RPM (1997) Poster


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Cheap production not helped by poor script and awful acting.
rob-23610 February 2005
A professional American car thief goes to France to steal a prototype super car from an international car show for his oil baron/mobster boss - who sees the launch of this new alternative fuel vehicle as a major threat to his business.

Laughably cheap, unexciting, uninspiring caper not helped by poor casting, awful acting and a silly script.

the only plus points to this are the occasional nice car not forgetting the breathtaking scenery of the south of France. Its no surprise this film sat on the shelf for years without distribution.

One can only assume the likes of Famke Janssen and David Arquette quite desperately needed the money when they made this turkey.
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A pathetic flop of a film
=G=24 September 2000
"R.P.M.", a silly saga with David Arquette as an international car thief, can't manage to get itself out of park. From casting to acting to simple props and stunts and everything in between, "R.P.M." is a loser. The only good thing in this film is Emmanuelle Seigner who seems awkwardly out of place and in need of a good script.
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This movie should have only been 'Sixty Seconds...
chrisbrown645329 September 2000
If you were to take Gone in Sixty Seconds, and remove anything that even remotely looks like a plot, good acting, and direction, you would be left with a movie, and I use the term very loosely, called R.P.M. And the strange thing is, this movie was made way back in 1997! So I guess you could say that Jerry Bruckheimer got the idea for ‘Sixty Seconds from R.P.M…..Naw. Starring David Arquette and Famke Janssen, this `movie' is set in the south of France where Arquette is hired to steal the prototype of a gasless car named R.P.M. (Deciding the name of the car must have taken a whole 2 minutes.). Arquette and Janssen soon find themselves out for the same thing, and their `chemistry' between each other is very hard to swallow at times, all the way up to the ‘secret' they share with us by the end of the movie. Everything about this movie is wrong. From the acting, and again I use that term loosely, to the unrealistic one billion dollar paycheck for the R.P.M. If there is to be any redeeming qualities of this entire movie, I must admit that Famke Janssen is looking as beautiful as usual.

It is this reviewers opinion to spare yourself the humiliation of actually paying money to rent this, and wait until it comes on regular t.v., not even HBO, and watch it in the privacy of your own home.
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agnosiaman3 July 2001
I must warn you all, as a fellow member of the human race, to steer clear of this film...far clear. I rented this movie, and now I want those 90 minutes of my life back. However, I must say it felt far longer than that.

RPM was a disgrace of a film. It promotes the idea that oil is a perfectly good erotic lubricant, and numerous other monstrously ridiculous concepts. I write this comment not to insult the film, but to actually warn the public of this wretched beast of motion picture entertainment.
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Wow. I never cease to be amazed.
Anonymous_Maxine9 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
RPM would seem to be a rip-off of Bruckheimer's ridiculous Gone In 60 Seconds, until you realize that it was made three years earlier but didn't generate any attention (and for good reason) until Gone In 60 Seconds came out, and hardly even then. David Arquette is spectacularly miscast as a car thief who steals cars not for the money, but for the rush (and for the all but pulsating cliché) because, he believes, all the right things end up with the wrong people. That turns out to be true in RPM, since there are such a wide variety of beautiful cars getting stolen from complete morons. One man, for instance, meets Famke Janssen's Claudia on some remote mountain road, attempts to get her drunk on his champagne (on the shoulder of the road, of course, not at home or anything), and then she ties him up and steals his car in front of his very eyes. He is, as would any thinking person, completely incapable of removing his own belt from around his ankles (or even thinking to do this) in order to save his precious car. He doesn't deserve it anyway.

We learn early on that Luke (David Arquette) has a way of getting around the police, since his father is able to pull some strings with them (mainly with his massive checkbook), which he does only because Luke keeps coming up with cool little gizmos that make him a lot of money but that he uses to help him in his stealing adventures. There is a particularly belligerent scene early in the film where a female officer comes to arrest him, and he sneaks out of the building and casually flees the scene in her cruiser, with the siren on. Because that's the safest way to escape, of course. IN a police car. With the SIREN on. Let the forehead slapping begin, but don't get your palm too sore yet, it gets much better.

The plot of the film is a pathetically thin spider-webby clothesline of a thing that is barely strung together with a lot of awful, awful scenes, each seeming to try to outdo the last. I've seen James Bond do a wheelie in the cab of an 18-wheeler, and I just about fell out of my chair at the stupidity of THAT, but it's WAY outdone here. Luke is in Nice, France (evidently for no other reason than to pack the film with bad accents), with the hopes of stealing the greatest discovery in automotive history (the RPM, which runs on a gasless engine), and after stealing a Bond-style car, he makes a quick stop on the side of the road to rescue a damsel in distress from some street punks (which he does just as casually as if he were picking up a friend who was waiting for him). As he's running from the police for stealing the car, he drives UP the side of a tunnel, and lands it on the roof of an oncoming big rig (commenting, `I haven't done this in a long time.') This is, all joking aside, a serious contender for the most jaw-droppingly ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a movie in my LIFE.

Later, Claudia goes to steal a fancy red car, and after flirting with it's idiot owner, she decides that, instead of ditching her Jeep and jumping into the sports car, she'll just grab the wheel and drive away with both of them. Yeah, you know how sometimes people will ride a bike and hold onto the handlebars of a second one? Evidently this can be done with cars, too. It makes you wonder if anyone read the script before the movie went into production, or if anyone actually watched the sad, belligerent mess that it became before they released it. Cars are hard things to push, I've done it. For the most part, they're pretty heavy machines. But I suppose that in some mythical world where the police jump off of their motorcycles and into moving vehicles before those vehicles show any signs of attempting to escape and where mechanics slide under the cars they're working on feet first, women as skinny as Claudia can push a car while driving another car and only holding it by the steering wheel.

Arquette simply cannot handle the role that he is given in this movie. An ever present cigarette is not enough to make him able to play a hardened criminal, he's too much of a lovable goofball. This may be, by the way, how he can steal a car, get caught by it's naked female owner, and turn her into a car thief as well the same day, and then convince her to help him steal the RPM. In one of the most laughable lines in the film, he informs the audience, `The place was like Fort Knox, holding the biggest automotive breakthrough in history. I was gonna have to be good.' Well, luckily for him, the replica of Fort Knox was of the kind that doesn't notice low-flying aircraft dropping off red-flag car thieves wearing bright blue jumpsuits and cute white roller-blades, unconscious guards laying just outside the wide-open main entrance and, my favorite, that employs technicians and mechanics that flee the scene like frightened cattle when the lights go out, leaving the greatest breakthrough in automotive history alone with a couple of car thieves that have made their way into the central vault with little to no difficulty whatsoever. It's amazing no one has tried to attack the real Fort Knox after watching this, if it's that easy to get into.

(spoilers) RPM is a bad movie that is not likeable as a bad movie, the way films like Death Race 2000 are. This is not enjoyable camp, it's ridiculous garbage. The prize for stealing the RPM is a ludicrous one billion dollars, but of course when he's close to getting the money, Luke decides that it would be cute to demand TWO billion dollars (which he demands in true Dr. Evil form, except without any sense of amusement and, luckily, without holding his pinky to his mouth). There is, of course, the obligatory idiot romance, which turns out to be with the woman who caught him stealing her Viper, but also the suggestion that there is a frustrated romance between Luke and Claudia (who later turn out to be brother and sister). Just after all of the mechanics flee the RPM like scared children, Claudia asks Luke why they can't ever be close, and he responds with a line the grammatical correctness of which reflects the sheer lack of intelligence in the rest of the movie.

`Because every time I turn my back on you, you stole everything I ever had.'
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If this "movie" was any better I would have walked away.
krasan29 May 2002

That is actually the dumbest film I've ever seen. The only thing that kept me from walking out was to see how bad could this go and believe me I was not disappointed.

The plot (haha) is centered around some ultra fast car prototype that runs without fuel but that's just an excuse to put some (not enough) nice looking cars together with Famke Janssen (beautiful as always) in a stupid and boring flick that will make u laugh only at the weaknesses of the movie and not at the actual jokes.

The stunts are sloppy, the dialogue is as cheesy as it could get, and there are so many plot holes that it just doesn't make any sense to list them.

The only reason that I'm not disappointed is that I know now that if somebody asks me, which is the worst movie, I have the answer :)
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Dave-3307 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start really? Arquette trys really hard to not make this movie horribly bad, but unfortunately carries it even further down the hole. Whether by design (as a spoof) or on purpose (REAL drama (HA!)), this movie lacks really anything of... well anything. Arquette's voice-over work is the only thing even remotely entertaining, and that is because the soundtrack is actually NOT out of sync with the characters lips. It seemed like I was watching a Chinese film, or even worse a Godzilla movie, rather than a film done mostly in English. It becomes really annoying after about a minute, and makes the whole film seem even cheaper.

Oh yeah, plot! The characters are Arquette, his dog (who he refers to and speaks to like a person through the entire movie (AGHHHHH) and is the second main character in the whole production), Famke Jannsen, and the French girl. Basically Arquette is a car thief, so is the dog (sorta), and Jannsen is one as well. The French girl is just obligatory, so you don't have to watch Arquette speak and act to the dog for the whole ninety minutes.

The plot is that the two (three (four)) of them are supposed to steal a prototype car. Sounds cool right? Sorry, you are treated to bad chase scenes, a bad helicopter scene, dumb plot twists, cheesy dialogue, bad acting, Arquette panning to the camera at every second possible, AND NO REAL PLOT. Every scene just seems to outdo the last one for being amazingly bad. You don't believe me, here's an example SPOILER: Arquette happens to just end up pool side of the naked girl who's car he just stole, and the same car was stolen from him, and the girl is the former girlfriend of the guy funding the stealing spree. END SPOILER. Is that dumb or what? Come on, how many coincidences can you shove into a movie and just blow off.

I used to think that Congo was the worst movie ever made, now I may have to reconsider. The movie looks like it was made in the early 1980's, is dubbed like Godzilla, and has Hudson Hawk (which by the way I enjoyed)-type plot twists, but lacks the creativity to make them enjoyable, and has BAD acting. Heck, they couldn't even make the police car look like a US police car, instead they just marked Los Angeles on the side of a French police car. I don't see very many marked Yugos in the States.

Sorry, I got off on a rant... just don't bother viewing this, obviously very few people have and that is for the best.
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5toker10 January 2001
I had a day dream today. I didn't have a job but I was filthy rich, I could pick up hot chicks with cheesy lines, I got to travel around the world and drive the C*#P out of KILLER classic cars (best part), and everything worked out exactly the way I wanted it to.

Who in their right mind would watch a David Arquette movie for its plot?! Not me. Simple props and random plot changes, cheezy stunts, bad acting, making fun of French people...it's all deliberate and to me, it's a pretty smart parody on how ridiculous Hollywood is. Why not?

But seriously, who cares? Get hammered and have a good time. It's all about the cars anyway!

rock the house
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David Arquette's "Hudson Hawk"
TD-TAS12 July 2001
Simply awful. Bruce Willis was quoted as saying that every actor/actress needs a "Hudson Hawk" in their career. This was easily David Arquette's "Hudson Hawk". Dreadful story-line, very ordinary car chases, little drama, no suspense and no twist at the end.

The Best bit of the movie was the credits. The Worst bit was the 91 minutes before the credits.

Anyone interested in watching this movie take my advice, go for a 91 minute walk and save yourself the anguish of this movie.

(Can someone send me the Director's Address, I want to bill them for the hire charge of this movie).
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Comedy Drama
warrior-2125 September 2000
I disagree that this was a lousy movie. This movie is very funny because of Arquette's character and his problems with car stealing. This movie is fast cars, stealing, love, danger, and everything in between.
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RPM: Remarkably Poor Movie!
uds315 September 2003
As one reviewer came close to commenting. This film is above crticism. To do so, bequeathes it a degree of status to which it is not entitled. In fact the only reason to watch it, besides the plethora of droolable vehicles on show is the undeniable pleasure to be had (assuming one is male...actually in THIS day and age, that is probably no longer a necessary requisite!) watching the professionally curvy Miss Janssen removing her skimpy black knickers for the purpose of inflaming the passions of her mechanic whom she has just erotically doused with what looks like seriously low-grade motor oil!

Anyone notice Jerry Hall scowling alongside the Aston Martin DB3? The years haven't been overly kind so it would seem, since her walk-on slinkathon in furs with Rock icon Bryan Ferry at the latter end of his "Lets Stick Together" film clip! Mind you...a life with Jagger???

But I digress! Arquette can never be anything but the goof he is..the film has by necessity been dumbed down to accommodate his dubious talents here. EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS I suspect is as good as ever he's likely to get. Having said that...he alone is not responsible for the talentless end-product that masquerades here as passable entertainment. You're talking el-cheapo production values, first-time actors, a script by creatively bereft 8th graders and hammy directing. Regrettably its not bad enough to be notable or off-beat enough to be vaguely interesting.

What it IS....is a home movie that neither Janssen or Arquette would want to include on their resume!
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the worst film ever!!!!!!!!
geezeracer12317 September 2004
this film is the worst one i have ever watched in my life ever and i mean ever.

from the minute i put it on it was crap i only watched ten minutes off it and had to turn it off i took it back and told them to take it off the shelf it should have not been allowed too even put on the shelf

the film should have been burnt

it said on the front fast and the furious verse gone in 60 seconds i don't think so it should not even been matched up to them two film it is not even in the same category

i have seen better school play that i have been too
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IQ13 February 2003
David Arquette was pretty bad in this movie. He's a professional Car thief who was hired to steal a new model car along with some other tight cars. There's some bad cars in this movie and I really enjoyed it. There's some funny parts in this movie too. I believe this is one of his best movies. People should definitely watch it.
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You just don't understand
dmoseley2 May 2003
This is a funny movie starring David Arquette and Famke Janssen about stealing cars. They are not just trying to steal any car though. Their main objective is to obtain a car called the RPM that is supposed to be a car that runs without fuel. More than that I think it is simply to be about the antics that take place.

This is one of those movies that isn't supposed to be picked apart and taken seriously. It has bad acting, effects, direction, etc. on purpose. It is made to be funny. Has anyone ever seen a movie from the decade called the 80's. By the way, this wasn't an inspiration for "Gone in 60 seconds". Gone in 60 seconds was a remake of the film Gone in 60 seconds (1970 i believe). That is also a film that is so bad that it is fun to watch.
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