"The Walking Dead" Twice as Far (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Slow, but consistent
LiamCullen621 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was another slow episode, but its staggered pacing didn't detract from the quality too much.

From the beginning, we immediately get the impression that the episode will be mundane, as we're shown seemingly identical clips of the same scenes three times. This is done primarily to emphasise the habits and routines which have arisen in Alexandria; more subtly, though, I think this sequence of repetitive scenes is there to act as a foreboding prelude to the impending chaos: the calm before the storm.

Admittedly, I get rather bored with secondary characters trying to overcompensate for their mediocrity by puffing their chests and asserting themselves to our favourites - yes, I'm talking about Eugene and Denise. That being said, both have powerful roles in this episode, demonstrating that their characters have grown and they have overcome their initial weaknesses. They have both adapted to the post-apocalyptic world, and are able to not only excel in their main areas of skill (medicine for Denise and engineering - I suppose? - for Eugene), but are also able to kill where they have to in order to survive. Interestingly, one of our veteran walker slaughterers seems to no longer be able to kill in order to survive, although her (Carol's) predicament is slightly different in that she is now refusing to kill people in order to survive, not walkers - more on that later.

Daryl is filled with regret in this episode, naturally. When he's rummaging through the motorcycle early on, he tells Carol that he should have killed Dwight. Carol gets up and leaves at this point, because she knows he's right - as she later reveals when they're burying Denise - but that alone isn't enough to convince her to stay. Then when they go out on the supply run, Daryl chooses to not take the tracks, and instead goes the long way around as the last time they followed the train tracks it led them to the 'Sanctuary' which turned out to be quite the opposite and almost got them all killed. But on their way back, Daryl - regrettably - ignores his gut instinct and decides to take the tracks, and is punished once more for his decisions by having Dwight kill Denise with his own crossbow. This makes me wonder if Daryl's third (and final?) mistake will be going after Carol in next week's episode...

Before Denise died, she had a very motivational and insightful speech. She wasn't just talking nonsense trying to rationalise her behaviour, she was able to liken her actions to Daryl's and Rosita's, and even make both of them feel vulnerable in that she understood them so well. And then, mid-speech, she's shot through the face with an arrow. So, now Alexandria has no doctor and no surgeon, and they're sure to need both in the events to come.

Abraham had an amazing one-liner yet again: "You'd have better luck picking up a turd from its clean-end." He and Eugene have an amusing relationship, as they've been through thick and thin together and are diametrically opposed characters, so their dialogue is always quite entertaining.

Looking ahead to the final two episodes of this season, this week's episode makes it so much more difficult to predict how the season will end. For the previous two episodes, which focused heavily on Carol, it seemed to surely be leading her down the path of no return; however, in the preview for next week's episode, it seemed to reveal that Daryl goes after Carol, which means Daryl is putting himself in harm's way for Carol's sake. And what was it that Carol's letter said at the end of this episode? "I can't kill for anyone." This leads me to believe that we'll likely see Carol put in a position where she has to kill again in order to save someone she cares about (Daryl), and she won't be able to do it.

On the other hand, it could be that Carol simply thinks she can't kill for anyone again, but when actually put in the position to do so, she will as it's now in her nature to protect those she cares about. Thinking back to last week's episode, she was able to easily kill for Maggie when she thought her baby was threatened, thus hopefully the same will apply in future.

In the final scene of the episode, in which we hear the chair rocking and the camera zooms in on Morgan, I was expecting the camera to turn towards the porch and reveal the Wolf that Morgan couldn't kill sitting on the chair, smiling at him hauntingly. A hallucination, of course, but that's what I expected to see.

With only two episodes remaining, I expect to see the body count continue to rise. This has probably been the bloodiest season yet, and with Negan still to be fully introduced, that's certain to continue.
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The old Harold Godwinson routine
snoozejonc28 January 2022
Two groups go on supply runs whilst Carol struggles with her demons.

This episode has some good moments, particularly the character banter.

The narrative deliberately tricks the audience into thinking it might be a talky, comedown episode of character development. Then it hits you in the eye with a shock moment and surprise ending.

I was enjoying where the plot was going before the twists in the tale appear. It feels like shock for the sake of it at times, but I have to confess to finding the moment when a certain character's heartfelt speech was unceremoniously cut short darkly funny. With all the idiotic decisions made by characters in the show, it's not nice, but it is refreshing to see them punished occasionally.

I liked the banter and cross cutting between the two away missions. Some of the transitions were particularly well done. Josh McDermitt and Michael Cudlitz play very well off each other.

I'm not sure about where they are taking Carol's character. It's early days to say if she is going in a meaningful direction for her arc, or whether it is a plot contrivance to get her out of the way for a while until convenient to bring her back. Whatever it is Melissa McBride does a great job as always.

The art design is top drawer, with one scene in particular being a quite disturbing concept that has very macabre imagery and creepy atmosphere.
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Acts of Bravery and Bad Decisions
claudio_carvalho21 March 2016
Alexandria is in peace and people are living a routine life. Denise asks Daryl and Rosita to go to a little town nearby the compound where she recalls there is a pharmacy. Daryl and Rosita are reluctant to let Denise go, but she insists and they head to the location in an old pickup. The road is blocked with a tree and Daryl decides to walk on the road, despite Rosita insists that following the train tracks is half the way. They find supply in the pharmacy and decide to return to the pickup following the train tracks. Meanwhile Eugene and Abraham find a factory where Eugene explains that he may produce ammunition. When a walker attacks Eugene, Abraham protects him and Eugene is upset with Abraham since he wanted to prove that he can protect himself. They have an argument and Abraham leaves Eugene alone. Denise decides to retrieve a cooler in a car with a walker and Daryl and Rosita have to return to save her, but she kills the walker by herself. Out of the blue, they are attacked by a group led by Dwight. He shows Eugene and tells that Daryl and his group must take them to their compound; otherwise he will kill them. What will the group do? Meanwhile Carol is in an existential crisis.

"Twice as Far" is an episode where Denise and Eugene have acts of bravery. It is also an episode of bad decisions: letting Denise go to scavenger with the experienced Daryl and Rosita; waling on the train tracks; stopping to get a soda in a cooler; letting Eugene alone. The return of Dwight is tragic and I hope Daryl stumbles upon this hateful character. What Morgan is doing and what Carol will do are another two questions that will certainly be shown in a near future. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Twice as Far"

Note: On 26 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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Season 6 Won't Stop Being Amazing
joseph-voll-beliebt20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 14 is another great installment and the writing is really nice. I love the interactions and dialogues between the characters and this week's episode offers some very interesting moments. I really like the Alexandria-episodes with all the cast members.

Though this episode is amazing, there was a shocking scene which left me speechless. I cried, I screamed, I jumped. AMC really screws with my feelings and that's not nice. "Why? ... Why? ... Why?!" I couldn't think straight after that scene. I'm not sure whether there's payoff or not, I still need to find out.

All the actors are yet again awesome. Melissa McBride is one amazing woman. The chemistry between the cast members is great. I simply can't wait for episode 15.
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The Creeping Death Walk
ginaolson21 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't seen The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14 "Twice As Far" please stop now as sadness follows and I'd hate to see your nose or mascara run from your tears. You've been warned! Let's go!

All the suspense for weeks has been who is going to die and although the season still has two more episodes remaining, the slow creeping death walk has begun and Denise was the first to fall. In this episode you could see this coming. She, for starters, wasn't prepared for what was beyond Alexandria's walls and was taking such silly risks like getting the ice cooler from the car with the live walker in it. Then she got all positive and sentimental on us and that usually leads to bad things happening and in this case, she was speaking like she was shot through the heart, but it was through the eye. Didn't see that coming! Poor Tara!

Once again we meet up with Dwight and yes Daryl; you should have killed them in the burnt forest. There will be so much more regret for that decision to come. This time, Dwight has met some unfortunate face changing fate as his face is half burnt. I'm sure we'll learn how that came about soon enough but his posse has grown substantially since the first time we met him. It appears that he went back to the group that was hunting them down initially, but with a severe punishment for his disobedience. Daryl has been the one consistent character that has had numerous run-ins with this group (the forest, the observatory and now on the tracks). PS...Can we stay off the tracks please? It never leads to anywhere good!

Now you know we must have our chuckles about some of the dialogue and scenes in this episode. Eugene's growing a pair when he tells Abraham, "You've outlived your usefulness to me." and then chomping on a pair, when seizing his moment to help the others get away from Dwight and his goons. Eugene showed that he has grown up some which was also what Denise was trying to do but it didn't work out as well for her in the end. This was not only an important moment between Abraham and Eugene, but also in front of Daryl and Rosita. Even though Abraham has been dumping and being dumped, it looks like him and Sasha are going to happen.

Carol, oh Carol. She seems to have really gone off the deep end and even though I don't think that this is the last we'll see of her, she may have just put herself on the kill list. Do you think the group should go after her? I personally don't think that they should, but the preview for next week's episode looks like they are not going to take my advice!
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Arrow to the...
ploski21 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
An annoying coming-of-heroine-age overweight-in-ZA wannabe-doctor makes a sudden emotional verbal diarrhea outburst not fitting in the storyline at all. Reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson getting a sudden fit on the plane with snakes. Inserted out-of-place scene all the way.

Thank god, or the writers, she took a Skyrim arrow to her knee. Well, eye.

Apart from that, some funny moments with Eugene's BJ of sorts. Bullet manufacturing facility that will explain the plethora of ammo for the season finale when guns will be blazing. Or bats. The flying kind. Sans wings. Extra barbed wire. Random guy from few episodes back only comic book readers remember comes back with face burnt. Gives x-bow back. Not without fight, though. Daryl to do some Usain bolting soon it seems.

Won't describe this as a filler episode as 90% of reviewers think all TWD episodes are filler. Who cares, really. It deviated from Negan expectation story line rather well, I actually forgot about the Saviours. Well, except during the cooler-rescuing quest, when I expected an attack from the upcoming main foe.

Just wish people would stop rambling about the comics. Actually, I wish Negan would be slaughtered in the finale by Morgan with his plain stick. Right off the bat. Would send comic fans nuclear and other fans rolling on the floor laughing.

No, really, let's kill Negan in the first five minutes, just for the shock value.

In any case, looking forward to the finale, it seems it will be a blast. Season 6 looking strongest ever.
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if a secondary character takes center stage he has to die, twd show runners
MomentIMDB13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the victory, Alexandria is in a quiet state. the opening shows that, showing the monotity of alexandria. the episode is about eugene and abraham in the bullet factory, and daryl, rosita and denise looking for medicine. From the beginning you can see the focus on the denise character, as they say in twd, if a secondary character has a leading role, he will die. I loved the scenes between abraham and eugene, showing their problems and the strength that eugene has. I loved that they chose daryl and rosita to accompany denise, since both characters needed to take great prominence. The scene where Denise finds a dead baby was very dark and a sad reality of her world. Denise's past enchanted and enriched the character. The best thing about the episode was when Denise gave his speech, it was spectacular and very well written, and his death struck me. Dwight and the saviors are back. Carol leaves, what will happen to her? The only thing I didn't like was when Denise takes a walker out of a car and is almost bitten, stupid.
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We have separated storylines: one focusing on Denise as she tries to prove herself as a capable medic, and the other on Eugene as he struggles to find his place in the group
fernandoschiavi18 March 2024
Two different supply runs take place on the same day. Daryl, Rosita, and Denise go to a pharmacy Denise had spotted on an earlier journey. She feels that there may be important medicines there. Meanwhile, Eugene and Abraham go to an abandoned factory, where Eugene has found the equipment needed to make bullets.

Eugene and Abraham argue over whether Eugene has "leveled up" (to use the Role Playing Game terminology he employs) to being more of a survivor. Abraham offends Eugene by insisting that he is still helpless. He humiliates him further when Eugene tries to finish off a Walker (whose head was accidentally reinforced by a lead spill), only to have Abraham step in and take over when it appears that Eugene is about to be killed.

Denise struggles to help Daryl and Rosita look for supplies amidst the dead and rotting bodies. In the pharmacy she is traumatized by evidence that someone in the back of the shop turned and then ate his or her own infant child. Later, though, she bounces back, and proves to herself that if necessary she can kill a Walker. She begins to give her companions a pep talk, telling them that they shouldn't be alone, and regretting that she had not reciprocated when Tara had earlier told her that she loved her.

Suddenly, in mid-sentence, Denise is killed by a crossbow bolt through the head. Dwight and a group of Saviors step forward, revealing that they have taken Eugene hostage. The group demands that Daryl and Rosita take them back to Alexandria, so the community can hand supplies and people over to Negan.

As Daryl is trying to work out an escape strategy, Eugene helps out by attacking Dwight, biting the man's penis (through his pants). Abraham leaps forward from the bushes, firing on the Saviors with an automatic rifle. Daryl and Rosita join in the fight. They are unable to finish off the group, however, as Eugene suffered a gunshot wound in the melee. They take his unconscious body and return to Alexandria.

Later, Eugene is recovering quickly, in part thanks to the antibiotics that Denise had retrieved during the supply run. Abraham apologizes to Eugene, saying that he DOES have survival skills. "Welcome to Level Two", he says. Abraham then seeks out Sasha, telling her that they both have options. They might survive in Alexandria safely for another thirty years, "but even thirty years wouldn't be enough" time with her. Sasha is touched, and finally accepts Abraham's advances, inviting him into her house.

As Carol helps Daryl to bury Denise, Tobin is shown reading a note Carol had left him. She had enjoyed their brief relationship, but now she intends to leave Alexandria. She feels that she cares too much, both for Tobin and for the community in general. If she stays any longer, she will eventually be forced to kill hostiles, living hostiles, again in order to protect her loved ones. She simply can't bring herself to return to the cold-hearted survivor that she had previously become. She asks Tobin not to try to find her.

"Twice as Far" follows two separate storylines: one focusing on Denise as she tries to prove herself as a capable medic, and the other focusing on Eugene as he struggles to find his place in the group. The episode is notable for its exploration of the characters' inner struggles and the lengths they will go to in order to survive.

One of the most memorable scenes in the episode is when a group member is killed by a member of the Saviors while on a supply run, highlighting the dangers that the group faces on a daily basis. This moment has a profound impact on the group, particularly Tara and Rosita, who must come to terms with the loss of their friend.
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Denise's Story
kidjaynite28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a hard one for me. Although Denise is only a secondary character she is one of my favorites. She has this natural fit between the old world and new world, still manages to care about people, finding humor in situations. The scene(s) at the apothecary was so heavy and grim, but necessary to remind the much darker side of the new world and how no one can make it alone. The focus was heavy on the mental health aspect of what could occur in a world like that. I found it relatable and that even in a crazy new world, the old world can still follow you (them). Denise's death just broke my heart and I would have loved to see what her character could have become after now venturing outside of the walls.

Eugene just annoys me. I just don't get his character or how he even never dies.
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Well-structured, but a change from the comics lessens the impact of an otherwise stunningly adapted scene. Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely a run episode (where several members leave to get supplies), although it does have a twist. As a result, it is mostly filler and development until the twist. The episode was well structured and directed, although there are a couple of story decisions that I take issue with. More on that later.

This episode contains an iconic death from the comics. The death was translated from page to screen better than I would have thought possible. The show really managed to capture the surreal and horrific nature of the scene in a great way. However, as the show often does, they changed the recipient of this death. I did not like the fact that they did this. They do this to increase shock value; to surprise even the comic readers. But it actually lessens the impact because they are invariably smaller characters than in the comics. It makes the show less poignant and makes the viewer feel like many of the characters have plot armour. Nonetheless, the death itself and subsequent series of events are fantastic.

Another classic character from the comics is introduced. Well, it turns out that he was introduced a while back and I just didn't notice. More perceptive viewers than I would have pieced it together back then. I originally thought that episode was kind of pointless. Now I see why it was in here. Still, it was thrilling to see him fully realized just like the comics.

There is also a twist at the very end with Carol that I'm not a fan of. I'm open to the direction the show-runners want to take her character in theory, but in execution I have found that in the past couple episodes' development with her felt rushed, out of nowhere, and insincere.

In summation, the first half was a run-of-the-mill run episode; fine for what it is. The second half turns it into something more important and exciting, but also makes a few stumbles.
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The Queen Has Left the Building
ThomasDrufke20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So with only two episodes left, we are really just on Negan watch at this point. It does seem like the past few episodes have been very filler, but they have had great character moments that kept me interested. With that said, I think we all knew this episode, with two groups on a run, would be a complete filler week.

Out of the two groups who went on a run, I was far more interested in the Daryl, Denise, and Rosita story line. This was Denise's first real chance to show the audience who she is and what she's about. Her being the only real doctor Alexandria has, it was sad and shocking to see her go, but I shouldn't be overly stunned. They were very much playing this episode out in a similar way they were playing out Beth Greene's arc in the first half of season 5, so seeing an arrow go through her eye was obviously disappointing, but it was something that made sense for the episode's arc.

Eugene could have very easily been the one to go this week as he was captured by a gang led by Dwight, the same guy Daryl lost his bike to once upon a time. Eugene and Abraham had their little breakup and makeup tonight after Abraham didn't think he was worthy of walker killing. Which is a strong correlation to Denise's arc with Daryl and Rosita.

This was also a strong showing for Rosita this week as we found out she's been sleeping with Spencer and is in the midst of a lonely time in her life. But much like Eugene, I think tonight's events will lead to a strong future for Rosita.

The last clear correlation with the show was with Abraham and Carol. Carol has felt out of it for quite some time now and her leaving Alexandria is the next logical step for her character. I hardly believe it will be the last time we see her, but perhaps it's the last time this season. It almost seems like we are losing people by the minute. How can the group possibly defend Alexandra if Negan will attack by the end of the season? But it was interesting to see how opposite of a character decision Abraham's was to stay with Sasha to Carol's was to leaving.

Overall, it will be interesting to see who makes it out of the next few ominous feeling episodes and how the Negan situation will play out. It was difficult to see Denise go so soon and Carol leaving Alexandria, but it was handled very well. I think we are in for quite the last two episodes of what has been a very solid season.

+Denise's arc

+Carol making a difficult decision

+Well-structured filler week

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Not far enough
TheLittleSongbird6 July 2020
When 'The Walking Dead' was good, it was really good. At its best it was must-watch television and there was certainly must-watch quality episodes in Season 6. When it was a long way from good, it was as disappointing as one can get. Season 6 did see some disappointments but its worst episodes were still not as bad as the worst of Seasons 7 and 8, which saw one of the biggest declines for any show (something that doesn't give me any pleasure saying).

This review is probably not going to go down well, but although it has its good things and moments "Twice as Far" didn't do enough for me and left me quite underwhelmed. Can totally see why it garnered mixed reviews and why it is generally one of the season's least well received episodes. One of the season's disappointments and lesser episodes, but a long way from being one of the worst 'The Walking Dead' episodes. If "Twice as Far" worked for people, nothing will be held against them and those that liked it do have buyable reasons for doing so. It is not hard though to see why others dislike it, am somewhere in between myself.

As said, "Twice as Far" has good things. Apart from one scene, unfortunately very early on so first impressions to begin with were not great, it nails the grittiness and slick style visually. The music and audio don't intrude while adding a lot still to the atmosphere. Some of the script is intriguing and with glimpses of the writers knowing what they were doing. Carol's last lines, Denise's speech and Abraham's "you'd have better luck next time.." line faring best.

Found Abraham and Eugene (the latter in one of his more powerful appearances up to this point) interesting characters and their chemistry to be interesting and entertaining. Denise's character arc showed a lot of promise and started off really quite well, while Daryl's, another compelling character, regret is powerfully done. The acting is good from all if not my idea of exceptional.

However, for me "Twice as Far" was very flawed when it came to the story. The pace is much too staggered, so there is never really any sense of urgency, and the uneven (mostly successful in the visual style, but miscalculated when it comes to the story momentum) direction doesn't help. Less debating and talk would have really helped forward the momentum. It also feels rather unfocused as a result of cramming in too much and the depth just isn't there. While there are moments in the dialogue, too much of it is quite lazy and did find myself shocked at how juvenile some of it was, Denise and Abraham having two of the worst offenders mentioned already.

Despite great moments, the episode is let down by things that come over as pointless, with the opening being repetitive and self-indulgently shot and too disconnected from the rest of the story. There is a death too that is a rather cheap way to treat a character that was only just starting to come into their own and have proper presence, so great potential prematurely cut, not to mention coming out of nowhere and only Daryl seems to properly care in the aftermath of it. Some of it is silly and there is some frustrating decision making, the episode sees quite a big step backward in Carol's character development which is just strange here and her final decision is out of character and quite abrupt. Other episodes do much better in advancing the storytelling and characters, Daryl is the only one treated with respect of the too few characters that do advance and not enough of the story adds much to what was established in previous episodes or what was to come.

In conclusion, worth a look but underwhelming after being impressed by the previous second-half-of-Season 6 episodes. 5/10
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Not too bad, Not the best either.
johnblinn20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Tonight's episode (episode 14) was a decent episode however it is not the best work the show has done by far. There was some terribly obvious filler, for example, the group debate about which path to go on. On the contrary there was also some interesting character development. I thought that Eugene and Abraham's little conflict was interesting because it showed how the apocalypse can harden a person and also because it was just good,because Abraham thinks of Eugene as a friend but Eugene mostly thinks of Abraham as simply defense. So it was just interesting to see that play out. One thing that I was disappointed in was the death of Denise, the doctor, because although we saw her character build tonight the show had not yet made me care for her so her death was almost emotionless and it barely bothered me. However I think that with a little more time she could have made a great character but sadly we will not be able to see that play out. There was some plot advancement too which is good, it wasn't just filler. I enjoy seeing the rivalry between Dwight and Daryl grow because it could become something big and interesting. Overall it was an alright episode and I cannot be too harsh on it. However I know it can be better than this.
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Twice as far, two steps back
TheDonaldofDoom30 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What looked like it would be an average filler episode became much more interesting. It's about the development of two characters, Denise and Eugene, into fearless survivors. They both develop in their own ways and face different challenges. The scene in which Denise finds out the baby was eaten by a walker is harrowing and the scene in which Eugene rejects Abraham's help is particularly effective, as he does so with scientific matter-of-factness that upsets Abraham. But it's great how Eugene has developed this season.

Of course, TWD's creators love to shock audiences and they've done it again here, with the death of Denise in the middle of her speech. How sad. Except anyone could see this coming. After all, when does this show ever kill off secondary characters just as they develop into stronger characters? The show's creators need to realise they can't keep doing this, as the only reaction Denise's death provoked from me was a sigh and the thought 'They've done it again'. Every time I think this show can develop into something more, it just crawls back into the same territory it's covered before. Killing characters off for shock factor. And I'm not saying that can't ever be effective. When executed well (pun not intended), it can be a saddening moment, such as Jessie's death a few episodes previously. That was effective also because it was her fault that she died. But that doesn't happen with Denise's death. She's killed with no narrative purpose other than to shock viewers by ending her life at her best moment.

The episode also falters with where Carol is heading. How, in the space of two episodes, has she transformed from a badass into a weakling?

A disappointing episode overall. It manages to hold a lot of tension and the fight at the end in which Eugene shows his resourcefulness is a good way to end it, but the cheap death and Carol's bizarre character arc hold it from being a great one.
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Red is their savior
gedikreverdi29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Denise got killed by Dwight with Daryl's arch. Eugene and Denise challenged themselves and Eugene wanted Red to go away but things didn't go well for the both. Red saved them from the gang of Dwight whom Daryl hadn't killed in the forest. Tara accepted Red and Rose is alone. Megan left Alexandria because she cannot defend their town.
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This episode reflect the show
twilight-9071020 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this episode, I came to realize that it contains all the elements that this show has come to be, and by my 3/10 rating you already know those elements aren't good.

I had problems with this episode before we even got to the opening credits, and that is for two reasons. First, every episode it seems tries to accomplish something, and that is to make the show "obscure" (I don't know if that's the right word for it). What I mean is it always starts with pointless camera angles and music and scenes that don't fit in with the rest of the show. If the show was actually a well made and directed television drama, It would likely fit well, but the fact is, to consider The Walking Dead what critics would consider "quality" would be naive.

My second problem with the opening was the actual content of it. It seemed to me like they were trying to tell me these characters were getting bored. The repetitive scenes only told me as a viewer that their lives have become a schedule, and from other details they didn't seem to be enjoying it. And this is the great irony. The characters are as bored as the audience typically is without their needed action. It seems as when a Walking Dead episode happens without action the IMDb rating suffers as the audience gets bored.

So that was the first 4 minutes of the episode, and far from the only problems, and the reason why this episode reflect the entire show.

First off, the point of character idiocy and feeling of invincibility. Off they go running, by themselves, splitting up willingly, going into dark rooms and shinning your light at everything but the thing that will bite you. Risking your life for a cooler and of course almost dying. All of this is old. And it sure isn't adding up to anything except for certainty that something bad will happen to one of them and create a little bit of excitement or action for the episode, which is exactly what happened in this one.

Another point, and a big one. The show is stretching thin. Very thin indeed. The last 2 or 3 episodes have been mostly following what seems to be the main plot, though I can't tell for sure due to failures of a solid main story. This episode, However, has nothing really to do with anything (anything meaning what has previously just happened in the storyline). We go from dealing with a new settlement, taking out another, and finally saving some captives (all connected, not well, but nevertheless connected), to going on some loot runs, and planning on making bullets, and some mediocre character development dialogue. None of this connects to all that. We are now focusing on characters that weren't previously that important.

I am all for increasing the circle of characters on the Walking Dead to more than the invincible original/semi-original few, but only if the timing is right, and it wasn't. I don't care about Denise, or who she is or her brother if the main plot is about dealing with "Negan" and Hobo Jesus and other recent events. The fact is the show is spread so thin that all its plot points are spread thin that its hard to recognize a main plot at this point.

This idea of thin plot was continued right to the end with Carol leaving for no apparent reason. I say this because there was no reason. She was there at the beginning of the episode, then the irrelevant stuff to her happened, then she decided to leave. Nothing changed for her, The only thing I can think of is she smoked her pack of cigarettes and is off to find more. Such a noble quest of no longer killing people and finding cigarettes.

So I will leave the criticism with that, and say afew honourable mentions as to why maybe this episode was okay.

So the reoccurring theme seen in this episode is the idea that "I should have killed him". That of course was said by Darryl on his short conversation with Carol, as she was battling with her thought of killing people. And this episode proved Darryl right. He should have killed him, and that perhaps shows the viewers that Carol is being unrealistic with her new thought. If a moderate like Darryl thinks he should have killed someone, then Carol should accept the killing of people and continue it herself. Seeing a small point to this episode elevated it.

I will also say that bringing back that random guy from 8 episodes ago bought us a storyline for the next 2 episodes, so as sad as that is, its a plus for this episode.

Overall, this episode falls flatter than a pancake. I say pancake and not crepe because my rating is 3/10 and there is obviously room to go flatter. If a good solid story is found and an end to the increasingly thinness to the characters and story happens, then this show can get back to the better days of seasons 1-3.

*Walking Dead fans, Please do not downvote my review because you don't like my rating, please rate it accordingly to if it was an informative and well done review. Thanks*
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"Aww man, I just puked on my glasses!"
evanbro20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what the worse line of dialogue was in tonight episode. Was it "Aww man, I just puked on my glasses!", or "You sure know how to bite a d*** Eugene!"?

Anyways, regardless of the horrible dialogue, this show has continued to deviate further from the comics and shown that it is all about the viewers ratings. I will go in depth about that later. Anyways this episode was absolutely ridciculous and absurd. Despite the group being heavily ambushed and outnumbered, the group somehow narrowly escapes death! But how did they do that? Well... Eugene came up with this ingenious plan to give the guy holding him hostage a bj, and the group used this clever distraction to blow almost everyone of them away! It's not like the guy that Eugene was sucking off had a crossbow that he could have used to blow Eugene's head off!

In addition to this, they devoted an absurd amount of time to that horrible actress that took the arrow through the eye. I mean I could care less about her. She was a horrible secondary character with horrible character development that they just killed off to keep the viewers at home engaged. Like wow! I totally didn't see them killing her off this episode (sarcasm). And then they have the audacity to pretend that Daryl Dickson... DARYL DICKSON OF ALL PEOPLE... Doesn't understand how to drive stick, but this lady does? WHAT! Please give me a break here.

Furthermore, am I watching Desperate Houswives? I mean this show has a ridiculous amount of relationships going on. Let's see; Glenn & Maggie, Rick & Michone, Carol & that other random jerkoff that they introduced a few episodes ago, Abraham & now Sasha, Rosita & another random jerkoff, and just before this episode the lesbian couple. LIKE GIVE ME A BREAK! If I wanted to watch a show devoted to this many relationships I would watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette!

Anyways I have been rambling on long enough. This will most likely be flagged down by the walking dead fanatics who praise this show like there is no tomorrow. But to those of you who see this show for what it is, I thank you, you my friends, are one of the few...

(COMIC SPOILER) Going back on my point on how this show has continued to deviate even further from the comics tonight. That arrow was not meant to be shot in the eye of that idiotic lady they killed off tonight. That was meant to be Abraham if the writers were actually paying attention to the comics. It just shows that they aren't willing of kill off main characters anymore if they boost their shows ratings. That's the only reason I can think of for not killing off abraham. After all of the foreshadowing of his death I though tfor sure they were going to knock him off this episode... But I was wrong!
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Lazy writing. Show starts to fall apart.
gogos728 March 2016
I am glad to see negative reviews. That means that actual viewers comment, (evanbro, Will Samuels, twilight-90710) and not only 'various employees'.

This was a great show. The peak of magnificence was then Hershel was around. The show was good because when a problem came up• logic, ethics, and intelligence work together to find a solution.

Characters had a purpose, tried to plan a future, go to Washington to find a cure. Now, they don't even look for a naturally protected place, like among mountains or in an island.

THERE IS NO WAY, the same creators, producers and writers of the first seasons to be involved in this, nowadays, garbage and monstrosity.

I am sensing that actors also, are not comfortable of how the series is ruined.

The damage has been done. Even 1-2 stellar last seasons, will not undo the negative feeling. They built-up a nonsense secondary character a little, and then they kill him, to entertain the masses. How these characters, Denise & Olivia, are still so fat?? At least Hugo in Lost was receiving mystery food drops, in order to justify his weight... The episode with Jesus untie and bursting into a moving vehicle, was such a joke...

The Walking Dead is not enjoyable anymore. In season 3, 4, 2, I could get in the shoes of a character. Now, I prefer to watch any other show of my list, first, and leave this one last.

AMC, creators, producers, everybody... is responsible. They could create a fantastic show. Instead they care now, only to cash-in.
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They ran out of loose ends and now they're just pulling filler out of thin air
sam-7480121 March 2016
Last few episodes were flat out amazing, thing is everything was wrapped up in a nice little bow with that last one. Now there are no character conflicts left and all they're left with is a dull, dragged out story that could've been told before the first commercial break. The pre-intro credits scene was LITERALLY the same thing like three times, and it wasn't just to give a sense of how things were in the camp. Previously telling the same story over and over again had worked for them because they told it in such a fresh and original way each time, but this episode isn't a step back like that one with Morgan and the goat, this is a filler episode.
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