"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" The People vs. Emil Blonsky (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Three episodes in
AfricanBro2 September 2022
Is it just me or has the cgi and other special effects degraded greatly in just this episode? It looks as bad as it was feared to be in the trailers. Abomination looked better in a movie over a decade ago and I couldn't believe how fake she-hulk looked walking into her office, more like a 3D cartoon like shrek or video game. Anyway, not much about the show's aura has changed from the first episode, it's not bad just unashamedly pushing agenda and is still painfully mediocre. She hulk really could've been a good show if it wasn't just trying to tick boxes of the checklist. I am a fan of the post-credit scenes so far even though others have said they're borderline cringe.
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It was a funny episode
movieturtle20131 September 2022
It was a fun episode. There isn't really more I can say.

It still throws me a bit off-guard when Jen Walters (She-Hulk) breaks the fourth wall, because I somehow keep forgetting that this is a thing in this show, but other than that this episode in particular was quite alright.

It's definitely not the marvel I am used to, but I have no problem with that. The episode had me chuckle a couple of times and it was interesting to see court cases involving superhuman beings. Also, the Megan Thee Stallion cameo was pretty fun.

I still have no expectations for this show and I am also not sure what to expect at all. Regardless, I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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The People vs. Emil Blonsky
Prismark102 September 2022
You have to hand it to She-Hulk. Thanks to her IMDB have upped their limit of characters needed to post a review.

Now misogynists need to post more words for their reviews. The third episode actually used words about She-Hulk based on Marvel's Instagram comments sections when the show was announced.

It was good to see Jennifer Walters in court as she pleads for Emil Blonsky's parole. There is even a sudden appearance from Wong at the hearing. He is to blame for the prison breakout.

It was frothy and fun but three episodes in and there seems to be no big bad emerging yet as the villain.

What the episode has was several cameos, including a wrecking crew that ended up being wrecked by the She-Hulk.
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Read a comic
Algeiban3 September 2022
The reviews complaining about the fourth-wall-breaking make me roll my eyes - I mean, tell me you've never read a She-Hulk comic without telling me you've never read a She-Hulk comic. Jen is well known for breaking the fourth wall in her books - before Deadpool even existed, by the way, let alone started breaking the fourth wall himself. It's entirely accurate to the character to have her doing that on the show.

And to those who think the show is "man-hating," how do you think women felt watching decades of TV shows and movies rife with misogyny and sexism, both overt and systemic? Take a seat and chill about one show starring a female character that dares to express that reality and frustration.

I love the character and am happy to see her introduced into the MCU, especially seeing her integrated so well with Bruce and his story. So far I am enjoying the show reasonably well and looking forward to seeing more.
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danielremian1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually a good episode. Funny, self-aware, light script, good acting, 4th wall breaks are cool, good cameos, Abomination's CGI was fantastic, Jen's again was not. Looks really cheap and out of place... Even the lighting of her face looked unfinished and really amateurish. I wonder if they don't care, or didn't have the time to fix it. It's a big deal when the "worst looking" part of the show is it's main character.

I'm starting to like this filler of a show, though. 😅 I hope they show more of what Hulk is up to and what was Jameela Jamil's character all about.

7/10 but I'm rating this higher because of the overreacting, review-bombing haters.
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What a bland show
vanheath1 September 2022
This may not be fair, but my expectations going into She-Hulk was I was getting an Legal / Action / Comedy. This is based on the advertising, promotions, and the statements from the writer and actor themselves. This show does not deliver on any level. The legal aspect seems to be a very elementary level understanding of law and the judicial system. Action scenes are few and far between, and nothing very entertaining. Comedy.....where is the comedy??

This show is dull, and does nothing but make me not like the main character and ruins established marvel characters to try and boost itself. This week, they make Wong even lamer than he was in Doctor Strange 2. Marvel is systematically destroying all the established treasures characters from Phases 1-3.

Finally. Tweeting with Megan Thee Stallion. Marvel writers are bankrupt. I don't understand why Disney keeps hiring people to write Marvel & Star Wars who are not fans of the characters or the genres.

The lead writer of this show has openly said she never read a She-Hulk comic. How do you even apply or accept a job writing for a character without any research or existing interest in the character? The main writer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, also was not a fan of the Prequel Trilogy and didn't have an understanding of the relationship between Obi and Anakin. Disney is detecting everything.
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klingbeil-029901 September 2022
The sad thing is, this show could have actually been good if they had writers that were actual humans and had any idea how real life humans interacted with each other. The show just keeps getting worse with every episode and it's not the fault of the actors. The writing is just pure trash between people. I'm starting to think that the script is legitimately generated by an AI that was tortured for years with terrible soap operas and superhero fanfic. No one acts like Bukowski in real life. It's just one imaginary "if only I said THIS!" fantasy moment after the other with strawmen that don't exist in reality.

Also, why did the review board suddenly lose their minds when the abomination hulked out? They're a review board for a super villain prison. They know who and what he is. No one freaks out when Wong portals in without going through security, but hulking out in a containment unit specifically designed to CONTAIN THE ABOMINATION causes everyone to go nuts? It's just sad an pathetic writing.
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I'm having fun and want to see more
dhmccull2 September 2022
There are clearly some heated feelings aimed at this show. For me, I am having fun. And this was the best episode yet. It lavishes in the light hearted comedy vibe they are going for that was built up in the first two episodes.

They predicted the backlash She-Hulk was going to bring about in such a meta way. The one judge from the B plot was a low key star.

Look, if you don't care for this show, that's perfectly fine. But I don't see how this is pushing any kind of "men=bad and women=good" agenda. It's having fun in a way I have not gotten to see often, and I am loving it for that.

At the end of the day, this is a silly comic book story that is just having a fun time while also giving us some vantages that don't always get the spotlight. That's awesome!
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It's ok! All in all, it's ok!
omer-154-8299072 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the 4th wall breaking, it's a nice and refreshing storytelling tool that I hope Marvel is testing ahead of Deadpool 3. I'm still not sure of Emil really is rehabilitated, everything so far points to "yes", but honestly who the hell know, right? Also, having some actual court cases involving superheroes and other non-humans is an interesting take, I'd love to see how else aliens and meta-humans will impact the law. Will they always be judged by the same rules, or are the rules going to have to change in some cases to accommodate a wider view? I hope they'd dig more into that. Jennifer Walters, being both an attorney and a superhero struggling to find balance and favoring the former over the latter, would maybe have a hard time reconciling over the idea that laws might need to be malleable in some cases. Wong's reference to Spider-Man NWH was great, and Wong in general was great. Wish we knew where in the timeline this is in respect to Doctor Strange MoM.

Now for what I disliked: this episode felt like a marketing plot for Meghan Thee Stallion, who I swear I thought was a made up character. Who is she? Why was her name mentioned so many times in this episode? Why is she in the episode? Who cares? How does this drive the plot? Why was this whole angle necessary?! And that twerking and dancing at the end, what the heck was that all about?! I had to close that scene because I just couldn't handle this level of cringe, why did anyone think this is a good idea for a scene? What does this teach us about Jennifer? What do we as an audience learn? That she can twerk in Hulk mode? How is this necessary for the plot? The little gang attack near the end was a little weird too, I think they could've found a better way to introduce the key arch nemesis for this show than a bunch of goons with no acting ability using "Asgardian construction tools", I mean come off it. And stop leaning on New Asgard that much, for god's sake, we get it. Thor 4 didn't really deliver, so now this is your deus ex-machina for everything?

This is the 3rd episode of 9, so it's ok for the pacing to be a little slow in the overall plot line, and while some aspects are enjoyable, there's a lot to be desired. Waiting for episode 4.
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going downhill quick
fireandblood-464002 September 2022
After a decent first episode, and a very mediocre second episode, we get a realllllly bad third one. IF it wasnt for the cameos it would be a 1/10 but have to give it a 2 for marvel atleast trying to connect things.

Horrible dialogue, writing and just silly choices ontop of the atrocious cgi, sticking in in for now for dareevil but my god I hope they put a bit more effort into it. Would be nice to see marvel stop making every character a joke and be atleast a little serious. Also the way they try to characterize men is pretty atrocious, gender swap this and it wouldnt be allowed to be on tv, just disrecpectful and shitty.
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Ep 3
diableen2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People who complain that too many heroes are female and not male is the same thing that happens in our world 😂and I loved this reference. I want to talk about the seven soulmates that Emil got to know through the app... what's worrying is that they are wearing sect outfits from the movie midsommar. And for the lawyer who put Emil in prison is called Gideon Wilson and in the comics Gideon is the brother of Sam Wilson (Falcon) and he fought the Hulk several times. Finally, It is revealed that Wang worked at Target in Nepal for nine years before beginning the magical arts at Kamer Taj. This episode is the best one so far.👌👌👌👌👌👌
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Not sure how I feel about this
mooeymouse2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, there were some good and bad things about this episode and I'm not sure what to think.

Pros: Abomination was an interesting character in this episode, and was quite enjoyable to see. I don't know if he'll play a bigger role now that he's out of prison (maybe a she-hulk and abomination tag battle?)

Pros: I laughed once this time. That's the most I've laughed during this whole show.

Cons: the whole shapeshifter subplot was super dumb and didn't really contribute to the episode. Felt like it was a waste of time.

Cons: the post credits scene is really disturbing. Kinda regretting that I stayed to the end, honestly.

Overall I thought the actual important story was much better than the first two episodes but I'm not sure I actually like the series right now. I have hopes though and it will probably get better as they introduce the other characters in the trailers like Frog Man (was that his name?) and Daredevil.
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How is it getting worse.
paul-gibbons221 September 2022
Wow I mean WOW that was awful! 3 episodes in and I'm struggling to figure out what the point of this show is? There's zero stakes to grip the viewer. What does it want to be? Who exactly is it aimed at?

The CGI felt so rushed and so bad that it became distracting whenever Jen was in her Hulk form. The one piece of action we finally get is over within second.

The 'Comedy' even for marvels recent standards is embarrassingly poor, Blonsky is now a joke and not a funny one at that, The whole subplot is so cringe, I still couldn't tell you a single side characters name.

I'm now dreading what they're gonna do with Matt Murdoch.

Truly awful episode.
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This show solidified my decision to cancel Disney+
kennedyyungblood6 September 2022
When all of the movies and TV shows for this phase of the MCU were announced I was hopeful, although it was going to be tough raising the stakes after Endgame. Well, over the past year and a half my hopes have been dashed completely. With Spider-Man: Far From Home it seemed like they were into something with the Multiverse stuff. But the Doctor Strange movie turned it all into a joke. Also, Wanda was able to kill tons of innocent people and then be able to just walk away like she spilled a cup of coffee. Ok, I can get over that. Then Marvel continued its quest to make Thor completely useless with Love and Thunder. Now we come to this show....you can call it a comedy if you want, but where is the humor? Are the jokes written for five year olds? The CGI is somehow worse than the earliest of MCU movies, despite them being released well over a decade ago. The quality of content coming from Disney and Marvel Studios continues to nosedive year after year. Now I can. I longer justify my Disney+ bundle.
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Wongverse... but give me Daredevil!
ha77y73ad971 September 2022
The most redeeming feature of this episode is Wong and yet again he's presence of the series is just great. He's fun but not stupid and this is one of the best ways of getting humor into the series. Thor Ragnarok is the prefect example of this as well but since that movie the humor has become stupid.

4th wall breaks just seem wrong still, cant get my head round it. Most of these dont add anything to the story and wouldnt need to be in there.

Overall this could have been 10 minutes on the end of the last episode where we see the trial of the Abomination and as always it goes perfectly for the main character. All i want is for a marvel series that isnt ok. Just blow me away with something different i.e. Daredevil from Netflix!

Also Megan the Stallon... why is this a thing in the series.
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This is too on the nose. Why can't we enjoy a good written story anymore?
evgenycaruana1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I only gave it 2 stars because it's the MCU and had Wong in it. This show is just garbage. Why can't we enjoy a good written story anymore?

This has too many on the nose moments in it that make your eyes roll at record speeds. I don't like this show so far because the fact that the lead character has to keep annoyingly reminding us that it's her show is simply too much.

Feige, what are you doing?? The MCU is being destroyed, what are you going to do about it? I don't even want to continue watching this show because I'm already taken out of it. This will be my only review and until it gets better and I start seeing some improvements I shall refrain from seeing anything Marvel related.
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Still Don't Get The Point
jokucon2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The ending scene was probably the lowest point in Marvel history. You made the show unwatchable with my daughter. The CG on this episode was also the worst so far. You should get better technical directors, because it's starts to remind of some 90's movies CG.

The acting feels like more like the rehearsals for the show, weird pauses and pacing. This show needs to start to get itself together, or I don't even know if even wants to, you can keep all the corny stuff, but you can still make it more feel less gringy.

The only thing I'm looking for is who is the main villain, which the show is still very secretive about it.
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Dumpster fire
jamesy-793282 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean I don't know who is writing this stuff or who even the farther audience is. The episodes just get worse and worse as the series goes on. The writers and directors shouldn't be working in the industry ever again.

Is Kevin Fiege just not directing the massive money making ship that is Marvel anymore?! What happened to the magic that was Marvel?

Zero charisma, zero character, zero likability, zero character development, almost no conflict, but the conflict that is there is boring.

Seriously almost puked in my mouth at the She-Hulk twerking scene at the end. Was completely disgusted. If Disney doesn't come through with some quality content soon I'll be canceling my subscription.
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Good take on today's society.
porchtuosh2 September 2022
I like the show. And I thought this episode was pretty good too. It has some humor but I like the fact that it really shows what today's society is like. Social media, men not being able to handle a woman in any form of power. I'm assuming most of these low ratings are manchild people who have few true qualities in their life. Every time Marvel shows a woman in some form of authority or power you get all these little boys coming out of the woodwork saying how silly it is and how not true it is. I'm a 50 year old 6 foot 240 pound man wbo could probably wash the floor with all these negative review people. And I thought the show was pretty good. Grow up people.
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What even?
robbysheilds1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, there are some improvements being made, but as a whole, it still feels the same. Let's get through those very few positives!

I liked the acting, music, and half the humor. It felt like the actors were having fun in their roles, especially the shape-shifter. I liked the jokes with her. The pacing is a little bit better now as well, so that's a plus. The final fight scene intrigues me. I wonder who those guys' boss is. Guessing we'll find out more in a week. The Emil Blonsky thing was well-done. I especially liked Wong's cameo. But I'm afraid this is where we transition into the negatives.

The B Story feels so pointless and it feels like it's only there so that the writers can tell shape-shifting jokes and so that they could get Megan Thee Stallion involved to say "We got this famous celebrity in our show! Please pay attention to us!" Speaking of which, it feels like the cameos are going on better adventures than the protagonist of the show is. I wanna see more of Bruce's adventures in space or what Wong is doing, but then I realize that this isn't their show. And of course, we have the worst and most pointless post credits scene of all time as of writing. Seriously, it adds nothing as far as I can tell except for some totally not cringey twerking.

With every episode, I hope that things get better. Episode 3 delivers a little on that front, but it isn't enough. Next episode is the 4th one, which is the usual big game changing episode for every Marvel show. After that, I'll decide if this show is truly worth watching.
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The cringe is getting worse.
liamhutchinson-748041 September 2022
The biggest shame with this show is what it could be. But it's to busy pandering (as Disney likes to do) and telling us how toxic men are. I love the wink at the view 4th wall moments but it feels forced and just doesnt really add anything. The CGI in this episode is the worst so far. Can't think what it is but something is off. The humour doesn't always land and they have wasted tim Roth.

And don't even get me started on that post credit scene. Just watch that and remind yourself that this is the same studio that gave us captain America the winter soldier. It hurts what they have done to the MCU and I fear that it's just gonna get worse.
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The People vs. Marvel
Trey_Trebuchet3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't totally understand all of the hate reviews for this show to be honest. I get it not being your thing, but like, worst MCU to date? Worst SHOW to date? Some of you (not all but some) are overreacting in the worst way possible. The bitterness and review bombing marvel has been getting is unfair in my opinion. Kudos to everyone actually being decent human beings and expressing their concerns and constructive criticism though.

I didn't like the post credits scene. If it's just for comedic relief, it's fine I guess. That's just not the sort of stuff that makes me laugh. And it's not the sort of stuff I expect from the MCU. Not all of their movies and shows hit the nail on comedy. It is what it is.

I did like the rest of the episode though. Megan's cameo is literally just a cameo and a post-credits thing. It didn't really get in the way of the story progression, so I'm not mad about it per say.

I think a lot of the jokes are actually funny, and I think Maslany is excellent in the role. She's hilarious and has great comedic timing. Hopefully things start to pick up for her character, now that we're seemingly past the first act of this series. I thought the rest of the acting was fine too. Yeah, the cgi is distracting, but if you can get past that, maybe you'll enjoy yourself!

I do hope that the rest of the show makes effective use of its short runtime. Making this show a sitcom isn't a bad idea, but the episodes don't HAVE to be this short.

We live in a world where Marvel's cinematically universe has an Abomination and a Hulk who can control their anger now. I get people not liking it. I'm gonna keep giving it a chance.
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jarikok1 September 2022
Okay episode to watch, it's entertaining enough to watch as a lawyer show. The music in this episode however was quite dreadful. Furthermore the b-plot wasn't really interesting, the only good thing it does is some world building with regards to New Asgard. The worst thing about the episode however is the post-credit scène which is incredibly cringe and uncalled for. Especially since Jennifer wants to be respected as a lawyer and then does this, which is completely out of character. Overall not a bad episode but a lot of room for improvement to really call this a good show. The combat wasn't that great either.
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Why is everyone and everything so annoying
kotza19922 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marvel trying to do humour just does not work ... everyone and everything is dialled up to 11. This wouldn't be a problem if it was it's own thing but it exists in the MCU. Bukowski's character is absurd. Everyone's acting to Abomination is so over the top... I'm glad marvel is addressing mysoginists but it's so on the nose it's borderline farcical (also nobody in real life talks like Bukowski does so it just makes the points marvel is trying to make fall flat and be open to criticism). Also the cgi this episode is so substandard!

Tim Roth is amazing however and Pug is a welcomed new addition to the MCU.

I just can't get behind this.
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a bit better, story was a split glued together by a sentence but better
gs-subs2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, I enjoyed this episode a bit more, the story of two halves kinda flowed a (little) bit better, but still abrupt edits took me a little out of the show briefly.

Taking the 'internet' feedback 'section' on positive/negative views section out of this review - which I think was a 'I dont care what you think' section, I thought the two stories were a laugh and the first showing of she hulk wasnt as good as the news report she hulk - that was really good.

One thing I thought was very strange, Jen taking her hands off the wheel in the car whilst talking to the camera - not sure what message you were sending to the audience regarding the safety of driving lol.

You might say - it's all not real - it's made up - fully agree, but there are still impressionable people in your audience.

And the episode just 'stopped' for credits, then men attacking she hulk to get her blood - which leads to the audience wondering who wants her blood.

I understand my views are irrelevant, doesn't mean they are right or wrong though.
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