie Hyde it's an interesting and well made film. As such, I don't want to give it a savage rating. Many may enjoy it. I personally didn't, and wouldn't watch it again. The primary benefit I got from seeing it was again registering Holliday Grainger as an acting force that I will watch out for in future films.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on t'internet or Facebook. Thanks. )
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Scum life
sergelamarche15 June 2022
The film is well done and the acting is excellent. The whole thing is very believable. The issue is the story. It a free wheeling pair of best girlfriends drinking and sexing their lives away in a continuous party at night. Then, one of them falls a bit for a guy and the other can't take it. You'd think lesbianism but it is not a consumed one, apparently. The cheery beginning full of promises turn into jadedness. I see this film as a cautionary tale of a death spiral about to commence.
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Wandered off course
o_s_k_r19 March 2021
This film was supposed to be about the relationship between Laura and Tyler. It's a special friendship but there's dangerous side. Unfortunately the film wanders way off course and the last third of the film explores Laura cheating on her fiance. Is she doing this (subconciously) so she can stay with Tyler? Didn't come across that way. I think the screenwriter urgently needed to sit down and cut a lot out of the movie and focus on what it was really about. Basically we needed more Tyler.

We also urgently needed to see these characters at their day jobs. Laura says she's a waitress (I think). We needed to see her struggling through an awful hungover day. Or being fired for showing up late. We see them drinking through the week but there's not much flipside. There's no consequences.

Probably the most glaring oddity is the scene where Tyler (apparently) steals a jar of unspecified drugs (MDMA crystals? methamphetamine?). It's a truly hefty quantity presumably worth many thousands of euros. How did they get away with this? Why isn't there someone hunting for it?
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The taming of the two.
Pjtaylor-96-1380443 August 2019
'Animals (2019)' tells the unconventional coming-of-age of two party animals forced to face reality when one of them gets engaged. This strains their strong, ten-year-long friendship and causes both to question their lifestyles, in their own ways. The often-inebriated pair seem to sleepwalk through the day and come alive at night, taking copious amounts of drugs (both legal and not so legal), staying out all night and sleeping with strangers - all under the pretence of 'rallying against the system'. Grainger's writer's-block-ridden aspiring-novelist seems to purposefully seek a catalyst for change after realising a large portion of her life has passed her by, whereas Shawkat's no-aspirations barista seems to constantly lament the very concept. This push and pull forms the basis for film's dramatic underpinning, leading to a grounded and rather nuanced story of self-actualisation - or the struggle for it, at least. While it does conform to the conventions of its genre, it feels actually incredibly natural; in the moment, all sense of it being a movie falls away in favour of a far more realistic feel. This is, in large part, thanks to the imperfections of pretty much every core player. The two leads, especially, are presented not as 'likeable' but as 'honest', making them all the more empathetic. It all appears quite effortless but it's actually the result of a fantastic screenplay. Of course, this is brought to life by equally brilliant performances, assured direction and often-inspired cinematography. The movie starts off a little slow but it soon settles into its own pace and becomes extremely engaging. It weaves relatable themes into a plot peppered with situations of all differing sorts - whether they be funny, charming, saddening or frustrating - and a central relationship that's as compelling a pairing as we've seen all year. It's bold, vital and, most importantly, enjoyable. 7/10
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Mostly enjoyable but eventually dragged
muamba_eats_toast9 August 2019
Heartwarming, funny and sad all at different times the film was a real blast for the majority although felt was around 20 minutes to long towards the end it did drag a little and the humour began to wear off. Overall still worth a watch and Holliday Grainger in particular was fantastic.
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Thought-provoking at times, but overall boring
pokemon_trainer_lucas22 July 2019
The best way to sum up this film is that nothing really happens. There's plenty of drugs, sex, swearing and vomit, but it's a lot less exciting than all of that sounds. I went to this movie expecting it to be raucous, shocking and funny. Instead, it just kind of dragged, with some thought-provoking moments that made you think about real life problems, but plenty of parts that were just boring. I didn't really enjoy this film to be honest, and I don't recommend it.
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Ho Hum.
neilfrancis216 July 2019
Not a bad movie but films like this rely on the viewer caring about the main characters, I didn't. The first half with the pair of girls playing was fun but once the dull boys came into it the movie drags slowly into not very much.
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Slow and boring
apcyberax-1803717 July 2019
Went to see this after the trailers made it look pretty funny but i was disappointed. The movie was slow and dragged on with no surprises. It seems all the good bits were in the trailer. Unless you can connect with the characters this will be a drawn out movie you'll be happen what ends.
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Complex female characters and amazing script
rainabosniac8 March 2020
I found the script to be very well written and both female characters were well developed and complex. I really understand why some people didn't enjoy it, it was a story of female friendship and nothing more and unless you really cared about the characters it could be a drag. But i loved it, it was totally worth it.
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jasongkgreen18 July 2019
Two best friends, in a coming of age, finding their purpose within their own love story story. Helped and hindered with copious narcotics, alcohol and general partying. Based on the novel from 2014 of the same name by Emma Jane Unsworth.

This film has some wonderful bits. If you appreciate some depth, and challenge, and at times a female Withnail and I / Fleabag'esk environment this will likely work for you.

It is not without faults, meanders a little, but this does feel part of the story and not "wrong", but could be a little tighter.

Holliday Grainger trying to look rough from intense partying is interesting as she looks annoying stunning mostly, but her performance and that of Alia Shawkat is really something, with some beautiful dialogue and heart squeezing performances.

This is not an easy watch, although fun at times as it moves in a complex journey to the "coming of age". A worthy watch, and I suspect for the right person, a cracker.

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Avoid At All Costs - Banal Rubbish
martimusross17 July 2019

Last year we had the comedy Can't Cope, Won't Cope and now we have this almost identically themed story, that was rubbish and so was this. It just had nothing new to say the script and acting was both banal and mundane in its mediocrity.

The whole movie rests upon the best friend relationship of Laura and Tyler. From the start there just was no chemistry and the dialogue did not support the interaction of close friends, they were rude and nasty to each other and seemed to be in a state of competition, at best they were casual clubbing mates.

Knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing wrong is very different from not having a moral compass at all, they weren't rebels living empowered lives but idiots living a squalid and tawdry existence emoted with potty mouths, the morals of alley cats and a wine induced haze.

The key question must be what was the movie's message and how was this conveyed. The message was garbled and conveyed by ugly feckless people.
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Animals - Made me think of a coarse version of 'Fleabag' but not as clever.
brankovranjkovic9 August 2019
Drama, set in Dublin.

Stars Laura and Tyler who are thirty-something best friends. Laura describes herself as an author although in the last 10 years she's hardly written a thing! They both enjoy partying, continuous heavy drinking, drug taking and casual sex.

When in a bar one day Laura meets a classical pianist called Jim, he is the alternative, talented, hardworking, practices every day. They have an affair and fall in 'love'. Tyler sees Jim a threat to their long-term friendship, their relationship really feels the strain. Laura and Jim are in 'love' but not enough to stop either cheating. Strangely Laura seems more upset and they separate.

I thought this would be right up my wife's street and that I might struggle, but how more wrong could I be! Useful to see this from a feminist's point of view - In her opinion there were lots of clichés with stereotypical characters and Laura's behaviour was not acceptable for someone in their 30's and she probably would have finished her book if only she could have stayed sober for more than a day!
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loved it...hated it...lovedf it... hated it
natcalgary31 January 2020
It started out good, then lost me... then got me back just in time for a dissapointing ending.

it did have its moments but over-all cant give it more than a 5.9
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can they save this friendship ?
ksf-210 November 2023
A joint production from australia and irelend. We watch as best friends tyler and laura live their crazy, party-on life. They both have their demons and addictions, but they have been able to manage so far. Stars alia shawkat and holliday grainger. When laura meets jim (fra fee) in a bar, that's less time spent with tyler. And when jim and laura get engaged, everything has changed. Has the friendship hit an expiration date? Great script, great performances. The one goofy thing I noticed is at one hour twenty in, when laura says "how does it feel to be thirty", it looks like her lips aren't moving. Was it looped later, or maybe she said it at the far right corner of her mouth? Minor. More drama, more trauma. Can the marriage be saved? Can the friendship between laura and tyler be saved? It's mostly well done. Directed by sophie hyde. Bafta nominated aussie. Based on the book by emma unsworth.
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Unconvincing, ultimately
derek-duerden4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard good things about this since it came out, and only recently realised that it starred Holliday Grainger (the only one of the cast I recall seeing elsewhere), so decided to give it a go. It was enjoyable in places, but also more often very irritating, which was a shame, and prevents me recommending it.

For me, a big problem was the character of Tyler and the asserted relationship with Laura. Basically, Tyler came across as a huge pain in the arse - so much so that I really didn't believe that Laura would have stuck with her for ten years. Fair enough, Tyler was supposed to be threatened by Laura's engagement to Jim, and ratchets up the bad behaviour accordingly in an attempt to keep her - but to my mind she was *already* unbearable, so this looked risky at best. With a different actor playing Tyler (or a different script that gave her some attractive traits) I think that the film would have worked much better.

Also unconvincing was the economics - constant partying is expensive, as I'm sure are flats in Dublin, and wedding dresses. Unless Tyler is being funded by her parents (a theory sort-of undermined by her reaction to her father's death), how can she afford all that as a barista - not to mention allowing Laura to keep skipping her rent? Again, a bit more of a credible story about where all the money was coming from would have helped.

I wasn't sure what to think about Laura's arc. 10 years at one page per year may indeed be true of some "blocked" novelists, but as someone else says, once she has Jim's example and encouragement, there didn't seem to be much of a renewed effort before she allows the poet and his circle to drag her back into partying. This was probably the point though - and perhaps the book handles this at a more even pace - but the ending was quite nicely handled and set up by that, I think. It's difficult to feel sorry for her though.
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Unfunny, Dull and/or Irritating
dbruceuk4 August 2019
Apart from dull but motivated Jim, all of the remaining lead characters were irritating, deluded, lazy, lacking any empathy and not as funny as they thought they were. I disliked them all uniformally.

Filling the gap that Fleabag left? Should be up in court for fraud for that tagline alone.

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henry8-37 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two fun loving party animal girls in their late twenties come to a fork in the road when one, Grainger, an aspiring writer, falls in love and starts planning her marriage, whilst her friend, Shawkat prefers to continue burning the candle at both ends. As a result, their friendship is put under strain.

Touching and sometimes quite funny, this does well to hit the nail on the head of the emotions of 2 friends who love each other but now need different things. Both girls give terrific performances but Grainger, who is the real focus here is outstanding. As they all go through up and downs with each other, family and boyfriends, it is quite intriguing as to how this will end up. The end when it comes is not a big emotional upset, but is nevertheless spot on.
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Sadly, did not really feel it ...
Aktham_Tashtush14 December 2019
So I get the point of this movie ,, girl gotta be her own self .. If she wants to be someone she's trying to be she should not be depending on a husband or a friend or whatever ... I mean cool idea .. not original though ,, didn't read the book ,, but I watched an interview once for Emma Jane Unsworth (the writer of ANIMALS the book) and she kinda gave a clear idea that she wants an all girl movie just because girl power ... which is amazing, don't get me wrong.. but apparently the book itself isn't that strong for this ...

The cast were okay though,, I like Alia Shawkat, she's like 30 now but she still has that funny quirky overstepping girl kinda vibes and she had a good back and forth with Holliday Grainger ,, anyway, the script, hence the book, didn't help but still the whole cast tried.

Anyway, this is not a good choice for a family movie night ,, but If you feel like there's literally nothing to watch ,, try to find some old DVDs you have or something, and if you couldn't then Aaah what the heck, you can watch it , who know's you might not hate it.
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What a great movie
Mixcoke12 July 2019
A beautifully deep and complex story of two friends finding their ways. Funny and emotional. Somewhat like a modern female Whitnail and I. My wife and I enjoyed every bit.
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OK film but really lacks a bit of punch and point
coombsstephen16 July 2019
This film meanders through its story but sadly never really takes off. There is a sort of point to the story but it's hard to find and frankly not much of a point when you find it.

It is a watchable film but I, and it seemed most around me, were not disappointed when it eventually fizzled out and ended. I thought the acting was quite good and there were a couple of funny moments.

I guess some may see this story on a different level and feel more empathy towards it but that wasn't me.
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Annoying & difficult to sit through
DandyBanana26 January 2020
The actress that played Taylor was so unbelievably irritating that it ruined any chance this movie had with me. If someone else were playing this role, you could maybe see both sides between the 2 main characters but because of how obnoxious she is, I only saw the one side. I would run screaming from someone that annoying! It would give me the absolute shock of my life if that actress was nothing at all like the character. Just overall her presence was cringy & I think the movie would have reeled me in a bit more without her.
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frukuk18 April 2021
Perhaps this improves after the first hour, but it just wasn't interesting enough for me to hang around.

I didn't care about either of the main characters, nor did I find them or the events (for example, the "salon") particularly believable.

I think "Invertebrates" is more apt than "Animals". Laura (played by Holliday Grainger) just lacks any motivation to write her novel. It felt like Jim (played by Fra Fee), who must have practised the piano for many hours, was going to show her the importance of "turning up at the page", each day, for several hours, without fail. Instead, he seems to facilitate her prevarication.

It's possible this is much better in the final half, but it really doesn't deserve the chance to redeem itself when the first half is so drab and boring.
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Good character development, very good script
isabelmartinvazquez6 August 2019
I disagree with the bad reviews of this movie. I think the two main characters are very well accomplished and the script is very engaging
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