This movie is a hidden treause(read on before judgement)
24 December 2002
This movie was an absolute blast. Gather round and I shall regale you with is story of how I came upon this gem of a movie. I went to my local blockbuster with my two chums and was looking at the movie Dog Soldiers. I said "We should rent this it looks either half decent or so bad it's funny." One of the employees said "No, this movie was sort of interesting if you want a really crappy movie follow me". So off we went to the vhs section of Blockbuster. He hauled out children of the living dead. He summed it up the best "You will laugh your ass off. This movie is the most terrible thing in the store. The acting is garbage, the special effects are sad, and the ending doesn't make even romotely ANY sense whatsoever...But I'll leave you to discover it for yourself." So we thanked him and off he went. We had to wait for my friends mom to rent the movie so we left it at the front desk and went across the street to get snacks for the movie. When we came back like 5 minutes later instead of the usual "hello" Blockbuster employees give you the guy was like "It was that bad you're back already?". This movie is absolutely the worst thing to be dedicated to film. The previews are a riot in themselves. I'd have to say one of my favorite parts is probably when tom savini is aiming a sniper rifle at a car and he says "Surprise" but his lips don't move That's what happens when you dubb nearly the entire movie. The acting is is like High quality porn(and that's not saying much), the special effects are retard-quality, and the story is just abso-f**k-inglutely insane. And just wait 'til the last giant battle at the diner.(tom savini plays someone else..he's the guy hucking dynamite from his car. He shaved his beard and only my friend noticed). To call this movie crap would be a compliment. But I will call it crap becuase it will encourage these movie makers to continue to produce these finely tuned laughing stocks. If it were a little less boring in the middle it would be flawless. And the big kicker here is that everything is tinted light blue. After watching the movie we checked the back of the box and "OH MY GOD IT'S MADE IN 2001!!". It looks like they used paper towel for film...this movie is a disgrace. This movie sucks, so invite over your most sarcastic friends and have a gay old time. 0.0001/10-Final Score
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