Assault on Death Mountain (1999 TV Movie)
worst, yet the best movie ever
12 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the worst thing ever filmed. I wouldn't really call it a movie. Yet it had me laughing for hours, so I must give it some credit. The beginning is classic. SPOILER ALERT!! It depicts a few members of the team doing there thing. We have Shannon Tweed punching and kicking a punching bag with absolutely no skill at all. We have Appolo sculpting something out of what appears to be a big block of sheet-rock with awful drawings hanging in the back ground. And of course Hogan having some kind of fit due to shell shock from the gulf war. So lets recap. Shannon is a kick boxing chick and Appolo is an artist, kind of. With Hogan being crazy. Suddenly a woman appears and says "I saw your add, it said you help people." Can you picture the add people? Mike Mcbride with a huge gun in the back of Guns and Ammo magazine with the add saying something like "Guns for hire"

So basically the lady wants them to rescue her daughter who has been taken from her by her evil ex-husband. The fact is that, this lady might be crazy, and could have lost the child in court. The Shadow Warriors don't ask any questions, they take the case, probonoe no less. So in short they go to this house where a party of some sort is taking place. The team runs in shooting up the place, and rescuing the damn kid.

Should I continue, well OK. I can tell you this about shadow warriors. You should watch it, go to you nearest departmental store and look in the 5.88 rack. Both 1 and 2 are there One isn't that funny. But 2, Oh my god. Its the funniest thing of a movie ever.
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