"Game of Thrones" The Last of the Starks (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Wow!! The Night King is not even an afterthought!!
sadako116 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
They did not mention or show the Night King throughout the whole episode!! Nothing!! What a waste of a build up!! He and his army of the dead were completely useless!! Bran usefulness is over! After the war with the dead our heroes came out looking pretty good if you ask me!! wtf!!

The scene between Daenerys and Cersei in front of Kings Landing was borderline pathetic. Daenerys and 80 unsullied asking Cersei to surrender?!! Is as if an ant ask a scorpion to surrender. Why Cersei did not finish them all there? Why go there anyway? Just send ninjagirl to get rid of Cersei.

The sea "battle" with Euron Greyjoy was... what was that? What happened? They did not show the events during the battle. It was so rushed felt like a filler.

Jaime sudden switching personalities was odd. The writers just added it to create some last minute melodrama.

I did like the dynamics some of the characters specially the Starks and Tyrion with Varys.

Look I don't blame the actors or the team behind the show they are doing a great job. All the blame goes to the writers.
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This episode outright angered me
wryboy8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It started off fine, even touching, and then descended into a torturous unraveling of all sense, logic and character. Sansa breaks a promise made to Jon not two minutes after swearing to him to uphold it. What? Arya says we have to stay together as a family and then rides off saying she will never return. Jon bids goodbye to his injured and faithful direwolf Ghost with no embrace or sentiment whatsoever. The jump shock scene in which Rhaegal is killed after all those years in such senseless and non-productive manner sent me over the edge. Dany descends into madness, emotionally outcast, alone. What? The final sequence in front of King's Landing makes no sense at all. They could have been overrun right them and there. And Tyrion pleads yet again to Cersei after he knows that Bronn was sent by her to kill him? Doesn't anyone review the scripts for basic logical consistency? I wish they would stop focusing so obsessively on "battle sequences" and visuals and write DRAMA. Such a lack of imagination -- manipulative, unsophisticated and unforgivable.
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Too disappointed to type up a full review.
Pretentious_Viewer8 May 2019
Let me just say this. Season 5 and 7 were considered "bad" by GoT standards. Season 8 so far, and this episode in particular, are "bad" by T.V standards. This isn't a bad GoT episode, it's actually a bad episode. You get me?
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Please don't end it like this
nikki_oldham6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just wish Jon had given Ghost some scratches and told him he was a good boy. That is all.
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Lore Breaking and Ignores Source Material
Krawia9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I expected a cleaner script than Season 7 since they took a longer break this season but I was wrong. This episode alone has many issues some being:

* Lore breaking "Scorpions". A dragon's hide is extremely strong and can not get penetrated but the scorpion goes through Rhaegal's neck. The only other dragon to die to a scorpion attack in GoT/ASOIAF history was shot in the eye damaging the brain. The author describes this as a "one in a million shot".

* Euron being a plot device to weaken Daenerys' forces. In Season 7 he is randomly teleported attacking the Greyjoy(Yara) and Dorne fleet and the Targaryen Unsullied fleet. This episode Dany's remaining fleet was destroyed and all of these attacks have been cheap and unsatisfying. Unless Dany has a traitor leaking her strategies this is just too much.

* Conveniently killing off Rhaegal so Jon does not have to participate in the attack on King's Landing using dragonfire so he can keep his cookie cutter good personality. There was a perfect chance to kill off Rhaegal in Episode 3 but instead he was killed off as a failed shocking moment with no respect to the universe lore.

* It is impossible for an airforce to be surprised by an ocean attack. Look at history, it has never happened. The writers excuse this as "Dany forgetting Euron but Euron not forgetting about her" when she has travelled to Dragonstone to prepare attacjs on her enemies, Euron and his fleet and Golden Company being over half of those enemies she plans to attack.

* Forced Daenerys madness plot. This will probably happen in the books as well except there will be build up for it. Suddenly worrying about innocents when the Starks, Lannisters never had to ever worry about them is forced. The Starks took Winterfell back and surely innocents were murdered but since it is the Starks no one mentions it. The show had perfect opportunities to build up Dany's madness but every time it showed a controversial Dany scene it gave us another 10 just and moral scenes to delete it. Here you have Dany's arc about to reduced to Cersei's in two episodes instead of a slow and consistent descend to madness.

* The direwolves are an extreme part of the characterisation of the Starks in the books but the show has not used them for anything. Ghost who is the last name Jon says before he dies in the books is given away in such an unsatisfying way. Why even have Ghost fight in Episode 3 if his teeth and paws will do nothing to the Others? As far as I am aware his teeth are not Dragonglass or Valyrian Steel. All Jon has done to Ghost this season is let him lose an ear and get serious injuries for nothing then abandons him.

* Sansa's smartness is told by other characters but never shown. Given that in a deleted scene in Season 7 Sansa was about to execute Arya it is clear she is not smart as she or Arya claim. Sansa also risked the life of all the North by treating the Targaryens with disgust, without them the North would be doomed and a smart political player would shut their mouth and swallow their pride until the threat is over. Stop telling us Sansa is smart and instead show us that she is smart.

* Varys complaining that Daenerys is cruel and never listens. Don't tell us she has been cruel and not listening, show us. Ever since Tyrion and Varys joined Dany as advisors she has listened to them in every single situation except the burning of the Tarlys. If she listen to Olenna, Elaria and Yara she would be sitting on the throne by now.

* Bran is completely useless. He participated nothing in the "Long" Night surprisingly so you'd think he would have his own story here but nope. Fails to even take a look at Cersei and Euron.

* This whole starve King's Landing strategy is also cruel but is being presented as a moral alternative. When cities are starved the people become violent and turn on each other, King's Landing has a population of one million which would be extremely destructive.

* Inconsistent lines such as "Gendry Rivers", Tyrion being impressed with Bran's wheelchair although Doran Martell sits in one, incorrect ways of deaths for Jaime's line about the murder of his cousin and the Karstark he has killed.

* Cersei does not take over Dragonstone which is extremely close to King's Landing. Additionally, Cersei does not attack Daenerys with her lore breaking scorpions when she comes to Missandei's parley.

* Viserion's corpse just disappears. His body did not shatter like the White Walkers. Lyanna and Ed were turned into wights and their bodies did not decompose meaning Viserion wouldn't have either.

* Davos does not sail with Dany's fleet when he is a skilled sailor. Dragonstone is an island so these armies will need to sail there and now that they have no fleet they are stranded on land near King's Landing.

The writers clearly are just following the bullet points Geroge has provided without trying to build up and make a story around them. What this causes is an inconsistent plot with events being force and lorebreaking (such as the death of Rhaegal). Build up for major characters events such as Daenery's madness was put on pause until the Others are defeated then rushed after their death making the flow of events a complete failure.
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Stressful and slightly sloppy
jonesalec-946476 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed every episode of GOT I've ever watched. Maybe I'm just an optimist. But I don't let the slip ups in writing ruin it for me because at the end of the day it's still one of the best shows ever made. I think people submitting reviews consider themselves more of critics than fans. So here I am reviewing as a fan

Oh right the episode. I thought it was good, but very stressful. It's a shame to see these bonds between characters being broken and that whole thing with Ghost was tough. I didn't get why he could've stepped aside to wish him fairwell after everything Jon and Ghost have been through.

The only thing that bugs me about this episode was the sudden and slightly predictable nature of some of the events. Rhaegal dying was too sudden to be sad, especially since he and Viserion were never developed as characters like Drogon has been. And the same with Meissandei, except she was a good character and now Greyworm is all upset and that can't possibly fare well for Cersei

But it's Game of Thrones people. It's been so good for so long and it's about to be gone forever, so quit calling yourself IMDB's top critics and enjoy it before it's gone.
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jtukster6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why didn't Dany outflank the Iron Fleet? Why didn't Cersei destroy Dany and her small army at the end? GoT is rushing to the end and missing obvious mistakes.
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I'm not mad, just disappointed
alih7656 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had some decent moments. Good opening scene, funny banter between Tyrion/Jaime/Brienne, and we finally got some more Tyrion POV that has been lacking in the past couple of seasons. I also really liked that we got to see Dany being vulnerable from her point of view. The Jon/Dany scene was a standout this episode. We saw her conflicted and emotional, telling Jon how much he means to her, but also her being selfish and wanting him to keep quiet about his identity. Good setup, hopefully they don't butcher this in the final episodes.

Really where this episode starts to fall apart is in the logistics of the big moments. The same thing that has been plaguing the show the past couple of years, and D&D don't disappoint us here.

How does a naval fleet ambush a dragon? How? Seriously. How does Dany not see them? I guess they were hiding behind that rock the entire time. But still were able to easily put three bolts into Rhaegal without him being able to fly away. Hmm, okay. So Euron has a vicious fleet with pinpoint accuracy and is about to wipe them out. Their ships are getting obliterated, Tyrion jumps ship, and then .... they make it to the shore. Wait, what?? What happened to the attack? I guess Euron got his prize possession Missandei and was like "yep, we're good here, just let them run away."

So they get away, after losing a dragon to one of those giant crossbows super easily. They set up a meeting with Cersei, who is waiting with like 10 crossbow bolt things. And Drogon is just sitting there casually with them and 50 soldiers. WTF!? Are they braindead? You just saw your dragon die to these things, and you bring your other dragon here and just sit there?

And the best part is Cersei doesn't even attack them! Why TF would Cersei not just win the war here? She is not above using wildfire to blow up thousands of people but doesn't want to kill her biggest threat sitting in front of her like a sitting duck. jesus

I really want to enjoy this show, I really do. And if it was just one episode I might be able to suspend my belief. But this nonsensical stuff is just thrown at us again and again, and it really takes me out of the moment.

Help, I just want to enjoy my favorite show :(
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Bit rushed at the end
vikrant-878186 May 2019
The episode is not as bad as other reviews are portraying it. Last 10 minutes could have been a lot better. It seems like they are in so much of hurry to wrap up the series!
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askeland896 May 2019
I'm gonna try to be as objective as I can here.. This episode was not by any means bad, nor was the three previous episodes. However, this is by far the most inconsistent season yet. Everything is rushed and there is virtually no buildup to anything. Everything happens to quick and as a result it's hard to get emotionally invested. I understand that they ran out of books to steal from but it feels like the writers are not even trying anymore. They should have kept the 10 episode formula and spent a little more time writing a decent script instead of focusing solely on meaningless dialogues and action scenes. Although I understand the frustration from long-time viewers, this is not 1/10 material. It's still good by television standards, but not by Game of Thrones standards.
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Massive Budget, Massive Wait, Massive Letdown
jademorris-062446 May 2019
I mean, seriously?

D&D have made it impossible for me to further suspend my disbelief in this show, the plot holes are ridiculous, you have millions of dollars and advisors and outside help and years to create the final season and this is the result?

A college student could have written a better script for the past two episodes.

Pathetic and disappointing.
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What is the deal with all the hate?
kaylashumake20106 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I keep seeing all of these posts talking about how the Night King should have been the big bad. Do your research. George R.R. Martin has said on multiple occasions that his biggest complaint about J. R. R. Tolkien's writing (his biggest inspiration) was that all the "good characters " teamed up against the pure evil. Martin has stated time and time again he likes grey characters, human characters who have motives and flaws but none of whom are truly evil. Cersei was always destined to be the final battle. It was pretty easy to decide the Night King was evil and to team up against him but the political game in Westeros is harder to decipher.

After all, when you play the Games of Thrones, you win or you die.
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What Has Happened To This Show!
paulthorpe-388507 May 2019
Poorly written, predictable and lost its way in terms of attention to detail. This episode equally as bad as last weeks tripe we was fed.

Game of thrones has fallen into the trap of becoming a ruined masterpiece.

Casual fans will have enjoyed this season, but fans who have watched the series more than once will be dissatisfied like myself.

They now have two episodes left to explain so much, which I don't think they will now bother.

I feel like I'm watching this season, just to get it out of the way now rather than enjoying it and feeling excited for the episodes as they are released.

George R.R. Martin must be fuming!
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Feels like D&D are just trolling us now
Lladerat10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We see how The Dothraki almost evaporates in the first minutes of episode 3, we see how Jorah and a couple of other survivors miraculously escape shocked and mentally crushed. David Benioff commenting on this scene in the "inside episode" literally says and im quoting here "What they see is just the end of the Dothraki essentially". Literally the next episode we see battleplan scene where we find out that nope, half of the Unsullied is alive and half of The Dothraki is alive. Nice trolling, David. Next we are getting an exciting scene with Sansa, Arya, Bran finally finding out truth about Jon and soon as Bran starts to unveil the truth and all of us starts leaping forward to our tvs and monitors with excitement. Cut. Just like that. Later we see Sansa and Tyrion and excitement and tension building up again, we are about to see Tyrion's reaction about Jon being Targaryen. Can't wait for... Cut. Nice trolling, David, you had me there again. And then it just goes in a complete jokefest when Daenerys loses her second dragon and i will even ignore how she managed to not see the Iron Fleet from the sky, even a child can understand its not possible. Turns out she totally forgot about The Iron Fleet! Yes, guys. David Benioff in the next "inside episode" literally says, quoting again: "While Dany kind of forgot about the Iron fleet and Euron's forces, they certainly haven't forgot about her". When AGAIN in the same battleplan scene Varys says to Dany: "And the Golden Company arrives in Kings Landing courtesy of Greyjoy fleet" and we see Dany's unease reaction to this information. Again, nice trolling, David, you had me for the third time now. And then as a final two nails in the coffin we see Kings Landing suddenly changing from being fully surrouned by forest and water to becoming a city in a desert with no trees around and Daenerys after losing her second dragon decides to go and start NEGOTIATING(?!) just minutes after getting attacked, but not only that, negotiating in front of a woman who literally blew up a church full of people, who we all know will never negotiate with anyone, Daenerys decides it will be wise to stand in front of looked like 10-15 scorpions facing her and only ~50 unsullied protecting her and Drogon sitting in the background withing reach of all the scorpions. So just picture this. Two sides are at war and one side decides to ambush another side, so what the defending side will do in this situation? Go and negotiate. Yes, this is exactly how every conflict in the world works, just ignore what your enemy did to you minutes before and act like it didn't happen. Again, i am a fool who got trolled once more. My expectation were subverted, well done. Trolling level 9000.
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I have to change my rating
jaketurbbo7 May 2019
Because I literally heard one of the writers that "Dany forgot about Euron's fleet"

You suck so much D&D
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Stop the hate. A great episode for this season.
csslider0076 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I felt that this was one of the most character driven episodes of this entire series. The conversations between Jon and Dany, Tyrion and Varys and The Stark Children each have started to build tension that almost overshadows the war with Cersei. I'm more worried about Dany going mad due to the rapid loss of her subjects as well as their faith in her than anything else. This episode did a wonderful job of setting the stage for what is potentially the most dramatic episode of the entire series. This was by far the most dramatically intense episode of the season and I can't wait for next weeks episode.
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Sad but true, time to move on
JLVidal9 May 2019
OK, the funny thing is that I truly think this is the best episode of this season so far, but that's not saying much.

Look guys, D&D are not mr. George Martin and it has been showing since last season. The showrunners did a fantastic job adapting George's material (that's out of any question) but when they were left on their own to continue with the story, they have not been up to the task.

Is this episode an absolute piece of idiocy, the worst thing ever aired on TV? Nope, of course! Even when reduced to a shadow of its former self GOT delivers some really great entertainment; but when you have in mind the outstanding quality of the first six seasons I can understand the fury and disappointment that has been running wild among fans, leading to those 1 ratings.

Once again it all goes to the writing. Lazy, uninspired, kind of botched...they seem to be interested in wrapping up the story as quickly as possible, leaving no time for nuances, or character evolution. The choices that both the story and characters take look absolutely rigged, not earned...and that's something that sorely sticks out in a show like GOT. So that's all I think we are going to get in the last 2 episodes: fantastic production values and great acting by the cast tarnished by the lazy writing. Sad...but most probably true!
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Dumb and Dumber
awrx-363786 May 2019
Logic is completely out the window. All the character development over the last decade is utterly and completely gone. I loved this show and now unfortunately I could care less. Will I finish the story out, yes but the interest has dropped massively this season. It's hot garbage at this point, which is so disappointing. The only one who deserves the throne is Ghost.
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The only bad thing about this show is the horde of whiners
Tudor_A6 May 2019
Remember the first seasons of the show? That time when we used to let ourselves be surprised by it, without any expectations or theories? It was so much more enjoyable. Well, since then, the show has not changed much, but the viewers' attitude towards it sure did!

Now everyone thinks they know best how the story is supposed to go, who deserves to be the hero and who to die and when and how. And if the story doesn't fit their narrow idea about how everything is "supposed" to happen, they hate it... it's such a shame, because this is one of the best shows that we've ever had.

This episode was amazing. As were all, so far. If you want to enjoy this show like you used to, my advice is to stop listening to the haters until the show is over. They really do know how to pick every detail apart to make it seem like a bad show. If they can't enjoy it, that does not mean you shouldn't.
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The show's getting worse all the time, and finally dawning on the superfans.
FelixMH6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the Battle of Winterfell turned GOT into World War Z, and the White Walkers, who had been hyped for 7 freakin seaons into a giant nothing burger, as well as killing off beloved and well-developed characters in extremely lazy ways, the show-runners again demonstrated that our expectations can never be low enough. That being said, the general direction of this season isn't necessarily terrible, but the astoundingly sloppy execution made it way worse than it should be.

With episode 4, we got a very disappointing return to the terrible dialogue and zombie-like characters of episodes 1 and 2, with a few moments of good acting making an otherwise bad episode a tiny bit better.

First off, we have Jaime Lannister having maybe "pity sex" or maybe "true love sex" with Brienne. We know Brienne and Jaime have a special relationship, but "yeah let's bone" is so sloppy, rashed and has no emotional weight behind it. The only justification for this encounter seems to be Tyrion calling out Brienne's virginity and Tormund's "smooth moves." Oh how far has Jaime fallen. He transformed from the complex character in season 1 having an awesome conversation about family with Tywin while he skinned a real deer to "is it just me, or is it really hot in here?" in this episode. Jaime has been dead as a character for a while, but this really adds insult to injury.

Then, Euron's magic fleet does it again. At this point, I think we can say with absolute certainty that Euron and his fleet are the single most powerful force in Westeros. He could have destroyed the White Walkers on his own if given the opportunity. First, he built the magic fleet of "1,000 ships" with non-existent trees and non-existent labour (the Iron Islands are barren rocks) in a matter of weeks or months, which isn't even possible with modern industry, then, Euron teleports all over the place with pin point accuracy (he must have GPS) to take out the main Iron Fleet loyal to Yara, which supposedly had the "fastest" and "best" ships, yeah right. Now, Euron strikes again with his amazing teleportation ability further aided by Qyburn's magic crossbow, kills a dragon and destroys what remains of Daenerys' fleet, but somehow only takes Missandei hostage while letting the rest of Daenerys' retinue go, I guess they had plot armour. That's some top-notch writing for sure.

And what's the deal with Qyburn's magic anti-dragon crossbow? As shown in season 7, the crossbow was capable of injuring Drogon when the bolt hit his unarmoured shoulder at close range, sure fair enough, it's plausible, but now the crossbow all of a sudden behaves like highly accurate modern artillery, not only straight up kills Rheagal by piercing his armoured chest like butter, but also sinks ships like they are made of paper, are you kidding me? A large crossbow bolt more powerful than a Napoleonic era cannon ball, are we supposed to simply believe that? Consistent realism is what made the early seasons so great.

Lastly there is Tyrion, it's simply sad to see that the show has reduced him to basically a zombie in service of Daenerys' "awesomeness." And I guess we are just expected to accept that Tyrion, the guy who pulled off Blackwater Bay and played KIng's Landing like a fiddle is now nothing more than another incompetent courtier? Varys went through a similar transformation.

Now it's clear how the show will end. It won't get any better than World War Z.
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This doesn't feel like GoT anymore.
bruinsblackhawks6 May 2019
I hoped it would never happen to the show, but it did. This show had been so superior in writing for the longest time and now it's just cutting corners for the sake of setting up some cool shots or dramatic takes, and it's an extreme disservice to not only the loyal fans but GRRM himself. I've tried to excuse it for the last couple of episodes, but this is not the Game of Thrones that I've loved for the longest time. I thought Game of Thrones was better than choosing shock-factor over actual storytelling, but I was wrong. I truly hope others can enjoy the new direction the show is taking, and if you do, then you are extremely lucky and I hope it lives up to your expectations. Sadly, however, I am not one of them. I'm sorry this is how it is ending, GRRM, because I don't think this is what you'd have wanted.
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Honest review
jacoreinach6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Last week's episode was probably the most polarizing episode of the series to date, mostly because the whole living against the dead plot ended half way through the season. That meant that the show wanted the political struggle for the iron throne and the human conflict of these deep intriguing characters to be the arc that we would finish with. I for one am glad of this, I love the fantasy aspect of the show, but the climb Iron Throne is what made this show what it is today.

All in all I really liked this episode. The tone is not like the first 3 episodes. The opening funeral scene was grim and Jon's speech was brilliant and a classic Jon Snow. The celebrations that followed were brilliant and really showed the humanity of all the characters and gave us some nice banter and witty remarks from our favourites. We also get to see Dany being very vulnerable and literally begging Jon the stay quiet.

The thing I love most about this episode is the surprise value. The things that were surprising were well placed and the things that were expected were the rightly chosen to be so.

Pleasant surprises - Rhaegal getting killed, Missandei getting executed, Jaime leaving Brienne and Winterfell and heading back to King's Landing and Dany starting to grow more mad.

The right expectations - Arya staying true to who she is and refusing Gendry's Proposal, Gendry being legitimized, Jon Being put off by being related with Dany, Arya Backing Jon, Varys putting the realm first even if it means treason, Sansa using Jon's secret to cause a stir.

The show and the books are different beasts.. A book has no budget and has no time limit. The demands a show brings are enormous. Love the show for what it is, a show! And a bloody good one. This episode had drama, shocks and action. All in all a classic great GOT episode.
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I don't want to remember bad.
ahmetkozan6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It opened with the scene where the dead were burned. They were quickly saved from the effect of the Long Night. We see celebrations after the war. Jon Snow makes a victory speech after the war. I wish we'd seen it before the war. I didn't see you act like a leader during the war. It was bad that the dragon died in such a simple way. I'd like to saw Dany and her army came south. It was like a time lapse. They found themselves suddenly in the south. I look forward to the fight of the Hound and the Mountain. I think that's the only thing that will satisfy me. I'm sure the last two episodes will be more beautiful. It seems that Dany will die, Arya or Jamie will kill Cersei, and Jon will sit on the iron throne. We will watch and see. I don't want to remember Game of Thrones badly. I've reduced my expectations and I'm happier. 6/10
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The shark didn't just jump, it is flying.
miavalon8 May 2019
"Dany forgot about the iron fleet."

Guess what D&D, no one remembers how you started - everyone will remember how it ended. You ruined Game of Thrones.
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Did HBO Honestly Believe People Would Like This???
david-832336 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Game of Thrones has suffered a STUNNING NOSEDIVE in quality this season! This episode was utterly absurd!! *When Dany was joyriding her dragons over the enemy, did she forget she was at war? *How could she POSSIBLY not see the big fleet of warships from the sky, when they could obviously see her? *The scorpions were IMPOSSIBLY ACCURATE when the writers wanted them to be, then moments later, IMPOSSIBLY INACCURATE! *Dany could EASILY have circled back and destroyed that fleet after it fired on her, since the guns clearly only pointed in ONE DIRECTION. But No! ??? *Cersei could EASILY have killed Dany, her queensguard, and her last remaining dragon as they stood TOTALLY EXPOSED beneath battlements lined with scorpions. But Cersei decides not to do so for NO REASON!

I could go on and on, but you get the point. This show has, amazingly, gone from one of the greatest shows ever to truly cringe-worthy, fan fic, "gone Hollywood" absurdism. WOW!!
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