Sleepless (2001)
A decent film in the later Argento filmography!
12 January 2020
I just finished watching this for the first time in 2020 on vhs lol! I thought it had some good elements for sure. I'm a huge Italian horror fan, giallo fan, Argento fan, and horror fan in general. Some parts really drag on and some of the performances are very dull and terribly dubbed over! I'll keep this spoiler free. The most disappointing part besides all that was the kills. There was only one really memorable and gory one in the whole movie but the rest didn't even show anything! They cut away and you don't even know how they died or what killed them, which makes the kills very lame and tame! There are some beautiful actresses for eye candy to look at. Max van sidow puts on a good performance and so do a few others but in whole the rest suck. So there's a lot of back and forth between good quality and bad quality with just about everything. I did enjoy the twists at the end though and it reminded me of argento's other great giallo movies. I won't get into details because I don't want to ruin anything for you. As an overall package it was a watchable film but not a great film in any way. It's worth at least one watch if you can't find anything you haven't seen yet and if you love Dario Argento's work! You will probably forget it though. The music was actually decent too Goblin did some of it. This is my first quick review by the way...just a little glimpse, summary, and opinion.
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