Nostradamus (I) (2000)
Funniest apocolyptic thriller
12 October 2002
Who are we kidding, no one is going to watch this movie seriously. The brilliance is that the director thought people would. With a plot more ridiculous then Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, a historical base less factual then Kull The Conquerer, and special effects reminiscent of a bar-mitzvah home video, Nostradamus was worth every penny of my $4.95 rental.

The movies success, not failure, lay in its glaring plot inconsistencies, atrocious acting, and budget allowing for set pieces apparently made of legos. After all, what other movie would be unself concious enough to loosely base itself on the prophecies of Nostradamus and a non-existence satanic cult. Even the love story was more ludacris then The Omega Code sequel.

So, if you found The Last Warrior engaging, entertaining, and above all an occult classic, then Nostradamus is for you!
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