17 January 2009
I like the Merriam-Webster definition of disappointing: failing to meet expectations, a disappointing meal, for instance. We change our seats to see the new Jennifer Aniston's flick because the seats were to close to the screen and we choose a French comedy instead, expecting some French comedy time. The comedy was not present. The story is non existent and has a lack of imagination that surprises for a French director. The main character is disappointing, Benoît Poelvoorde tries to give some sense to the character and in some moments he manages to do that, but the storyline is dull. But Constance Dollé is showily brilliant, beautiful and sexy, She is the best of the whole story. Disappointing French comedy. Fatalist a little bit like Le Diable Probablement, but without the genius insight of Robert Bresson.
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